"Tsk, you laugh so disgustingly, stay away from me, I don't need your service

Come on!" Bai Ji immediately shrank to the corner of the sofa.

"You actually said that your mother is disgusting~~" Victoria's smile

As the situation deepened, Bai Ji felt more and more uncomfortable.

"A nightgown is running around in the palace, and I don't change it for several days."

"In addition to eating and sleeping to metabolize, you can stay in bed for the entire

If the sky doesn't come down, it will almost become one with the bed.

"Comic books and periodicals are scattered everywhere, and the house is also a mess because of you.

The maid waiting in front of you said that she will have to go into your room to clean up in half an hour -

Said, otherwise the princess's bedroom would become a hen's nest. "

"I want all the food to be brought to your bed. Are you okay with that?"

Is getting out of bed an incurable disease?

“Then Victoria’s nagging was like a barrage of words.

Debai Ji was stunned for a while.

The childlike Lolita voice said this - she must be in her fifties or sixties

An old woman in menopause keeps nagging her, which makes people feel inconsistent and at the same time

Full of contrasts.

“Is your focus wrong?

The opponent's momentum is too strong

Bai Ji couldn't help but said weakly.

"Solanya, does this king love you too much and haven't educated you for a long time?

With a darkened smile, Victoria picked up Bai Ji's back collar and headed towards the bed.

Walk between.

"Eh? What are you doing?" Bai Ji struggled while being wiped by her buttocks.

"I'll give you a profound education~" Victoria said with a smile.

"Ah, have you really waited until this day? You have no conscience

Is Her Majesty the Queen finally going to get rid of my useless daughter? "white

Ji looked hopeless, "My heart is already dead, just do whatever you want."

"Stop showing off your pity here~ I will give you a treat no matter what you say today.

A profound lesson. "

"Tsk! Seeing that the tried-and-true tricks in the past failed, Bai Jili

He immediately turned his eyes for help to a certain pink-haired succubus who was watching a show.

"Dad~~Help~~" The prince felt that he couldn't bear it, so he simply

He turned his head away and stopped looking.

You really don’t care? Hello?!

The desperate Bai Ji was dragged into the bedroom by her unscrupulous mother.

Throw it on the Queen's bed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" The night before the game,

The eldest princess's heart-rending and inhumane screams filled the inner city.

The nobles who didn't know what happened started talking about it.

Bai Ji, who walked onto the field with a pair of panda eyes, further confirmed this rumor.


"Really, that fried white girl rubbed her stiff neck,

There were murmurs of resentment in his mouth. "Don't squeeze it. The Dian family has a competition today, blood-sucking insect!"

"Are you injured?" Prince White, who was standing on the opposite side, looked at him in surprise.

Holding the bandage on Bai Ji's neck.

"No, it's just a small accident. It's okay." Bai Ji

With a look of regret on his face, he held his neck, which seemed to be aching a little.

The wound has long since healed, just to cover up the mark of that shameful person

It's just a bandage meant to be used.

"Oh, then" seems to have thought of something indescribable

, White showed a meaningful smile.

Her Royal Highness is still young, and frequent nightlife is normal. See

Don’t point it out, see through it, don’t point it out.

The players are all in place. This will be the final battle. The Blood Spirit Royal Family never thought

I have ever held a competition festival and it was so profitable.

The original price of the ticket is affordable for most families in the Imperial City, but it is

After selling, it will be completely different. Those businessmen who are away from home can spend a lot of money.

No matter what, it is possible for a ticket to be doubled ten times, twenty times or even a hundred times.

This wave of people pretending to be black marketeers and reselling scalper tickets are making a lot of money.

Man, of course, the Vampire Clan officially prohibits this kind of second-hand transfer.

, as for privately

Bai Ji could tell from the fact that the arena was more crowded than the previous one.

This wave, this wave is the thief shouting to catch the thief, and the royal family comes down to join the battle.

Bai Ji could even picture Victoria lying down with a smile on her face.

In the bathtub of gold coins, while counting the gold coins, I talked about making money. Isn't it shabby?

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