The divine veins were inherited from the nine gods of creation, and their descendants established Jiu in Balande.

country, forming today’s mainland power.

Of course, divine veins are not exclusive to descendants of gods. Some continents have

Strong men are also qualified to receive this honor and can pass on their abilities to future generations.

Emperor Cypriel, the divine king in charge of deprivation and punishment, image

Most of them are strong knights riding horses. He symbolizes purification, strength and justice.

It is the nemesis of evil, a god believed by the Quran people, and is also a god.

Ancestor of the Luo clan.

The divine veins he left to his descendants are symbols of sanctity and punishment.

[Thirteen Holy Judgments], embodied as thirteen spears of different colors and shapes

Corresponding to one form of deprivation and punishment respectively.

For example, gold represents [ignore] and gray represents [steal].

Blue represents [wisdom and knowledge]

None of the popular science knowledge that appeared in Bai Ji's mind was important.

White, how old is this Prince of Gulan? He is only about fifteen years old.

Roland, who can awaken his bloodline at the same age, is already a bug, but this one is

The BUG among BUGs is that you can learn and use the awakening spell at such a young age.

He simply doesn't look like a fifteen-year-old boy.

How many years did it take for you to awaken your bloodline? Take the vampires who are also descendants of gods as an example.

Since birth, he has successfully learned the despair level spell before the age of thirty.

The royal family is already considered to be extremely talented. As for the magic spell at the level of divine veins, then

It’s something that happens after the age of fifty.

It's not without reason that Yana is called a genius that the vampire race can only encounter in a century.

And after learning the magic spell of the divine vein level, the awakening spell is not something you can just think about.

Yes, some queens waited decades or even centuries after registration before they were granted

The opportunity to awaken the bloodline is not unknown, and it may even take hundreds of years to wait.

Less than.

The average talent of the vampires is still the best among all the races in Baland.

, plus the vampire family has a long life, waiting for hundreds of years is not a big problem.

The chance of awakening is still very high, but those races under the Vampire Race

But they are not so lucky. They are not as talented as the vampires, nor are they as talented as the vampires.

In the lifespan of a clan, there is a high probability that he will die before awakening in his lifetime.

What is the concept of awakening your bloodline at the age of fifteen? Except for Leforno.

Everyone is born with the disease, and no big family can guarantee that they will wake up in their lifetime.


So when the audience in the noble seats saw White showing his awakened bloodline,

At that time, his face looked uncertain.

Just imagine that the goal that one strives for throughout his life is just the starting point for others. This

Who can have balance in their heart? ?

That's it, that makes sense.

This prince stole his knowledge of swordsmanship, so he

His swordsmanship is as good as his own, and as for the endless spells

It can also be explained clearly that it is most likely a blue spear that uses wisdom and knowledge.

No matter how powerful the ability is, it has its limits, because the two spears cannot be used at the same time.

Or maybe he wasn't proficient enough to use them at the same time, so he deliberately used the sand to hide himself in order to cover up the transformation process.

"Her Highness Solanya saw through it faster than I thought."

"Your sand blowing action is too obvious, Your Highness." Bai Ji raised her hand

long sword in. "You awakened your bloodline at the age of fifteen. Your Highness is really profound.

Hide or not.

"Ha, I am deeply honored to be praised by Her Royal Highness the Princess." Huai

Te spread his hands. "I just don't know if Her Royal Highness will be as lucky as last time.

Luck can turn danger into safety. "

The awakening curse is the most powerful manifestation of the curse. It says that the unawakened and the awakened

The difference in strength between them is not exaggerated at all.

To defeat Roland, Bai Ji had some luck and luck, such as Radiant Armor

Instead, Bai Ji's particles became the key to defeating Roland. However, against White

There can be no such chance of survival.

The gray gun dimmed, and the blue gun rose. Now that it has

Once exposed, use it openly, there is no need to disguise it.

The two arbitration statutes of limitations previously maintained on Bai Ji have almost expired.

In order to prevent Bai Ji's sudden attack, White will not be careless and must constantly attack

He repeatedly used magic spells to deprive Bai Ji of her ability to move.

Bai Ji, who was held tightly by various restrictive spells, was undoubtedly the most uncomfortable.

, The limbs seemed to be hung with a big chain ball, and the bones seemed to be filled with lead.

Movement is extremely difficult.

However, the advantages of the Quran Curse are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious. It can only be reduced

Bai Ji still remembers [The Thirteen Holy Judgments]",

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