"Prince White of Gulan announced that he had surrendered, and the champion of the finals was the Blood Spirit Prince.

Lord, Solanya!”

Amid the gradually boiling cheers, Bai Ji breathed a sigh of relief and folded her wings.

The curtain call came from the air, and the end of the festival was accompanied by the joy of triumph.

The joy brought by victory and the excellence of the new generation of queens earned enough public support.

Rejoice, as expected, the story of this princess will spread throughout the continent

, became a legendary story.

Some of the guests in the special seats who came here to watch vampire jokes looked lifeless.

Staring straight at Bai Ji like stars holding the moon, she was full of fear and difficulty.


Bai Ji has succeeded in defeating those who have intentions or ambitions against the Blood Spirit Empire.

People with a sense of luck have planted fear in their hearts. As long as she is still there, these people will

Forces with evil intentions would not dare to openly resist the authority of the Blood Spirit Empire.

On the other side of the special table, the face was red and full of joy. This would-be

The queen's future is limitless. It is conceivable that under her governance, the vampires will

Ushering in an unprecedented height, even surpassing the Qur'an

In the audience, the prince and Yana cheered as loudly as two branches

The chirping little sparrow, Victoria is much more stable and unchanged from the past.

A relieved smile appeared on his face.

People cheered the name of the eldest princess, and she was bathed in supreme glory and

Worship like never before.

Maybe this glory should belong to her, how can others stop it?

It doesn't help, this is the general trend.

Bai Ji, who landed on the ground, gathered her wings, dispersed the three big guys, and then leisurely

He yawned long and looked at the people coming towards him, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

White returned to his usual laziness and waved lazily.

"Excellent performance, Your Highness Princess, you really surprised me.

happiness. "

"We are friends. Your Highness the Prince played very well." After the fight, the guests

It is normal to exchange a few words of business praise, and Bai Ji did not hesitate to praise her.

White is indeed an outstanding person among his peers.

Bai Ji thought about how if she didn't get that memory, she would have to fight with White

They are not even on the same level as him, and they are not even qualified to compete with him on the same stage.


what. "Roland didn't even need to look to know that the girl next to him was

At this moment, he must be begging for himself with an expression like a pitiful little rabbit.

"Your Highness White, you lose, you lose!"

"Oh, victory and defeat are common things. How can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet." Roland, who had played several games with White without winning, did not find it strange.

"But, if His Highness loses." Naila's eyes were full of grief

Desperate tears. "All my money, what's left of my old foundation, is gone.

It’s over!”

"Oh, wouldn't that be better?

"Hmm?! What did you say??"


"Stupid! You have changed!" Naila said sadly, covering her heart.

You have learned so badly that you have imitated His Highness and tricked others!"

“Ah. After going bankrupt, I was betrayed and ridiculed by my relatives and friends.

The pain of life is unbearable, I don’t want to live anymore, unless someone is willing

Lend me some money for a while. "While talking, Naila also shook her eyes at Roland.

"Other than a lesson, I really have nothing to give you." "Who did you learn to have such a venomous tongue from, idiot!"

"Borrow it from Vina, I don't have much money with me."

"Vina? Come on, even if the sky falls, Vina won't lend me this

A good best friend and a good friend are worth half a cent!" Naila deliberately increased her voice.

"Vina is just a stingy person, a hairy iron rooster with such a long

I haven't borrowed money from her since she was so old. I just didn't know how old she was this time.

Can someone show mercy and kindness to save my childhood sweetheart?

"Naila said while glancing at Naila.

Vina had no time to pay attention to Naila's illness now. She stared at White closely.

The nails dug into the flesh.

"Vina? Don't look at it. The game is over. Your Highness has already admitted defeat.

Look, why don't you look at me? I should be the most important person now."

Naila, who walked up to Vina, lay on the former's body and kept rubbing her body.

Needless to say, it must be about money, and Wei Na didn't pay attention to her at all.

With plenty of time to spare, White bowed his head and remained silent on the court with a nervous look on his face.

Roland, who was aware of the problem, frowned slightly and removed Nai's hand that was attached to Wei Na's body.

Pull away.

"Did something happen?"

Your Highness, Your Highness Vina hesitated to speak. She remembered White's instructions not to mention this matter to these two people.

White's expression remained normal, but the man who had been with White day and night for so many years

Wei Na knew that his current expression was extremely unbearable.

If you get sick at this time, things will inevitably go wrong in public.

If it is passed back to Gulan, it will be troublesome if it cannot be protected.

Amidst the cheers, no one noticed that he bowed his head and remained silent.

White at this moment


"What's wrong?" Bai Ji noticed that the other party was acting a little unusual.

It was a little strange. I thought the opponent was disappointed because he lost the game, so I came over and poked him.

The other person’s forehead. "Your Highness, are you discouraged now? Oh, no.


"Bah!" White suddenly grabbed Bai Ji's wrist and raised the pair of cloths.

Bloodshot eyes and clenched teeth.

"You were frightened by the other party's actions. Bai Ji also noticed that Huai

Exception in special status.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? If not, get off

Go and have a rest. Although we don’t have a Qur’an physician in our palace,

Hey, are you really okay?"

White's crazily trembling body and shoulders gave Bai Ji an ominous premonition.

Since I met His Highness the Prince, he has never been so out of his mind like today.

"Quick, go away! White shouted at Bai Ji, followed by two

His eyes were slightly absent-minded, and there was a smile on White's face that shouldn't appear at all.

The evil smile.

"Why go away? Don't you think it's a waste to miss such good nourishment?" White's voice became distorted.

Bai Ji's eyes widened slightly, and the danger she felt instinctively made her quickly

Zi White retreated from the front and stretched his wings in an attempt to stay away from the opponent.

Something transparent.

"You can't run away, little snack!" White pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

Bai Ji.

The changes on the field attracted the attention of the stands, and Victoria raised an eyebrow.

They huddled together and stood up from their seats.

"Eh? What are you doing? This Prince Gulan has already lost and still wants to turn over


"You've already admitted defeat and yet you're doing this, how shameless is this? ?" said the audience on the stage.

People pointed and pointed.

Wei Na turned over from the fence without thinking, but was beaten by someone on the field.

The invisible barrier deployed intercepted it and bounced back to its original position.

"Naila, prepare to break through." Roland did not ask Wei Nahuai, who was obviously informed.

What happened to White? All priorities are before White's safety.

Finally, the top priority is to bring back the prince who is in an abnormal mental state.

"Hey, lend me your bow, help me!" Naila glanced around.

Stealing the bow and arrow of a vampire guard

Shiwei looked confused. When he came to his senses, he grabbed

The little girl holding her own bow has run away.

“Quickly get off the stage and bring the prince back!

"No, there is a barrier blocking it. I just tried it." Looking at the barrier

White, who was madly attacking Bai Ji, Wei Na gritted her teeth. If she had known this, she would have stopped her from coming to the Blood Spirit Empire to compete.

"Focus on one point to attack!" Roland is the calmest of the three.

, she summoned Radiant Armor. As a knight, she has no long-range attack spells.

Then he jumped directly from the stands and stabbed down with his long sword.

Naila gathered enough strength to draw the bow and fired at the barrier. Vina threw

took his own spear.

The barrier is motionless, and it is impossible to rely on their level of attack.

Can leave a gap in the barrier.

The Queen did not stay out of the incident and summoned the noble ministers as soon as the incident occurred.

and the palace guards came to the rescue, but the barrier was like a huge barrier blocking the road.

The mountain blocked everyone's way.

"Your Majesty, the spell seems to have no effect on this barrier."

In desperation, Victoria couldn't care so much and took action herself


The top elemental summoning spells and shadow spells bombarded each other, but the barrier remained


"Victoria, there is something strange about this barrier." The prince stroked the surface of the barrier.

Pi, his face became more solemn.

The magic blow was not canceled out, but directly ineffective.

This is astonishing. You must know that Baland is a cursed world.

Here, magic replaces technology, representing all of this and closely related to people's lives.

are closely related, and some scholars even suggested that Barand was originally caused by an incomprehensible high

A world made up of magic spells.

Immunity to the curse, what is this concept? It is no exaggeration to say that if someone is immune to the curse, he will have no rival in Baland, but this kind of violation

The ability to carry the world on your back is obviously impossible.

"What should we do?" Bai Ji looked at Bai Ji who was at an absolute disadvantage in the chase.

, Yana panicked.

"You guys, please tell your prince to stop! He admits defeat and still fights

What does it mean? Don’t you guys always talk about glory?

Are you coming?" Seeing Gulan and three other people approaching, Yana was furious.

Regardless of etiquette and etiquette, he rushed up and asked loudly.

"This is not a silent Vina show that we can stop whenever we want.

Bitter color.

Seeing the helplessness of Gulan and the others, Victoria also calmed down a little.

Come down.

If you think about it carefully, the Qur'an people are completely

There is no need for their prince to celebrate

Not to mention the incompetence of the people causing trouble in the ceremony, Victoria did not feel that the Qur'an was in control.

Possessing the technology of immunity spell.

If you really want to master that kind of technology, will you still be on par with the Vampires? The war would have started long ago.

"I guess it won't work with ordinary skills." Victoria closed her eyes slightly.

"Then, what should we do now?"

Feeling many eyes on her, Victoria opened her eyes.

He looked solemnly at the duel within the barrier and remained silent.

"Run, why don't you continue? ?" His behavior turned into a head.

Noso's White taunts his prey in the corner.

Bai Ji, who was panting due to severe injuries, watched with lingering fear as she pressed forward step by step.

Although White was a bit unfamiliar, she recognized this aura.

Devouring species!

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