The shock in her heart was overwhelming, but she had no time to care. She tried her best to escape so that she would not be chopped into pieces in the next moment.

"Struggle as much as you can. It's not fun if the prey is killed all at once!" White licked his lips and grinned a twisted smile. He was not in a hurry to catch up with Bai Ji. He was about to do it every time. When catching the latter, he deliberately slowed down and watched the prey struggling for life with great pleasure.

"Are you a Devourer?" Bai Ji gasped as she distanced herself from White. She realized that she had entered a misunderstanding.

Because Ke'er in this world line did not obtain the organ of God, she subconsciously believed that Devouring Species did not exist.

In fact, at this point in time, the Ultimate Black and the Immaculate White still exist, and they are still constantly looking for the strongest in various high-level planes other than Barand in order to provide energy for the [God].

According to the passage of time, the energy that maintained the operation of the gods in the second era was far from being exhausted. However, there were many high-level creatures who were eyeing Baland and penetrated his power into Baland through thought fluctuations. Virtue.

They usually disguise themselves as certain gods and grant small favors to the world. After the number of followers increases, they select a person with good qualifications and use their own power to influence his thinking to achieve the effect of controlling them. This kind of devouring species or People whose minds are controlled by alien species are called demoniacs, or cultists.

In Barand, there are many beliefs other than the Nine Gods. However, with the wave of cultists in the Second Era, the attitude of the forces headed by the vampires towards the cultists changed from turning a blind eye to relentlessly killing them all. The reason is that Interfering with the internal affairs of the Blood Clan and daringly summoning evil gods in the Palace of the Blood Clan, Elder Nim was also involved in apprehending these evil cult organizations.

"Devouring species? What is that? Is it what your backward and barbaric plane calls foreign creatures?"

Bai Ji guessed that the unclean thing hidden in White's body was an alien species that penetrated Baland's power. As for why he could penetrate

Bai Ji sighed softly.

This prince is so confused. How could he trade his body with these demons?

It all makes sense when you think about White's talent that doesn't match his age at all.

The alien species stimulates its potential, and White allows the latter to penetrate its power into his own body.

Making a deal with the devil. His Royal Highness is neither a paranoid nor a clueless idiot. Why would he choose to cooperate with an unpredictable devil?

"Since it is a backward and barbaric plane in your eyes, why are you trying so hard to infiltrate it?"

"Oh, you are just my prey, you don't deserve to know what I am going to do."

"Let me guess, did you get the news that it is possible to become a god in this plane, so you tried every means to get in?"

White narrowed his eyes and then sneered. "I'm still thinking about how to find an insider in this inhospitable plane. Why don't you just send me one!"

"Little one, tell me everything you know, otherwise I will have to rip out your soul and torture you."

"What do you know? I've already told you. I just heard it from hearsay. Really, apart from the fact that you are about to be sent back to your hometown, I really don't have any information to tell you." Bai Ji raised her eyebrows.

"You inferior female creature, how dare you play tricks on me??" White was not angry, but instead snorted and laughed twice. "Forget it, I prefer interrogation after torture to questioning!"

"Trash with a long tongue." Bai Ji pulled up the sickle and shouted towards the stands. "Hey, you three, your prince's disease is not easy to cure. Remember to pay more."

"? Huh?" The three people on the stage were a little confused.

"Hey, why don't you keep running? Are you planning to use that big lawnmower in your hand to deal with me?" White mocked.

[Familiar summons the evil-faced gargoyle] [Dead spirit summons the virtual image of Wushen] [Living spirit summons the resurrected tree man]

Ugly gargoyles, huge reapers, and wooden tree-men wrapped in vines surrounded Bai Ji.

"That's it? Do you think these little toys that look like a joke can protect you?" White mocked

At the same time, he waved his palms, and an evil wind carrying purple and black color blew in, and three huge alien figures appeared.

Creation is like a pile of sand that is annihilated by the wind.

Bai Ji is very familiar with this energy. There is no doubt that it is [divine nature]. Fortunately, it is in her arms.

Te did not intend to kill Bai Ji directly, but at the last moment he took away the spirit contained in it.

Sex, even so, Bai Ji was still hit hard

Not only is it difficult to cure, Bai Jiwu is terminally ill and has had her bones broken by the wind.

He lay on the ground so hard that blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

There are only two ways to hurt the Devouring Seed. One is to use divinity, and the second is to be able to

Attacks that directly damage the origin of the soul, such as Poliang's slash, and the ultimate sword of the Shenglun family

Jue Huan Tun.

If there is a third way, it is probably Gulan’s handed down artifact [Yuehuang].

This divine sword can absorb divinity and release divinity.

With Bai Ji’s hardware and small body that makes it difficult to lift dumbbells, divinity is impossible

Yes, it is possible that [Poliu] is still stuck on the back of the God of Creation. As for [Yuehuang]? Early

It was lost until Bai Ming attacked the ancestral gods.

I just found it, and now Bai Ming doesn’t even have any cells.

Yes, God knows where Yue Huang is.

So now Bai Jiwei's reliance is [Huan Tun], and she has information about [Huan Tun] in her mind

The perfect knowledge of "Swallow" can be released by simply resonating with the Radiant Armor. Although she does not have the ability to

Hui's armor, but that didn't stop her from asking someone to borrow it.

"Roland! Your prince needs to grind your armor into pieces to make medicinal powder for treatment. It's your fault.

It's time!

"?Huh?" Roland on the stage was confused.

"Stop it, idiot, the eldest princess asked you to break Tianhui into pieces!" The critical moment was still Naila's brain.

He turned the fastest and patted Roland.

"Okay, I understand." There was not much hesitation. No matter what, they could only agree now.

Xin Baiji, there is no other option.

After summoning the armor unskillfully and asking everyone to stay away from her, Roland used the armor


"Does she want to use the armor fragments to release [Huan Tun]? No, there is a barrier to block it." Before Roland could finish speaking, the broken armor fragments seemed to have been summoned, and they all came together.

It penetrated the barrier and gathered beside Bai Ji.

"When you go back to your hometown, remember to say hello to your parents. Oh, I almost forgot, you didn't

Mom and Dad. "Bai Ji, who was standing with a sword, thought that the victory or defeat was determined, and she started to get excited unconsciously.

"You even dare to look at the light beam rising into the sky and breaking through your own barrier, "Huai

Te' silently stopped talking.

What's going on?! Why would he feel threatened by an inferior mortal?


"Heh, did you finally come up with something decent?"

"It's not too late for you to pretend to be like this as long as you're alive and talking." Bai Ji bared her fangs.

"Go to hell!" White, who sensed the sense of crisis, had a premonition in his heart. If this beam of light becomes

Type, I will definitely be stunned.

So he was cautious and made a decisive judgment, that is, to kill the opponent before this.


"Tsk, are you in such a hurry? Then you can eat my big popsicle!" Seeing the other party rushing up, Bai Bai

Ji didn't care whether [Huan Tun] had finished reading or not, and directly guided the beam of light to smash down.

"The sword of the sky that crashed through the sky swooped down on the earth, and the indestructible screen

The barrier was smashed to pieces, and the aftermath was shocking, overturning the foundation of the competition venue.

"Your Highness!" Wei Na saw the situation and was about to rush to White's side, but was stopped by Naila.

"Are you crazy? !"

"let me go!"

"Your Highness will be fine, Roland, drag her away quickly!"

When such an incident occurred, the soldiers hurriedly organized the people to leave the venue, and the nobles fled in panic.


In the burst of smoke, the petite white figure stooped and coughed.

"The cost of treating this disease is still a bit high." Looking at the ruins and bricks that can be seen everywhere,

Bai Ji wondered if she could ask Queen Gulan to reimburse the money. After all, she was helping her son with medical treatment.


As she slowly stood up from the broken bricks, she vaguely saw a few streaks of smoke running towards her.

The figure coming over.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" The familiar voice was Ke'er.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Bai Ji waved to her, but after seeing her well, Ke'er

Her panic-stricken expression still hadn't eased. She was desperately saying something to Bai Ji, but

, Bai Ji can no longer hear it.

"Damn you little brat, you made such a cruel thing! Hou Mian penetrated Bai Ji

Heart, he laughed evilly. "I almost capsized in the gutter, but luckily everything was safe."


I will actually die

Bai Ji's knees weakened as her consciousness gradually went blank. Her consciousness gradually became darker. She felt like

People who slip and fall into the river gradually lose strength in the turbulence.

Just as the fire was about to extinguish, her vision was once again illuminated by a warm but not blazing fire.

The light comes on.

Bai Ji looked around in surprise. She had fallen in the ruins a moment ago, but now she appeared in the ruins.

In a magnificent palace. "Although we shouldn't do too much to this world, we finally meet, Solanya

Ratsambo. "-A very friendly female voice came, as if a stream of clear water flowed through the limbs and bones.

Give Bai Ji a comfortable feeling.

"?Who are you?"

"Ah, my words are a little hard to explain, so just treat me as a guy with a hot head.

Get rid of your outsider. "

"Outside the play? What do you mean? Could it be that you are Ratsambo?" Bai Ji made her own decision


"Rasambo? No, even though we do have this last name."

"Let's introduce ourselves. Our name is Bai Ji La Sambo, and our current occupation is Balan.

God of virtue, please give me some advice.

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