My name is Lilina. I don’t know how old I am this year. According to the age of the vampires, I should be

He is about five years old. He lives in the Blood Spirit Palace in Saplan State. He is unmarried and his mother is usually very fond of him.

I was busy and entrusted me to Nim, the great elder of Blood Spirit. I received royal education from him and had to do it every day.

I was trained not to leave until dinner time. I had to roll on the bed for more than ten minutes before going to bed slowly.

I sleep, and make noises until midnight every day. The whole palace is restless. The nobles and ministers privately say that I


What I want to say is that although I was naughty and teased the courtiers, and I teased Elder Nim last month,

He used his robe to make a cloak, stole the sword of the guard and the golden pot lid of the royal kitchen, and drank all the wine of the Duke of Leforno.

He took away the red wine stored by someone else, took away the ancient scrolls collected by Old Minister Delan, and even secretly stole the treasures from his aunt.

Under the bed comics.

But I know that I am a good princess.

When I heard the noise outside, I knew I was in danger.

A new round of pursuit against me has come again, but I'm not afraid at all, because I have...

Invincible -

After reading this, the young silver-haired girl put on her homemade 'armor' and 'helmet',

He put on his cloak and pointed the sword in his hand directly at the door, as if a knight who had experienced many battles was forced by a group of demons.

The last ditch effort.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open by the wind with a roar, and the white-haired devil was surrounded by a group of doglegs.

He walked towards me with a frightening smile.

"You're here." The silver-haired Xiao Qitu sighed, as if he already knew his ending.

"You knew we were coming?" The devil was smiling. "You knew we were coming, why did you dare to be so wanton?


"No need to say more." The silver-haired girl stood with swords in both hands and opened her sharp eyes.

"Destiny note

We are determined to have a battle, it doesn’t matter whether it’s early or late, come on, Lilina St. Lunlasambo 20

The ninth generation has been waiting here for a long time!"

"Are you going to challenge us? Oh, you have the courage. You are much bolder than before." Maybe I can't defeat you, but at least today my courage will be praised for future generations. "silver

The girl said as if she was ready to die. "I believe in the Nine Gods!"

"I believe you, little biscuit." The devil smiled and shook his hand, lifting the silver-haired girl up from the air. "It's been a long time since we taught you a lesson. Your butt is itchy? ?"

"Well, no, I am indeed the most powerful demon in nothingness. I am really no match for you.

Ah, my damn silver-haired girl rolled her eyes and her head drooped.

There is a saying that it is quite similar to pretending to be dead.

"Oh, he's dead." The devil smiled and leaned in front of the silver-haired girl's forehead, whispering softly. "Don't think

Just because you pretended to be dead, you can skip today's etiquette lesson. It's your punishment. "

"I, I'm dead, I can't hear anything. Lilina's body can't stop shaking -

Next, his eyes were closed more tightly.

"If you can still talk even after death, then you must not be dead yet." The devil's smile did not change. "Come here, give Her Highness the Princess some dessert. Since she is not dead, let her die first."

"Mother, I was wrong. After hearing this, Lilina's hair stood up immediately. She was a coward and a speed thief.


"Ah? Didn't you call us devils just now? Why did you change your tune so quickly?"

"Mother, do you have the heart to punish such a cute Lilina?~~" Lilina tried to be cute


"Oh, such a lovely daughter, can she cry for a long time if she hits her with a fist?" As soon as she finished speaking, Cream

The car appeared in the corner of the field of vision.

"Mom, I was wrong, don't do this, Lilina will die."

"It doesn't matter. If you die, I will bring your soul back and stuff it into your body again." Bai

Ji gently held Lilina's cheek and said words that were both gentle and vicious. "As long as we are here, you will die

Can't fall off. "

"Sister Huang, don't scare Lilina. The child is still young and it's normal to be naughty and mischievous. How can you understand this?"

Some things, this kind of punishment is too much. "Take the piss and regard Lilina as her own."

Yana stepped forward, knelt down and caressed the small version of the imperial sister lovingly.

"Lilina, be good~ Wait, what are these?" Seeing Lilina wearing

Yana gradually noticed something was wrong with the material of the armor.

"Ah, this, hmm." Lilina was secretive, knowing that she couldn't hide it, her eyes were filled with tears.

She shed tears and looked at Yana pitifully. "Auntie, you love me the most, right?"

"Don't move~" Yana's smile came after she gradually realized what was tied to Lilina's body.

Rong also gradually became dangerous.

She caught Lilina, took off her 'armor' piece by piece, opened it and looked at it, the smile on her face only grew.

"My collector's edition of Yana is laughing, her shoulders can't stop shaking and her fingers can't stop laughing.

Tuck in and flex.

"Sister Huang, no matter what you say, Che Guangbao is too much." Yana closed the book and sighed,

Then he grinned with a cruel arc. "I recommend ten more cars."

"It's impossible for such a naughty child not to be taught a lesson, so I recommend

I do it myself. "elegant

As Na spoke, she smiled and grabbed Lilina's back collar, who was about to sneak away quietly.

Taking the sword made of paper shell from Lilina's hand, Bai Ji sighed. "Leave it here

is you.

After saying that, Bai Ji left with a bunch of attendants. Not long after, there was a gradual sound in the room.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Delan." Bai Ji held a crumpled roll of paper, full of

He looked at the old man with gray beard in front of him apologetically.

Old Man Teresa is the head of the Melvey family and is now retired. However, in terms of qualifications, even Bai Ji

You have to call him "Sir" and give him some respect when you meet him.

This loyal veteran has been a minister for several generations and has served three generations of blood spirit girls.

The king, although retired now, is respected both inside and outside the court.

"Haha, it's okay, this scroll is just like an old thing, it's old and useless, sir.

If your Highness likes it, just play with it. By the way, I still have many such scrolls at home.

If Her Royal Highness the Princess likes, you can play with it at any time. "Maybe it's because Bai Ji came to see me,

Delan seemed very happy today. He was already very optimistic about Bai Ji, and now he looked at his long-term daughter.

The eldest queen ascended the throne to a height that no living being can look up to, and she was very happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Hey, no one has come to my place for a long time. My children and grandchildren have their own things to be busy with. In fact,

Your Majesty, your Majesty, you can take the old scrolls and fold them into paper. Your Majesty, you can come to me specially

Look at me, haha

Mr. Delan is really lonely.

As soon as she thought about this, Bai Ji, who wanted to spend more time with the old man, saw the old man and hurriedly got up.

"Oh, look at my memory. How can I not give the queen a cup of tea when she comes? I'll go right now."

Prepare refreshments. "

"Does Mr. Derain have no maids?"

"Hey, it's unnecessary. You can't chat with those young people. Almost all the people in the same period have gone to their graves. If you want to find someone to chat with, you can't find anyone. Hey

Bai Ji watched Delan brewing tea without saying a word, and listened to his emotion about the past. "Think about those days

When the previous queen first embraced you, many subjects held objections.

Leave it to a foreigner 2

"The vampire's first embrace cannot be with a non-royal member. To be honest, Queen Lilias

To be successful, I think this is a miracle, a miracle given by Ratsambo. "Delan's side


"I think the reason why such a miracle happened is that there must be something ulterior motives behind it."

Platoon, you may not believe it when it comes to Your Majesty the Queen. From that time on, I have always had an inexplicable admiration for you.

good. "

"Is it? lol.

"Later, my thoughts were confirmed. In terms of merit, you are well deserved to be the greatest blood spirit woman."


Bai Ji often wants to get rid of her family, what is she pursuing, but later she gradually understands.

Maybe it’s the tranquility of this moment.

Exploring when you are young, becoming famous in your prime, disarming yourself and returning to your hometown when you are old, enjoy this

Thanks to my own peace, I sat in front of the pavilion and chatted and drank tea with my old friends.

In the imperial court.

"Auntie, you are the best. I like you the most. Poor Lilina is hiding in the corner.

Weak and helpless, but extremely clever.

"You kid." Yana threw the pot lid aside helplessly.

Use the golden cauldron lid of the legendary kitchen utensil in the imperial kitchen as a helmet, and cut the robes of Elder Nim

He made a cloak, and finally used his own collector's edition comic books to piece together the armor.

This damn girl is simply much more naughty than she and her sister were when they were little. She can't compare. If

When I was a child, I would always call her "good at playing" when I met her.

"Auntie, you, you won't punish me, right?" Lilina's eyes sparkled,

Full of hope.

"Sit on the bed." Yana said helplessly after thinking about it for a long time.

"Oh." Lilina felt happy after hearing this. Yana probably said this because she couldn't bear to punish her.

He jumped onto the bed obediently and swayed on his feet.

"Quickly, lie down on the bed and scream a few times, the more miserable the better.


"Don't scream louder, your mother will probably have to add some ingredients to you later."

"Hmm." Lilina, who understood Yana's intention, immediately followed suit, lying on the bed and pouting,

A passionate cry.

"Whoa, whoa!"

"Ah! It hurts so much, oooooooo!

Yana sat by the side and thought about how to explain to Bai Ji later.

"Auntie, be gentle, be gentle! Don't, it hurts so much.

"There, it's the first time there. It hasn't been developed yet. Auntie, don't do it there.

"Uh, wuwu~~ No, wuwu~~ I don't want it anymore

"? ? ?" Yana sat aside and listened in confusion. If she hadn't been watching, what would she be doing?

She didn't do anything, and she even doubted whether she had done something to Lilina.

What the hell is this shouting about? Why is it getting more and more outrageous?

Yana felt that she had to stop Lilina, otherwise the guards and women heard outside

The servant most likely misunderstood what happened between him and his niece!

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