Blood Princess and the Knight

1~It’s time for you to go to school, Lilina

"Your Majesty the Queen, last night Her Royal Highness the Princess moved the Rassam Bodhisattva in the center of the Imperial City Square.

It's like the sword has been taken off the hand. "

"Your Majesty the Queen, during the aristocratic gathering at noon yesterday, Her Royal Highness Princess Lilina went to Melville

The young master of the family put a caterpillar on his dinner plate, causing him to make a fool of himself at the party.

"Her Majesty the Queen

"Okay, okay, no need to say more, let's guess, did Lilia commit an offense again??"

"Uh-huh, no, I'm telling you, it's time for afternoon tea." Bai Ji stared at the backs of her subordinates and servants with a dark face. Next to her, she was knitting a sweater.

The silver-haired girl chuckled, but said nothing.

"Let me tell you, who is this sweater knitted for?" Bai Ji held her chin with one hand and looked sideways at someone without saying a word.

An unscrupulous retired queen who makes fun of herself.

"Speaking of which, you have started learning to knit sweaters, and you are reminiscing about your past with an old lady in a wheelchair.

Like a mother-in-law. "Bai Ji pursed her lips. "Do you want me to get a pair of reading glasses for you to wear?

We all have the illusion that we have entered our twilight years.

"I'm no longer a queen. I have to look like I'm retired when I retire." Lilias said

The words are still so provocative, and there is a hint of liberating ease in the words, just like being under high pressure.

The same is true for students who are in a completely liberated state.

"My daughter is busy with many things and has no time to accompany me. My granddaughter's education does not require my intervention. If she does not cultivate

There are several hobbies that I would drown in. "Don't tell me that you seem to be the kind of empty-nest old man with no one to accompany you. These are the

Is it a hobby you want to develop? Really, if you have time, help me educate Lilina more.

," Bai Ji said with a sad face.

Only when she really becomes a mother will she know what it is like to have a naughty child under her knees.

What a headache.

I always inadvertently think about what to do with this child in the future. He has been so naughty since he was a child. Isn’t that right?

He also made the Duke's children cry.

A king who does not know how to unite people's hearts cannot secure his throne. Mortal energy is limited after all.

No matter how powerful the queen is, she cannot manage such a huge empire by herself. At this time, the relationship with her vassals becomes particularly important.

Bai Ji often wonders whether Lilina will be able to take on such a big responsibility after a thousand years.

I forgot about it. It seems that I will not die even after a thousand years. Maybe Lilina will die one day.

I'm still struggling.

But this does not prevent Bai Ji from being deeply worried about Lilina's future.

This child is too out-of-touch and loves teasing others. How can he deal with his peers well?

What's the relationship between them? ? Oh, this peer refers to biological age.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to see how my granddaughter is doing~" Lilias rolled her eyes.

After a while, he wholeheartedly agreed.

They called the maids and attendants waiting outside and asked them to bring Lilina over, but they

But no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find it.

"You moved too much and alarmed Her Royal Highness the Princess." Facing the few people who came back to apologize,

Bai Ji said neither salty nor bland. "She started playing hide-and-seek with you. Go look under her bed.

Find it. "

The guards looked at each other in confusion. After taking the order and leaving, not long after, they came in and there was another person behind them.

A small white tail.

"Lilina, come to grandma's side." Lilias smiled kindly and looked at Lilina


Lilina stood with her hands behind her hands and looked around. She was worried that the child had done something wrong and was summoned by her parents.

With an extremely vain look, he walked over cautiously.

"Grandma~" Lilina lowered her head slightly, put her hands behind her back, and her voice was soft and waxy.

"Hey~" Lilias was so excited that she rubbed Lilina's head and couldn't put it down.

"I heard from your mother that you are being naughty again?"

"Ming" Lilina immediately looked away.

"Why do you always play tricks on those noble young masters and ladies? They really want to be friends with you.

Friend. "Lilias asked gently.

"Tsk!" Bai Ji next to her smacked her lips.

That’s it? That’s all we ask you to educate us? How did you educate us before? Just copy it?

She is also teasing people, why does she have to risk her butt blossoming every time, it’s Lilina’s turn

Here are just a few words from Hefeng Xiaoyu? It’s really unfair. Bai Ji felt a subtle sense of imbalance in her heart.

"I know, Lilina looked away awkwardly.

"But what?" Lilias asked gently.

"The way they look troubled is really interesting."

"! ?" Bai Ji narrowed her eyes. Lilina showed no remorse on her face when she said this.

A hint of pleasure was revealed.

Rasambo's ancestral sinisterness and shackles were completely inherited by Lilina.

"Lilina, they are your future ministers. It is terrible to leave such an impression on them when they are young.

No, do you know what you did was wrong? ?" Bai Ji coughed dryly, breaking the gap between her and Lilias.

Conversation between people, serious way.

"Hmm, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong

wrong. "Say important things three times, Lilina always

He apologized sincerely and never repented, and his posture and tone of apology were perfected.

However, Bai Ji was not that easy to deal with. She smiled and looked at the man who apologized very piously.

Lilina said coldly.

"Come here, if you don't take care of your family affairs, you won't be able to remember.

"Grandma, save me!" Lilina, who turned pale with fright, found her supporter instantly.

"Okay, okay, be good, don't be afraid, don't be afraid~ Your mother won't dare to hit you when grandma is here." Lily

Yasi is like a kind grandmother who protects her granddaughter.

"???" Bai Ji stared at the interaction between the grandmother and her granddaughter, dumbfounded.

Is it completely different from my original situation? ?The difference in treatment is too obvious!

"Lilina, we will send you away next week." Bai Ji took a deep breath and then smiled.

Said without a smile.

"Nanny, she is going to kick me out of the house." Lilina hid pitifully.

Behind Yasi.

"The children have apologized, but this kind of thing has gone too far, Xiao Bai Ji."

I really want to protect Lilina to the death.

"This child is too naughty. We don't want such a naughty daughter. We might as well just throw it away." Bai Bai

Ji folded his arms and pretended to be disdainful.

"You don't want me to want it. Wouldn't it be better for children to be naughty? This is called vitality." Lilias

He seemed a little angry and glanced at Bai Ji. "You are really capable. Throw it away just as your daughter says.

, then you might as well throw me out as well. "

"Does such a protective Lilias really exist? Really. But

So angry. We must be angry with Lilina. Well, it’s not because we don’t have any.

I felt unbalanced because I felt Lilias protecting her calf.

"Stop making trouble, Lilias. What we mean is that Lilia has reached school age."

Bai Ji told the truth that Lilina, who was already five years old, had to go to school. Bai Ji had been

That’s why you’re looking for a school.

"Go to school? Lilias looked at poor Lilina, then at Bai Ji,

He hesitated. "Are you leaving the imperial city?"

"Of course." Bai Ji sighed. "Isn't that natural?

The college Bai Ji was looking for was not within the Blood Spirit Empire, and it was not a school founded by the Blood Clan.

The academy is not good. Indeed, sending Lilina to a Blood Spirit private or public academy would be a good idea.

Everything is fine, there is no need to worry about anyone bullying her.

But is this really good?

Even in a few decades, people will not be able to move forward without going through any ups and downs.


Therefore, Bai Ji decided to send Lilina to Baland Millennium Brand Old School, located in the largest school in mainland China.

Central's Balder College.

This college, which has been standing in the mainland for thousands of years, has always adopted Ning Que’s admission standards over the years.

Needless to say, only aristocrats with extraordinary talents and comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty will be able to rise above the rank.

What's worse is that no matter how high your status is or how much money you have, you still can't reach the threshold.

Since the initial founder of this college was a virtuous old man from the Qur'an, although in the later stages

Gradually separated from the control of the Quran Empire, but the values ​​​​were retained after all, that is, the

The vampires are extremely disgusted.

The academy was founded in the Second Era and survived the catastrophic crisis at the end of the Second Era.

During the Era, he disappeared and hid himself, only to resurface in the Fourth Era.

According to historical regulations, vampires are not allowed to enter this school in any form to study.

Today, however, it can only be said that times have changed.

The Queen of Blood Spirit returns as the savior and the strongest person on the continent, whether it is openly or secretly

In the dark side, no one in Baland dares to disobey the Queen who covers the sky with one hand.

Not only must they not be disobedient, as the new god who saved Baland, Bai Ji has admirers all over the world.

All over the world, temples and statues were built for her regardless of race or belief. The purpose was: Who dares to rebel?

They will destroy the stubbornness of Her Majesty the Queen.

In this atmosphere, the entire continent's forces are respectful to the Blood Spirit Empire. This is similar to

The Second Age was very different.

In the polarized Second Age, although the Blood Spirit Empire was also a powerful country, in most countries

The reputation of the children is not very good, due to the propaganda of the Gulan royal family and most civilizations' disapproval of the vampire diet.

Habitual incomprehension has led many powerful countries to stay away from the vampires. In their view,

This is just a concentration camp for monsters who are powerful but have no order or moral bottom line.

The current world is different. Today's Gulan royal family no longer hates the blood clan. Whether it is politics or

There is no need to smear the vampires whether it is necessary or personal grudges. Promoting this kind of thing is not enough.

Nothing to do?

Coupled with the awe-inspiring righteousness shown by the vampire's foreign enemies and Bai Ji's ascension to the gods, this...

Isn't it the same as seeking death to rebel against the vampires?

Moreover, when the Ancestral God crisis came, Balder College was directly flooded. In this

Continental waste

It is extremely difficult to rebuild after the disaster when everyone is desperately poor.

Seeing that this thousand-year-old academy was about to draw its final sentence, it was the Blood Spirit Queen Bai Ji who

Take action.

The school was grateful to Bai Ji and claimed that it would unconditionally accept the Blood Spirit Emperor every year for three hundred years.

There are three hundred places in the national newspaper.

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