Balder College.

In the middle of winter, the two rows of trees used to welcome the spring have lost their green color and been covered with white cotton.


As the saying goes, winter has arrived, can spring be far behind? All things sleeping are waiting for the next spring.

As time goes by, everything changes and the new year will be full of vigor and vitality.

However, this year, Lilina is destined to miss the harvest festival. Therefore, she is a newcomer to this strange place.

She was unhappy in college.

She doesn't know anything else. She only knows that she receives many gifts every harvest festival.

Both my mother's courtiers and nobles of all sizes would come with gifts, and they would be very happy to receive them.


Just like the royal family will try to win over the nobles, the nobles will treat themselves in order to improve the royal family.

We need to rack our brains to understand the interests and hobbies of each royal family and invest in them.

Good is necessary.

There is knowledge in this area, and it must be done properly, otherwise if you are not careful, you will let some of you

The overly conscious royal family thought that the nobles were spying on their private lives, and they felt unhappy about this.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, giving things to each other is a good idea, so I have to bring it with me. "I'll listen to it from so-and-so."

Say something like "You're interested in this."

It has to be said that the intelligence network of the nobles is not just for free. Lilina will attend the ceremony every year.

Various swords and armors were received from the items.

Perhaps it is a legacy of memories from her previous life, but Lilina has a special affinity for things like swords and armor.

Zhong, the ornate long sword made her so fond of it that she even brought it with her to study in the academy.

The school system of Balder College stipulates that there are four semesters in a year, one for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The period is not long, and there are also weekends and various holidays.

Now is the season when Balder College is about to start school, and there are two or two pedestrians on the street.

Balder is not so much a college as it is a capital city for scholars.

It's more like a big city than a school.

Lilina, who was sitting on the luxurious carriage, held her cheek in her hand and looked absently at the snowy scene outside the window.

"Your Highness, the Balder Academy is just ahead." The head maid specially sent by Bai Ji

Standing respectfully beside Lilina.

Lilina glanced at the towering city wall in front of her.

The tall gray and black walls rising from the ground give people a solemn feeling, just like a tower that makes people unable to see.

The peak at the end is so thick, with large and small spiers rising from the city wall, with uneven roofs.

Soaring into the sky.

The most eye-catching thing is the arched building at the top, with a green star suspended at the top.

The huge glass bead is said to be the hub of the entire Balder City, a highly enchanted city.

The energy core of the city.

This bead is called the Balder Bead, and Balder Academy was founded on it.

There are many villains with ulterior motives who want to take it as their own in the long history of the world, but their treacherous plans will eventually end.

None succeeded.

This bead was destroyed during the invasion of the Ancestor Gods and serves as a symbol of Balder Academy.

With the energy core, the destruction of the Bald Pearl will undoubtedly cause the destruction of the entire Bald Academy.


No one can repair the beads anymore.

Balder City is built close to the mountains, but the mountains have become its backdrop. Under the magnificent city walls, it looks

So small.

It was spectacular, but Lilina couldn't bring herself to do it at all.

On the fourth day after leaving the quilt, I thought about it.

Lilina is related to Bai Ming to a certain extent, but she is not Bai Ming after all.

After being reborn, she is a brand new soul. Although there are memories about Bai Ming in her mind, she is a new soul.

Some memories and experiences, the mentality is still that of a child, for example, being far away from home makes you unhappy.

Will miss home.

Balder City is breathtaking, but it didn't attract much attention from Lilina. She is now

All the attention is on whether I can go home for the holidays at the end of the year.

"Princess, please cheer up. Apart from you, there are many more vampires in Balder Academy this year.

students, like you, we all left our hometown and parents at this age, but we all

I am very eager to try and yearn for school life. "The maid comforted.

Not long after, the carriage stopped in front of the gate of Bald City, but no guard came out to receive it.

The maid got out of the car, holding an identity card in her hand and motioning for Lilina to get out of the car.

"Your Highness, this identity card is used to open the gate of the academy. You need to stand there in person.

Next to the door, um, to use it, the face is pointed at the framed screen. "

Lilina took the crystal card, which was made of unknown material.

"This card is very important to Her Royal Highness Princess Lilina's future academy life, please keep it properly."

"Well, I know." Lilina pouted. Lilina had read the instructions for specific usage.

This is needed for dining, bathing and training rooms.

Is this card so magical?

Lilina looked through it again and again, like a country girl coming to the city.

She channeled her spell energy into it, and the entire crystal card lit up.

, stuff it in

Card slot, huge city gate] flashed with a dizzying spell array, followed by a burst of machine

Mechanical sound.

"Identification completed, first-year student.

The door opened, and a brand new street appeared in Lilina's field of vision.

For Lilina, who is accustomed to the vampire architectural style, it has a very exotic atmosphere.

The simple but not simple streets give people a very good first impression. They are very clean and seem to be in the city.

There are staff dedicated to the routine maintenance of a tidy environment in the town.

This kind of town service is difficult to see in places other than the Imperial City in the Blood Spirit Empire.

The building complex is somewhat like the Koran, but also somewhat different. After all, Balder’s first principal was

For the Quran people, it is normal for there to be remnants of Quranic architectural style.

Regardless of whether it's Gulan style or not, Lilina doesn't feel very comfortable looking at it. Everything is unfamiliar and makes her feel uncomfortable.

She was so repulsive.

Just when she was about to return to the only familiar carriage in the entire town, the head maid was -

An invisible spell energy intercepted it.

"No one other than our own school is allowed to enter."

"It seems that I can only send you here, Your Highness Princess." The head maid showed a hint of helplessness.

In order to cultivate students' independence, the college strictly prohibits students from bringing in maids and attendants

Such servants.

That is to say, before you come in, no matter you are a queen or a princess, the son of a grand duke or a party

After the merchants, they are all students after they come in. They are all treated equally.

This is a college, not a place where aristocratic young masters and young ladies are domineering. The school should look like learning, and train students instead of other things.

What, you said you are the eldest son of a duke? You can only walk alone without seeing the princess coming in?

Who do you think you are, the son of a prince?

Balder College has always implemented the admissions principle of "preferring shortage over excess" and "survival of the fittest".

There are many positions on campus, such as the student union president, ethics committee chairman, etc.

It is all the responsibility of the students themselves.

The biggest difference of this college is that the school cultivates not only abilities, but also

People with strong communication skills will be able to obtain more resources. As for those abilities

People who are not strong and solitary should be left to their own devices.

For the first time, there was no carriage and no servants. Her Highness Lilina could only carry her luggage by herself.

Check the map again and again.

"This map is so messy." Lilina, who had detoured for a long time and then returned to the original place, was worried about this ghost.

The impression score of the place dropped again.

"I'm so annoyed, so annoyed, I really want to go home." Lilina sat on the luggage shaking her legs with a sad look on her face.

, the map was thrown aside by her.

After complaining for a long time, Lilina could only continue to find the way to the dormitory.

It’s snowy day and it’s autumn break again. There’s not a single student on the street. Lilina just wants to catch one.

No one asked for directions. Fortunately, the vampires had strong cold resistance and could hardly feel the cold.

She kicked the stones on the roadside as she moved forward, and seemed to see a strange eye in the distance.

A familiar figure.

Lilina's eyes widened slightly, and she walked up quickly.

As if he felt the footsteps behind him, the man in front glanced back, and then his expression -

He changed and quickly quickened his pace, as if he was in a hurry to get rid of Lilina.

"Hey, stop."

Hearing this, the people in front ran even harder, as if Lilina was some kind of demon who chose people to eat.

Seeing that the man had no intention of stopping, Lilina, who was running behind, quickened her pace.

His physique was obviously much better than that of the runner in front. He took three steps and then two steps to catch up with the runner in front.

"Why are you running? Didn't you hear me tell you to stop?" Lilina grabbed the shoulder of the person running in front.

"You don't want to see me that much?" Lilina tilted her head, and after steadying the other person, she slowly

Slowly walked to the other party.

No. "The girl with light blue braid lowered her hands to carry her luggage, respectfully

Bi Jing lowered his head. "See Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Hey, no, really no?" Lilina asked again and again, looking at her head in confusion.

The girl's bag is getting lower and lower.

"But, "No, I have to get away from this annoying princess quickly", this kind of thinking

It's all written on your face. ”.

No offense intended. "The girl didn't dare to look into Lilina's eyes.

This girl with light blue hair is undoubtedly known to Lilina. She is a direct member of the Melvey family.

The eldest daughter, as one of the several great dukes in the Blood Spirit Empire, should have enjoyed a life of fine clothing and fine food.

The eldest daughter was criticized by other family members for suffering from anemia. The position of the eldest daughter

He was even threatened by family separation, and his life was not very good.

Of course, the reason why Lilina met this girl whose family status was not very high was entirely because

For Yiyi——This girl is the sweet, sensible, lovely and charming Princess Lilina’s yi-yi-

Focus on the target of bullying.

"No, really not, really~ not even a little bit"

Son, don’t you have any~" Lilina Yiru

Started "bullying" the other party in the past

The girl remained silent

That's it, that's it

Lilina's face was a little flushed. She didn't know when she had been very obsessed with it.

The troubled and embarrassed look on others, whenever she saw this expression, it made her inexplicably unable to stop.

She knew it was weird, and she felt like she couldn't stop.

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