"If not, why are you running away when you see me? ~" Lilina looked at each other and lost with a smile.

She looks as if she is in pain, and her image is very similar to those villains with Diao Na heroines in novels.

"Hurry to report, it's too late, it's too late." The light blue-haired girl lowered her head and her voice was like a tiny mosquito.


"Even if it's a report, it's not so urgent, right? Can't I wait a moment?" Lilina held up the hem of her skirt.

, happily circled in front of the girl, and returned to the original place after three steps and two steps.

"The eldest daughter of Archduke Melvey, Miss Leni?"

Thank you for remembering my name. "

"Don't call me that kind of old woman with a bad brain, okay? It's the name of someone who often bullies.

I still remember the words very clearly. "" Leni stopped talking, but her intertwined hands were trembling.

'To be able to say such a thing so straightforwardly, this princess is so consistent

The evil in the world is just like those people.

Even if she felt humiliated and how her heart was tumbling, Leni did not dare to say a word, just because she was

Fang is the most powerful princess among all the people. Regardless of the fact that she is in the academy now, if she is really pissed off

Well, I'm afraid even the dean will have to come over and apologize in person.

Nowadays, which force dares to say that it can offend the vampires? ? If the queen is angry, the entire

Baland had to shake three times, in the true sense of the word.

It doesn't matter, no matter what kind of trouble it is, you can always get through it with patience.

"Speaking of which, do you know where the report was? I searched for a long time and couldn't find it. Melvey

relative. " Lilina took out the internal map of Balder College and kept drawing circles on it with her fingers.

You have the map upside down. "

"Oh, I see, no wonder - I couldn't find it, but this map is a bit weird,

The distance drawn on the map is only such a short section, why can’t it be reached after walking for so long?”

"The map is scaled down." Leni suppressed the urge to complain.

"Oh, that's it, I understand." Lilina nodded, "I don't understand at all." These four words

It was written on her face.


"False." Lilina threw away the map in her hand and spread her hands. "As you can see, I can't find where to report it, so I need your help, dear Melvi~ I can


Dare I say no?

Leni swallowed her anger, no matter her status or the relationship between monarch and minister, she could not refuse

Lilina's please no... is a request.

Even if she was reluctant to go with this unruly and willful Princess, she knew that she didn't

The right to choose.

As the eldest daughter born into a hereditary ducal family like Melville, she cannot be an only daughter.

The second uncle’s son, the third uncle’s son, the fourth uncle’s daughter, and even the children of the branch family became her

The competition finally trampled on her, who had no talent.

Rejected by her family, she got the opportunity she had won from her father and came to this school.

College, hoping to get opportunities for further study

What can I do if I am born with a disability like this and further my education?

The bloodline of the family is not complete, and it has grown so big. How will the curse progress?

In this way, there is no progress at all. So what if I just studied further?


The tug from the corner of her clothes pulled her out of her endless confusion. When she turned around, she saw Chao Zi.

A certain arrogant princess who is naughty

What do you do?"

"What to do?" Lilina raised her eyebrows and looked at her funny. "If I don't pull it again

If you do, you may have to turn into a pancake. "

After Lilina reminded her, Leni saw that the wall was less than a kilometer away from her face.

divided brick wall.

"What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed. Tell me to make me happy."

Sorry, I was lost in thought. Leni continued to lead the way without saying a word.

Soon, the two came to the hall of an arched building. There was a notice board hanging on the roadside.

Some of them had the words "New Student Registration" scrawled on them.

It's more casual than expected. I guess this season is not the time to welcome the new year. The vampires

The new student was probably a condition unilaterally put forward by his mother, and the school had to accept it even if he didn't want to accept it.

It can be seen from the fact that there is no one welcoming the new students at the school gate that this winter welcome is a temporary arrangement.

"Is that where you register?" Lilina pointed at the counter not far ahead, looking more closely.

A little weird.

There was no one at the counter. The only person working at the counter was lying on the table.

Fell asleep.

"Can you please excuse me~" Before Leni could react, Lilina walked over and knocked gently.

Knocked on the counter.

? "The old man in charge of the counter heard someone calling him and lay down in a daze.

He got up, glanced at Lilina, and then lay back down.

"? ?" Lilina felt like she couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to lean over and said softly. "Old sir,

We are freshmen here to report

, can you register our identity and dormitory for us? "

New students?" The old man yawned greatly. "How can there be any new students this quarter?

The bears are hiding in caves and hibernating, and the new life is ridiculous."

Lilina said nothing and threw the identity card in her hand to the old gentleman.

The old gentleman glanced at Lilina hesitantly, then looked at the ID card and pointed it at

The magic card slot on the side.

"Identity confirmed, first-year college Lilina."

"Lilina?" The old man muttered, feeling that he had heard this name somewhere before, but he couldn't help it.

It seems like I can't remember.

"Little girl, what race are you from?" He glanced at Lilina's excessively fair skin and

With long silver hair and scarlet pupils, the old man looked up and down and found it strange no matter how he looked at it.

She looks so delicate and has sharp points. Could it be that she is an elf?

No way, haven't all the elves been almost wiped out? Why are there still elves this year?

What about new students??

He soon noticed the inconsistency.

In the middle of winter, everyone wants to blend in with their cotton-padded jackets and quilts. The girl in front of them

But she was only wearing a thin sleeveless suspender dress and over-the-knee socks that had no warmth function.

Is it reasonable?


"Oh Vampire?" The old man's startled look made Lilina a little surprised.

"Is there something wrong with the vampires?"

"Oh, I didn't mention it, we started recruiting vampires this year." The old gentleman also said

He is considered a veteran employee of Balder College. During the years when he joined the job, vampires were not allowed to enroll.

Balder clearly stipulates that among the common values ​​of Baland’s power countries, the blood clan’s

His reputation has never been very good, and no one wants to live with a group of monsters that feed on the blood of intelligent creatures.


With the Queen of the Blood Tribe ascending to the throne to save the world, the reputation of the Blood Spirit Empire began to slowly improve.

, after the misunderstanding was resolved, many countries were willing to accept and understand this race.

Just like now, the vampires are allowed to enter school.

The two handed their ID badges to the old man in charge of the counter. After a while, the old man

He handed it back to the two and gave them specific directions to the dormitory.

It should be said that Barder College is worthy of being a thousand-year-old school standing on the mainland. The dormitory is actually a building.

A villa rising from the ground is surrounded by fragrant flower beds, and a few crisp and pleasant sounds can be heard from time to time.

The chirping of birds can't help but make people feel good in the early morning.

It is impossible to produce such gorgeous flowers in the dry and cold winter. For the comfort of students

, the dean of Balder College went to great lengths to actually install a system to change the temperature and temperature in the dormitory area.

The environmental magic of temperature and humidity.

Lilina looked up and saw that there seemed to be an invisible barrier directly above the dormitory area.

Colorful flashes of light are reflected under the sun.

Come to think of it, the only people who can come to Barder College to study are rich young masters from aristocratic families.

Sister, of course there are civilians who work extremely hard and are extremely talented who are qualified for admission, but this does not mean

within the scope of discussion.

Geniuses and outstanding people gather together——Tang, of course, the dormitory cannot be that kind of simple residential building

, maybe even the young ladies and rich young men in a villa of this size would not even look at it.

Lilina didn't think it mattered. Although her home was bigger than this dormitory group, she was surprised

I think it's nice to live in a small house occasionally.

Lilina was about to call Leni, who had been following her not far away, but found that the other party was stepping on

He disappeared in the dormitory area.

"Ah, do you just don't want to stay with me for one more second?" Lilina grinned, holding the flushed

Face. "What a cute kid."

Following the door number, Lilina walked around a series of lush gardens and came to the end of the street, in front of a three-story villa.

She pushed open the ajar gate of the courtyard and stepped inside without seeing anything else.

Finally finding a place to stay, Lilina planned to throw her luggage in and visit -

Make this your home for the next few months.

"Ding dong."

"Excuse me." After inserting the card into the magic slot, the door opened with a creak.

Lilina said casually, of course, she also knew that no one would respond to her, after all, it was not allowed here.

There could be other people living there.

Taking off her shoes and wearing only a pair of knee-high socks, Lilina couldn't wait to run into the room.


Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, and although this house is far from my own home, it should be

There are some, and Lilina can even find some imitations of human-made daily household items in the room.

After looking around, Lilina sat down on the soft sofa with mostly furniture.

It is a warm and bright color such as white or light yellow, and you seem to feel better when you stay in it.

It also got better unexpectedly.

"Hmph hum~~" Lilina hummed a little tune from her hometown and put her feet up without any ladylike etiquette.

On the coffee table.

Living alone, it seems, is not


There are no nagging mothers, no ministers who wrinkle their orange peels all day long, and no worries.

A lesson in human etiquette.

Although I feel a little homesick, this place is indeed paradise!

Lilina couldn't help but think so.

"If a vampire goes to heaven, he will probably turn into ashes." At this time, a cold voice

A faint voice sounded from behind Lilina.

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