"If a vampire goes to heaven, it will most likely turn into ashes." Zili said in a light voice

A faint figure floated out from behind Lina.

"Goo meow?! Who is it? ?" Lilina's body trembled, and she suddenly looked back, but she didn't see him.

to any figure.

Did you hear it wrong? Still

Lilina hugged her knees and huddled up, looking around timidly.

There cannot be a second invisible person in this room. The invisible person is still there.

Do you know what you are thinking? Isn’t that a ghost?!

"As an immortal vampire, he is still afraid of the ethereal spirit that is tangible material.

Po? Got it, that’s it. "The faint voice sounded again, breaking Lilina's mind.

Self-deception, followed by a rustling sound of a quill falling on kraft paper and writing, "You can see into my memory, are you really a ghost?" "Although I also want to experience the feeling of being a ghost, so far I have Still alive and well

, I didn’t become what you call a ghost. "What?" Before she finished speaking, an ice-blue figure appeared in front of Lilina.

Lilina blinked. The sudden appearance of the person in front of her really startled her, but soon,

Her attention was deeply attracted by the girl's appearance and temperament.

If the ice blue flowing down from the cold spring gathers into hair, the temple hair condenses into two locks hanging down the cheeks

, the beautiful frosty blue eyes are like spring eyes that do not contain any impurities, and the figure can be called a perfect proportion.

It highlights the slender legs, and the white mage boots decorated with golden lines extend to the knees.

The alluring absolute realm is perfectly displayed, and the women's mage robe brings out the curvy figure.

incisively and vividly.

Like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks from the world, she looks like some coquettish person wearing heavy makeup without applying any makeup.

The difference between color, cloud and mud.

Lilina swallowed. Even though she was a woman in the same position, she was attracted by the fairy-like person in front of her.

The girl was shocked.

What a beautiful woman

However, she soon noticed some features of the girl, such as elf ears.

"You are an elf??"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" The girl did not raise her head, still brushing the leather notebook she held in her hand.

Brush writing

"Lilina subconsciously stayed away from this girl. For the elves as a race, she

Somewhat biased.

Once bitten by a snake, they have been afraid of ropes for ten years. The vampires who were deceived by the elves at the beginning have no regard for the elves.

What a good impression.

"Are there so few elves that you would be surprised for a long time if you see one?"

"There used to be quite a few, but they made a big mistake and forced themselves to play so hard that they were almost extinct." Lilina observed while speaking.

"Oh, that's it, that's it." The elf girl seemed to have heard some interesting news.

The breath is the same and the writing never stops.

"? ? ?" Several big question marks slowly appeared on Lilina's head. Logically speaking, she heard that she

My own race is about to become extinct. No matter what, I shouldn't have this ordinary reaction that doesn't concern me.


It's like a person who hears someone tell him that his wife is critically ill, and he says, "Oh, I got it."

Then there was no response, so I did whatever I needed to do.

In this river?

"What are you writing?" Lilina approached curiously, but the elf girl didn't mean anything.

It means to cover up.

"What you just said is very interesting. I'm recording it." The elf girl spoke concisely and her voice was salty.

Not bland.

Lilina soon discovered that she couldn't understand what the other person was writing even if she leaned over to read it.

The deep and difficult characters are like a pile of symbols without any rules. A rough scan

I just feel like my head is swollen and my eyes are dizzy.

"Which language are you writing in?

"The ancient Koran." The elf girl replied without looking at Lilina.

"Xiangu?!" Lilina looked at the elf girl in shock. If she remembered correctly, Xiangu Gulan

The Chinese language is a language that has been eliminated long ago and has been completely lost. Even today’s royal family of Gulan is not aware of it.

No language at all

“You know the ancient Quran? ?”

"Want to learn? It's not difficult. If you're eager to learn, you can learn it."

No, no, no, this is not something that can be learned if you are studious, right?

"Wait, who did you learn this language from?"

"Teach yourself."

Lilina was silent for a moment and pursed her lips. "Tsk, forget it if you don't want to tell me.

Why make such an excuse?"

"I don't have to lie to you. I won't get any benefits from lying to you."

"Self-taught, how can you teach yourself? No one teaches you, you don't even know where this language belongs -

Class classification, - I don’t know what the subject, predicate and object of the sentence are.

It is difficult to teach yourself, let alone teach yourself a language that has become extinct? There is - Duan

Memory of the Quran, even Lilina, who is proficient in the Quranic language, does not recognize these characters, which shows that the ancient Quran

The language is completely out of touch with the ancient Qur'anic language.

If you really want to educate yourself, will the elf in front of you be going against the will of heaven?

"Speaking of which, your kindred race outside is about to become extinct." Lilina rolled her eyes and tried.

road. "I remember you just said this." It seems that because of the reasons that have been recorded,

The elf girl was not interested in what Lilina said and acted even more calmly than before. "Can you tell me something I don't know?" Lilina's expression gradually became weird.

The elf girl in front of me is really a bit weird, and she doesn’t care about the affairs of her own clan at all.

Concerned, even cold, as if the things about the same race are just because they have not heard of them.

Only then could she get even a little interested in listening.

"You don't care about the life and death of your own people?" Lilina raised her eyebrows, as if she had found something new.

Like an interesting toy, he stared at the elf girl curiously, trying to find any trace of it on her face.


"No, if they all die, I will still be very troubled." The elf girl fiddled with

He was reading a kraft paper page, and his indifferent expression showed no trouble at all.

"The elves have a lot of knowledge and secrets, and they have advanced with a confused ruler.

The coffin is the world's loss.

"So all you care about is the knowledge the elves have?'

"Then what else should I care about? Do I care about those people of the same race who I have never met and whose names I don't even know? And you just said that the cause of their destruction is their own hands.

, it is your own fault that no one can save. "

"Why, am I weird?" No one thought she was weird anymore, the elf girl

Don't care about it either.

"No, no, no, I think you are very interesting." Lilina looked at the elf girl playfully.

The elf girl raised her head rarely and looked at Lilina. After a moment, she opened the thick book again.

The latest page of the cowhide book was opened. "your name."

"Me? Lilina Rasambo.

"Lilina, Rasambo." The elf girl muttered and wrote a paragraph on the brown paper.


"Are you remembering my name? Oh, it turns out my name is written in ancient Koran.

How long is it?"

The elf girl said nothing.

"So, who are you and why are you showing up at my place?" Realizing that the other person is alive

After finding a life form that was familiar and understandable, Lilina was no longer afraid and asked questions directly.

"This is more than just your residence." There was a long silence, and after many revisions, the cowhide was closed to satisfaction.

Ben's elf girl explained slowly.

She pointed at the completely cold drinks on the coffee table and the bag thrown carelessly on it.

, unfinished snacks.

Lilina understood in an instant.

Oh, it turns out that there is not a villa building for one person, but several people crowded into a villa building.


"Did you leave these snack bags?"

"No, I don't eat these things." The elf girl shook her head.

"How many people can live in one building?" Lilina frowned slightly, although she didn't hate people.

There are many, but I don’t want to be like a hamster crowded into a small house with a group of people.

"Three." The elf girl said calmly.

"That is to say, besides the two of us, there is another one. Who is the other one? Have you seen him?

"?" As a newbie, Lilina didn't expect that she would have two roommates.

"I've seen it before." The elf girl thought for a while and nodded.

"What do you look like, what's your name, and what race are you from?"

"have no idea."

"?" Lilina tilted her head. "Don't you know what she looks like?"

"It's beautiful, I don't know how to describe it."

"Where's her name?"

"I don't know, I haven't asked."

"You just met her?"

"We've known each other for two years."

Lilina didn’t know how to complain. She didn’t know her roommate, whom she had known for two years.

What's your name? Isn't it funny?

"You at least know what people's names are, right? They don't talk even if they live under the same roof.


"Rarely, she usually talks to me.

"Oh, I understand." It was probably another roommate talking to her, but she ignored him.

I also found it boring, so I simply stopped talking.

We have lived under the same roof for two years. I don’t know their names. In a sense,

I say this person is really strong.

"Moreover." The elf girl raised her head. "The two of us are rarely in the dormitory." "So did you just come back today?"

"No." The elf girl stared at Lilina. "Not exactly."

"? It can't be Miss Elf that you came here to see me on purpose, right?"

"I've almost never seen the vampires, and it's even less likely that I've seen the royal family." The elf girl said quietly

Staring at Lilina.

How come you feel like you have turned into a rare species of animal when you are so well informed?

"Speaking of which, what's your name?" Lilina asked. "I have told you before that I

name, are you also

Should I introduce myself?"

"I see, do vampires also have such etiquette? I understand." Hearing this, Jing

The spirit girl immediately took out another cowhide notebook and started writing attentively.

"Aurora, you can call me this name."

"What's the last name?

"No, or maybe I don't know.

You are really different.

Many people say so. "Aurora replied still expressionless.

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