"The place under our feet is the dormitory area." The ice-blue-haired elf girl was flipping around in front of her.

The suspended magic book pointed at the ground.

"Of course I know, why do you need to tell me?" the white-haired girl with her arms folded across her chest complained.

"That direction seems to be the teaching area. At this time, there shouldn't be many students inside.

The elf girl continued.

"Like? Don't use such general words, okay?" Lilina pouted, thinking about this elf

Does the old aunt have amnesia or Alzheimer's disease or something?

"I don't have Alzheimer's disease. I haven't been back for a long time. There is no need to waste memory cells.

Get rid of these unimportant things. "

Lilina secretly thought that she had almost forgotten that the elf in front of her could read minds.

The embarrassment of being caught speaking ill of someone behind their back, but Aurora didn't seem to care much.

That's it. "The area to the right of the teaching area is the library.

"There's no need for 'like' this time? You remember these things very clearly." "

"Balder's library is very large and has rich historical heritage." Aurora did not answer directly.

There are many books worth reading, very interesting. "

Lilina was slightly surprised. It was not easy to get this faceless person who seemed to have no interest in anything to say the word "interesting". "There are many complete or incomplete ancient books preserved in it, and the earliest ones can even be traced back to the middle of the First Era."

"Middle of the First Era?" Lilina has little interest in history, but she still has some experience.

According to common sense in history, in the middle of the First Era, the concept of a country was probably not even formed at that time.

Each civilization is in its most initial state, showing a tribal settlement model.

"You are so interested in these things, shouldn't you stay in Balder's library all year round?" It is not like Lilina has never seen people like Aurora who are extremely fanatical about knowledge. Some research in her own palace This is what a learned courtier is like. When he meets a colleague who can share knowledge or valuable and precious lost knowledge, he will be very happy and want to ask all the questions.

Lilina has heard a little bit about the Bald Library. The number of books in the collection is larger than that of the Vampire Clan.

The library also needs to be complete. It contains an overwhelming amount of ancient and modern knowledge. Barand’s existing information is only

If you can find it, you can find the original version in most of them, which can be said to be world-famous.

Because of this, this library has been coveted by many malicious people, and the library has suffered

Visits by thieves are a recurring event every year. Naturally, such a place has important

It is guarded by soldiers and has extremely high thresholds. It has not been personally received by the senior association of Barder College.

With approval, no one is allowed to enter.

The library is not only equipped with a three-layer barrier, but also the people guarding the door are not simple.

Don't guard the door] There are a bunch of inconspicuous old men. In fact, these old men are retired

After taking a break, I picked up a vacant spell master in the library. They were all outstanding when they were young.

Want to steal something? After angering the abbot, you still want to run away?

"I have read all the books in that library."

What?" - Gu's words are neither cold nor hot, nor salty nor bland, but they contain an extremely large amount of information.

So much so that Lilina wondered if she had heard wrongly.

"Have you read it? Are you sure you used the right words? ?"

The books in Balder's library are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Even if Lilina doesn't have a specific idea,

You can imagine how many there are.

For example, at her mother's request, she reluctantly visited the Hundred Eyes Library, the largest collection of books in the vampire clan.

There were so many books that Lilina would faint just by counting them on the bookshelf. It was definitely an amount that no one could finish in a lifetime.

The Balder Library has more books than the Hundred Books Library. How many years does someone have to live to read such a terrifying number of books?

"When I read the books in the library, I will briefly record the key points and general content. I can recall the general content after just flipping through it." Aurora dragged the pages of the book, looking like she still didn't mention these things much. change.

"Sister, what kind of research are you doing?" Lilina took a step back.

"Research? I study everything." Aurora glanced at Lilina deliberately. "Including biology, it is also within the scope of my research."

"Have you ever tried studying yourself?"

“I have probably researched this topic.


"Well, it took a long time, so I can't remember clearly. If I scroll back, I should be able to find the conclusion.

The time she said was a bit long, at least it started a hundred years ago. She was indeed a ruthless person.

"The library is located in the corner of the college. To the left of the teaching area is the auditorium, where the freshman ceremony

Usually it will be held in the auditorium, and there should be many people from various schools of thought coming to attract people, well, at least

It was like this in my time. "

Which class were you in? Prehistoric period?

"No, even I can't live this long." Aurora calmly closed the book.

"I understand the truth. Almost all the students at the same time as you are idiots, right?" After getting along for a while,

Lilina was also used to the other party's mind-reading characteristics, so she said casually.


Aurora didn't speak,

It’s just that the fingers turning the pages of the book are trembling slightly.

one time.

Lilina secretly said, "Oh no!"

His peers died one after another, leaving him alone in the world. In the blink of an eye, he was already a thing.

It’s not that Lilina can’t understand the feeling of being alone without a friend, or in other words, she’s too intolerant of this kind of thing.


It is the hardest thing to experience family members growing old, sick, and dying, and living alone is the most difficult thing. That feeling is...

It was as if I had entered a world that I didn't know at all, lonely and trembling, as if I was at a loss.

Living in an endless winter.

Lilina, who was recalling something, didn't notice Aurora's expression of looking at her thoughtfully.


"It's too boring to introduce like this. Why don't you show me the way and let me go out for a walk? What kind of watch is that?

Love?" It's like a butcher eyeing a domesticated pig or a hunter eyeing a stray goat.

Lilina didn't feel comfortable staring at her with such eyes.

"You're not still thinking about dissecting me, are you?"

"No." Aurora flipped through the pages of the book. "I'm just a little interested in your memory.

"So, you're not trying to pry open my head and see what's in it


"You can't steal memories simply by prying the head open." Aurora got into trouble. "remember

Memory, together with the deeper soul, if you want to extract the memory of a life, his soul must

Indispensable material. "

"Do you still have the knowledge to steal other people's memories? ?" Lily heard this taboo knowledge.

Na's eyelids twitched. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that the elf in front of her looked like one of those who had been sent to the fire in the second era.

Cultist witch on the rack.

"I'm just simply interested in knowledge and peeking into other people's memories. I don't have such a bad taste.

After receiving the reward, Aurora's service was still very good, and she took Lilina to participate in the meeting very dutifully.

Take a look at the scene of the college.

It must be said that Balder is worthy of being an established college that has stood firm on the mainland for thousands of years.

Scale and handwriting are not the focus of his expression. The most attractive thing is the powerful history.

A sense of history.

The Quran architectural style from thousands of years ago is still preserved today. Not only that, it has been graduated for thousands of years.

The students here come from all over the world, and they have all left traces of their lives here.

The Asian cat-style sales stalls from the late Second Era that have survived to this day are full of antiques.

The castle building, although abandoned, still stands today.

The Bald School officials deliberately preserved these old buildings, intending to pay tribute to the entire continent.

Showing its own cultural and historical heritage, it deserves the title of the oldest college.

The two of them walked and, for some reason, returned to the lobby of the reporting office.

"These are the main areas. The size of the college is much larger than this, but in those areas you should

They won't be interested. "

"Really, thank you very much. As soon as she finished speaking, Lilina's eyes were caught by someone in the hall.

The figure was attracted, and then showed a sly smile.

Aurora, who did it seriously - the Observation Diary of the Sangui Princess, probably understood this smile

It means that this naughty princess is eyeing a prank target again.

"Hey, you didn't wait for me earlier, but you ran back. This guy is really serious."

In the hall, the figure with shoulder-length hair facing away from Lilina was the one who had taken advantage of her before and attacked her.

Leni she shook off.

"You don't want to see me so much? ~~" Having found the target of teasing, Lilina walked gracefully

He walked up with a slightly frivolous pace, wanting to surprise Leni from behind, but unexpectedly she didn’t.

By the time he found her, someone had already taken the lead.

"Oh, look, isn't this the eldest lady of my family?"

"Oh, it's really true." Two young men dressed as blood spirit nobles, a man and a woman. The new student who was also going through the formalities in the hall noticed Leni and walked over with a smile.

Leni stiffened, as if she didn't want to get entangled with these two people, turned around and left, but

When she turned around, she saw Lilina walking towards her as well.

Surrounded by

Leni clenched her fists, her nails digging into her flesh, but she could only lower her head and endure.

"It's strange, why does my elder sister appear here? At this time, you shouldn't

Should you stay in the backyard and enjoy afternoon tea? I forgot, you are no longer the eldest lady. "The young man's playful and sarcastic face seemed to be happy to see Leni's devastated look.

As a member of a branch family, the only way to be promoted to the main family is to defeat the heirs of the main family and completely defeat them.

The two young men from the Melvi branch would not miss this opportunity to suppress Leni.

Everything is possible. If she is allowed to make a name for herself in this academy, will they still have a chance to rise to the top?

"It's strange. I remember this is Balder Academy. No matter how miserable you are, you won't recruit disabled people who can't even release the curse, right?"

"Brother, don't you understand this? It's probably the head of the family who gave it to her for the sake of her eldest daughter."

The two laughed in harmony, and the corners of Leni's mouth turned white, but she also

I have long been used to this feeling.

She was already used to being ridiculed and teased all around.

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