The clan brothers and sisters who sneered at him and coveted him for a long time were in front and liked to tease him.

The devil princess is behind.

With a tiger in front of her and a wolf behind her, Leni's heart fell into the ice cave when she was forced into a desperate situation.

It doesn't matter, I'm used to it, right? It's just pale words, no more powerful than a knife.

The gun was as sharp and not as destructive as the curse, and she was unscathed.

"The head of the family can't bear it, right? Yes, the only eldest daughter in the family is actually suffering from congenital retardation.

Ji, it’s kind of you to send you away with such a shameful thing.

The righteousness is gone.

"I guess I got it by lying on the ground like a wheel and rolling all over the floor. After all,

After all, she is considered his own daughter. No matter how heartbroken the head of the family is, he cannot refuse her.

"Sister, don't say that the eldest lady is like a puppy begging for bones, after all she is

The size of the family, I thought about it, it seems that in addition to the title of eldest lady, the eldest lady

It seems like you don’t have any strengths?" A man and a woman sang together happily, and they also

Intentionally or unintentionally, he was obstructing Leni who wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible.

Leni, who lowered her head and remained silent, dug her nails into her flesh, pursed her lips, and bit her lips lightly.

It's okay. It's not the first time I've heard this kind of sound. No matter where I go, I'm filled with this kind of sound. Aren't I already used to it?

Just be patient and it will pass.

To be honest, Leni still felt that it was more cordial to just play pranks on her princess than to these relatives who spoke harshly to her with guns and sticks.

That's right, in the Melvey family, she didn't feel any affection, only gloating and cynicism towards her.

She was like a sculpture poured with cement, standing motionless, as if attached to the frost.

In the distance, as the elf lady, she maintained a distance that would not attract attention but could just see the details. As a bystander, she acted as an outsider. At the same time, she called out her notes and started writing. .

She had very little contact with the vampires, so she wanted to know everything. She planned to record everything that happened so far, and use it as a reference later to study the vampire's thinking mode.

After all, it is rare for so many vampire nobles and royal families to gather together.

Leni, who was silent, had a gloomy look in her eyes. She originally thought this was something she could get over if she tolerated it.

But there's more to it than that.

The purpose of the two brothers and sisters from the branch family in front of them is not just to humiliate themselves, they also have other goals.


"Miss Laini doesn't really think that she can become a phoenix after entering Balder Academy, right?"

? ?"

"Balder College is not a garbage recycling station. Miss, you also know that this year is an exception for the vampires.

In the first year of school, right? The impression of other races is very important to the vampires. It is related to our whole life.

If you let people from other countries see you with your shameless face, I am afraid that even Her Majesty the Queen’s

You have to lose all your face.

"Everyone's doubts about you will be transferred to the entire vampire group, even Her Majesty the Queen. They

I wonder why Her Majesty the Queen, who is so wise and powerful, would give a precious spot to a person who has no qualifications at all.

The useless person who came to this school? Then he questioned Her Majesty the Queen's ability to recognize people.

The brother and sister are constantly in a strange relationship.

"Because you alone have harmed the interests of the group, do you think this is appropriate, Miss?"

Leni's body continued to tremble, and her statuesque body gradually softened.

She hates people who cause trouble and trouble to others. Naturally, she also doesn’t like to cause trouble to others herself.

Add trouble.

"If you leave, the vampire community will be much better off without a rat shit, Miss."

, do you understand what we mean?"

"Don't be disrespectful. I'll give you some advice. The Melvey family who are coming to school this year

The members account for almost one-tenth, but we are not the only two. "

"They are all the best in the branch family. Do you think they would allow a master who is good for nothing?

The female corpse of the patriarch is sitting there, sitting on their heads?"

"We are considered very gentle. If it were other eldest ladies, you should be more sensible and deal with it quickly.

Just go back to where your luggage should go, otherwise it will be embarrassing if you can't get off the stage. "

"Don't embarrass everyone in the vampire clan and Her Majesty the Queen. It's best to disappear now!"

"She will not embarrass the Blood Queen." A voice rose from behind Leni who was getting desperate.

Since their attention had been on Leni previously, the brother and sister were startled by the sudden intrusion.

"On the other hand, you two are arguing and arguing in public, and you are embarrassing the vampires and the queen.

Two are the main force. "The white-haired girl and Leni stood side by side, with their arms around each other, their chin slightly raised, and their semen

With her face as perfect as a work of art and her noble silver hair, the girl looks like

A white swan that stands out from the crowd, born with beauty, nobility and grace.

Miss? Who are you?" The girl from the Melvi branch frowned slightly. She doesn't live in the imperial city.

She doesn't know Lilina, who is a member of the royal family.

"Which family are you from?

?This is our Melvey family’s own business. It’s ours.

please don't interfere at will. "

Sister, this, she seems to be a member of the royal family with her brilliant silver hair,

As the elder brother, his face looked a little unsightly.

They hadn't seen the admission list, and they didn't know that there were royal families among the people admitted.

Leni looked at Lilina who came forward in surprise. She never expected this prankster.

The unscrupulous and sinister princess actually stood up for her.

What was originally a situation where there was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back turned into a situation where wolves and tigers cannibalize each other.

"Should we say that a branched family is a branched family? When country people come to the city, they are ignorant." Lilina said lightly.

He spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"You, who do you call country?" Both brother and sister's expressions turned ugly.

Those born in separate families have a natural inferiority complex towards those born in the main family.

Under the influence of unbalanced psychology, this excessive inferiority becomes arrogance towards others and is

Hit the weak spot and your true colors will be revealed.

"You don't even recognize me, what are you if you're not a country boy?" Lilina's smile did not change.

"You, you are not the queen, why do we know you? To gain face, even if you are right

Fang was from a royal family, so my sister couldn't bear to accept it and could only bite the bullet.

"Ang, I am indeed not the queen." Then Lilina changed the subject. "But the entire imperial city

People, even the common people under the imperial city, know me. ”.

"Who are you?" The eldest brother, who gradually realized something was wrong, stopped him and wanted to say something else.

What a sister.

"Ah, Your Highness, it turns out you are here. It's really easy for me to find you at this moment."

,-A purple figure hurriedly turned around the corner and saw Lilina in the hall, as if

It was a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness?!" The brother and sister froze, and they instantly turned into eggplants beaten by frost.

Miss Tina?" Lilina turned around after hearing the sound.

Surprised by the identity of the visitor. "You came to school too?"

"What kind of school should I go to? I've already passed it. I'm old enough to go to school and I don't have the time to think about it." The purple-haired girl said

The child ran to Lilina and gave her a warm hug.

"How is it? Are you still adapting to college life?" Tina, who is young and ranks among the senior members of the vampire clan,

He is the one at the back, and it is rare today that he can taste the feeling of his seniors.

"It's okay, passable."

"I see your face is shiny. Isn't your hair very moisturized without any control?" Ti

Na rubbed Lilina's head very affectionately.

"No way, how can there be a good home in this damn place? Speaking of Sister Tina, why are you here?


"Well, guess what?" Tina showed a mysterious smile on her face

Isn’t it my mother who sent you here to supervise me??”

"Bingo, congratulations to Lilina for your correct answer."

"Well, why is this like this? Nothing will happen to me, so why did I send someone over to watch?

Do you want me to take care of the kids?"

"You are just a child." Tina poked Lilina's head. As an elder, she

She didn't have much advantage in height, which made her somewhat concerned.

"Besides, your mother is not afraid that something will happen to you, but she is afraid that you will cause trouble, so she asked me to follow you.

But I'm not just here to supervise you. "Tina took out a booklet." Balder's hidden treasure

I'm really looking forward to the study room. I can work as a teacher here for three years and ask Her Majesty the Queen to help me.

As a favor, I will almost be qualified to go in and visit by then. "

Sister Tina. "Lilina's face gradually became weird.

"Huh? What?"

"In the library, there may not be little uncle in there.'

"You girl! Did I go in to see that kind of thing? ?" It seemed to be to prevent Li

Lina continued to expose her dark history, and Tina pinched the other person's cheeks with a kind look on her face.

The hash mark on the bag flashed.

Although the relationship on the surface is that of monarch and subject, Lilina and Tina have a very good relationship, and the two of them are young.

They are similar in age and have good personal relationships.

"Also, who told you this kind of thing!" Tina muttered in a low voice after looking around.


"Who else is Mingha? It's my horse (who else is it, my mother)?"

"Can Her Majesty the Queen really say such things to others?" Tina was filled with regret.

Man, I don’t know who else Bai Ji told this matter.

"By the way, little Lilina, what are you doing?" Tina then noticed the people around Lilina.

three people.

She knew one of them, the eldest daughter of the Melvey family, but she didn't know who the other two were.


"You, you are the next head of the Leforno family, Tina, the daughter of Duke Leforno

"It's me, who are you two?" Tina looked at these two unfamiliar faces in confusion.

It seems that they are qualified vampire members, but I don’t know which family they are from.

The two people who had been shocked from the beginning were speechless.

It seems that they haven't realized that the person standing in front of them is the successor of the legendary queen.

The heir and only daughter, Princess Lilina.

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