"I'm sorry! I'm extremely sorry, Princess! We have offended you because we were ignorant of Taishan. I hope you can

"Can you forgive us?" After learning Lilina's identity, two members of the Melvey family

The young man was in a panic.

They didn't even think that they were so capable that one day they would be able to provoke

your Highness.

Not to mention the minions from their two branch families, even Melvi, the head of the family doesn’t have to be a guest when he comes.

He politely brought his face up to give someone a slap.

"Sorry? Why are you saying sorry to me? I'm not the one you two offended, right?" Lilina

Tilting her head, the smile on the corner of her mouth let Tina who was watching from the side know that she started again


As the saying goes, green is better than blue. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each generation becomes more powerful than the other.

Lilina's sexy attribute even surpassed that of her mother, and Tina didn't know what it was.

The reason is that such a child who should be positive has more and more strange XP, so he can only

It comes down to Bai Ji's good education.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, we were wrong, Miss!" said the two young ladies of the Melvey family.

Young people are not stupid. They immediately realized that Lilina was standing up for Leni and made a decision immediately.

He apologized and looked at Leni with a bit of surprise and envy.

Darling, this poor young lady actually fell into the hands of Her Royal Highness the Princess. It’s incredible. This is

"I, I' Leni also seemed to see the meaning in the other person's eyes, and she was eager to


She and Her Highness the Princess are not so much protecting and being protected as they are prey and hunter.

The relationship is more intimate. At least Lilina looked at her with something wrong. This time she really didn't.

It occurred to me that the person who ended it for her was actually this princess who always teased her and liked to see her troubled expression.

Your Highness.

To be honest, she didn't understand why the other party did this. She was obviously as annoying as everyone else.

Why do you need to help yourself?

At least in the opinion of the emotionally sensitive Leni, the "bullying" of Her Royal Highness to her was because

I hate her, don't like her, dislike her and reject her just like the people around me.

"It's not impossible to forgive you. But, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price.

This is something that even children understand.


"Yes, yes, yes." Lilina pretended to be serious, but in fact, the corners of her mouth were suppressed.

Can't help but raise the arc.

"For example, what about kneeling down and learning how many times a dog barks? Of course, it's not limited to dog barking.

Oh, even if the cat meows. "

"Your Highness Princess, this is a public place, please be careful about the impact." Ti on the side

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Na coughed twice as a reminder.

"What does it matter? No one saw it."

The old man who was sitting on the counter not far away twitched the corner of his mouth a few times and thought to himself, "Don't I count?"

Is it a human being?

"How about~ Although I don't force people, but if it is punishment, there must be

A little more force will make people remember longer, right?" Lilina played with her fingers, trying not to

true emotions revealed.

"I, what we do is that the two of them have no choice but to blame themselves for their bad luck.

If you offend a down-and-out young lady, a princess will appear to protect her.

"Hey, don't force it. In fact, it's such a thing." Lilina hid her cheeks, pretending to be embarrassed.

The look of guilt was actually just to cover up the flush on his cheeks.

The aristocratic young master and the aristocratic young lady looked around and saw that there was indeed no one around, so they secretly relaxed.


No outsiders will see it, and I will be able to bark like a dog in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess and the future heir to the Duke.

Well, aren't they? They are Her Majesty the Queen's closest relatives and friends.

The two young men comforted themselves in this way, pursed their lips, and looked at each other.

Seeing the helplessness and embarrassment in their eyes, they gritted their teeth and knelt down on one knee in an awkward and embarrassing way.

A few dogs barked, while my younger sister, who is rather thin-skinned, imitated the meowing of a cat.

"Pfft" Lilina's shoulders trembled. She couldn't restrain her emotions and knew how to give up when she felt good. "

Okay, okay, you two, get up and remember today's lesson. "

"Yes, Your Highness Princess

"Also, remember, even if Leni is bullied, she can only be bullied by me. Do you understand? Change

I wouldn't allow it if it were anyone else. "Lilina made a high-profile declaration in front of several people.

Leni's heart skipped a beat when she heard this. She was full of fear of Lilina and didn't dare to approach her.

The mood gradually became more complicated.

"Yes, we understand. Thank you for your great kindness, Her Royal Highness the Princess." These words were heard by the two of them.

It's a kind of protection in disguise.

No wonder this eldest lady is not talented in magic spells. It turns out that she focused all her skill points on flirting with girls.

Even Her Royal Highness the Princess actually ate the soft rice.

The noble young man cast envious and admiring glances at Leni, secretly cursing himself for being so ignorant.

If I had established a good relationship with this young lady earlier, wouldn’t it be

You can let her teach you how to eat soft rice.

Got the technique?

The two Melvi nobles left in despair.

"Then, Your Highness Princess, I will go and report first."

"Hey, are you a teacher here?"

"What's that look in your eyes? At least with my knowledge, I'm enough to be your teacher."

Tina felt dissatisfied as if she was being looked down upon.

"That's not what you mean. I mean, what are you teaching us? It is impossible to teach us how to appreciate

Would you like to reward the little emperor uncle?"

"Of course not, this is Balder, okay? How can there be such a strange subject? They all say

That’s personal happiness, happiness! Appropriate happiness can cultivate one’s sentiments. Mentioning this period of black calendar

Shi and Tina were extremely excited, followed by "This is art" and "Art comes from life."

And it’s higher than life, do you understand?” Lilina couldn’t help but laugh.

"You girl, aren't you treating me as a target for teasing? ?" Lily noticed.

Nana's expression of suppressing laughter, Tina patted her head angrily, because she was not as good as Li

Because Lina is so tall, she looks a bit coquettish when she only stands on tiptoes for the photo.


"Okay, I have to go to the teacher's office to report. See you later, Your Highness.

"Bye bye, sister Tina, don't worry, I will be good." Lilina said cutely.

"Oh, it would be best if Your Highness the Princess could stay calm. After all, I might be you, Your Highness the Princess."

The head teacher of our class. "Tina left with a smile, leaving Lilina and Leni behind.

Thank you, Your Highness Princess. "

"Eh? What did you say? It was too quiet to hear." Lilina pretended not to hear and tilted her head.

Thank you very much this time, Your Royal Highness. "

"Ang, there's no need to say thank you. How about something substantive." Lilina hooked her hand.

refer to.

"Substantial gratitude? What does it mean?"

"What else can you point to? You know what I want, right?" Lilina's chin reached

Leni's shoulders.

" ." Leni stiffened, wanting to move but not daring to move.

"Just teasing you." The next moment, Lilina withdrew her head.

"I'm not helping you either, I'm just disgusted by this kind of bullying.

Leni stared blankly at Lilina's back. She thought that the princess with weird sexual habits would treat this person like this.

Love is used to restrain oneself from doing things that one does not want to do, but the other party does not.

"Of course, I also really want to see this kind of arrogant guy who bullies others be bullied by others.

I also saw what kind of expressions people have when they are young, and I naturally received the reward. "-While saying this, Lilina left the hall.

"Have you taken down the notes?" Lilina smiled at Aurora who was deleting, deleting and correcting the notes.

"Well, it's still a little bit worse. I think there are some things that are inappropriate and need to be corrected."

, I said, is it really okay to take this kind of notes in front of me? "

"Do you care?" Aurora raised her head.

"Although, I won't care about this."

"That's okay." Aurora continued to bury her head.

"But oh." Lilina leaned closer. "Treat me as an object of observation, write and draw, just like life

It's so uncomfortable to be peeped and recorded. "

"so what."

"Aren't you going to give me some reward, Miss Aurora?" Lilina licked her lips.

"what do you want?"

"How about I learn a few meows and act cute?"

"Miss Lilina, are you planning to prank me with the same tricks you used to prank your fellow tribesmen?" Aurora's voice

The sound is neither urgent nor slow.

"As you said, in order to gain knowledge, it is necessary to pay for it, right?"

Lilina's plan against Aurora has begun again. Yes, she believes that one day she will make this three-nothing elf shy.

"Okay." Aurora answered easily. After closing the book, she pretended to be a lucky cat.

, the melodious voice was suppressed as soft and delicate as a cat.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow.".

"Although she still didn't see the other party's shy look, Lilina felt that this wave of discomfort

Damn, at least I saw this elf willing to act cute for me, and I made a lot of money!

Lilina touched her nose, glad that she was not a male, otherwise this

The contrasting cuteness shown by Sanwu Elf, who usually doesn't hum or laugh, can make her nose bleed all over the place.

"Okay, we're almost done visiting and there's nothing else to do. It's time to go back."

"Please wait a moment." Just as Lilina was about to go home, Aurora patted her from behind.

Her shoulders.

"Hey, is there anything else?"

"Your Highness, I would like to remind you that I meowed like a cat just now."

Oh, and what's the problem?" Lilina suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The remuneration is overflowing. Shouldn't Her Royal Highness also pay the extra portion?

"? ? ?" Lilina was stunned. She thought she had taken advantage of it, but she didn't expect that the other party had such a problem.

kind of statement.

"What the hell, hey, where can such a thing happen!?"

"You can't run away. Does your Royal Highness want to default on your debt?"

"Okay, I'll pay you."

"I said I don't want that kind of thing. Your Highness the Princess knows what I need, right?"


Today, Aurora wins.

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