Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 1

"Huhuhu..." The weak breath echoed through the rusty dungeon.

The silver-haired girl knelt down weakly on the stone bricks that were dark red due to dry blood.

"As expected of me, he is the heir to the throne. His qualifications are almost perfect." I don't know whether it was a joke or a joke.

The mocking childish voice floated past her ears, and when she looked up, she saw the face that had caused her unforgettable pain.

Silver haired devil.

"Don't, don't come here. The soft and childish voice is a little hoarse.

Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly realized that it was her own voice, and suddenly her whole body felt...

A shock.

Is this the sound I made?

"Have you realized it now? Hehehe. Welcome to the world of night, my heir."

The vampire in front of him, who is eighty-nine similar to the silver-haired girl, outlines a playful arc, rising from the bottom of his skirt.

He took out a valuable silver mirror.

In the mirror, a girl who is as exquisite as a porcelain doll and has flawless features is full of exquisite features.

His expression was full of horror and disbelief—exactly the same as his current expression.

"Are you satisfied with your new appearance? My son.

"It doesn't matter. If you are not satisfied, you can adapt slowly and you will get used to it~" The evil girl named Lilias

The devil's smile grew thicker.

"no no

Bai Ji's nightmare started from then on.


Bai Ji was already in a cold sweat as she stepped out of the luxurious silk princess bed.

Strange ceilings and strange rooms, strange cities and strange nights outside the window

Jing, after waking up from the nightmare, it was still a nightmare. She had nowhere to hide.

I am, Knight Ji Bai. Yanzhu, the adopted son of the Yanzhu family, the world-renowned Saint of the Human Federation.

The Knight King of the Temple Association...

No, not anymore.

The delicate and smooth little hands seem to be so fragile that they will break if pinched. There is no such thing as a swordsman.

She has as many calluses as she should have, her skin is so fair that she doesn’t look like a human being, and her silver hair hanging down her shoulders shines in the moonlight.

A pale and dull light emitted.

She is no longer human. In the battle when she was captured, she was despicable and shameless by the leader of the heresy.

The vampire queen turned into a blood-sucking monster.

No longer human

Not long after the commotion, there were footsteps in the corridor, followed by the sound of a door opening.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" The vampire maid rudely broke into the room without knocking.

After confirming that the girl on the bed was still there and had not made any mistakes, the alert was lifted.

"You can go." Bai Ji turned her head and pretended to look at the night scene calmly.

The beads of sweat on her forehead revealed her state of mind at this moment.

"If you have any questions or needs, you can call me." It was obvious at a glance that Bai Ji had a problem.

Bai Ji didn't say anything, and the head maid didn't intend to continue asking. Before leaving, she thought about it and added.

"We are always here.

The solid wooden door with gold rim was shut coldly.

We are always here.

Bai Ji sneered in her heart. Wasn't this just reminding herself that they were always staring at her?

No stupid behavior can be hidden from them.

A blood-sucking vampire, a filthy creature who only deserves to live in a dark corner, Bai Ji - not even a second

If you want to get in touch with them, you only need to think of yourself in their lair, where they rely on plundering and killing while sleeping.

The princess bed made from the resources of other people, breathing the same air as them made him sick.

more than.

However, I am no longer qualified to criticize them, because I am not qualified to criticize them now.

Became one of the vampires

With this look, I am too embarrassed to go back to meet the Bishop and my sister. The entire human federation is afraid that

They all thought they had died in the battle.

It's better to die fighting like this than to live as a living corpse.

The light in the bedroom went out and the room returned to darkness again, but Bai Ji was no longer tired.

With cat-like steps, she quietly tiptoed out of bed, glancing in the direction of i ] to make sure there was no one there.

, reaching under the bed and groping around.

In the past, you could reach it at your fingertips, but now you can only touch it by burrowing your whole body into the sheets.

That cold metal thing-

The sharp knife shining brightly under the moon was pulled out from it.

With some difficulty, Bai Ji held the small dagger that had been hidden away and would be confiscated if it was discovered, with a cold expression on her face.

The edge of the knife exudes the indestructible smell of blood. If it were not wrapped in cloth, the smell would be the same.

It will definitely float out and cause the maid to notice.

The blood on the knife did not belong to anyone else, but to her own.

For several days, she tried to commit suicide numerous times but failed.

The knife cut through her fragile neck, but she couldn't die no matter what, she could only die in pain

While groaning, I watched disgusting granules sprouting from the wound. I stitched up and repaired the wound that was almost impossible to heal.

Simply, he is an out-and-out monster!

Bai Ji is disgusted by her reflection in the mirror. She hates Lilias who turned her into a monster.

I also hate this monster's body.

Suicide requires extraordinary human courage, especially

Especially when the knife slit his neck, he instinctively

The desire to live will always take over, and you will struggle not to let yourself die. Generally speaking, after suicide,

Those who have been rescued will not continue to commit suicide. Between life and death, their desire to live has already

Tell them the answer.

Theoretically speaking, only those who go on hunger strike and starve to death are those who truly "want to die."

Bai Ji repeated this over and over again on the way to suicide. The pain did not scare her, but instead

Making her even more numb.

In just one week, she tried no less than a hundred ways to commit suicide, stabbing her with knives from all angles.

It broke through her throat, penetrated her lower abdomen, and cut her pulse.

All failed, the monster's power healed her, tortured her, and prevented her from dying.

And what was getting deeper and deeper was only her despair.

The world-famous King of Knights never expected that his ending would be so sad and lamentable.

She is not afraid of dying in battle, but she is afraid of endless torture and humiliation from the enemy, and will

Being put into the body of a vampire is the greatest humiliation

In any case, she felt it was time for her to make a break.

If a weapon made of iron cannot kill her, find something that can kill her, no matter what

In this way, tomorrow she will return all the humiliation she has received during this period!

Holding the sharp knife, Bai Ji thought, the cold knife reflected her coldness that was colder than the light of the knife.

s face.

The first class in the morning is etiquette class. I don’t know if it’s because of the inertia of this body.

, many of the habits he retained as a knight were washed away, such as the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

"Your Highness Princess, it's time for you to get up."

"Well, no, no, I didn't sleep well yesterday. Why don't I sleep a little longer." Hazy

In a hazy moment, Bai Ji even directly acknowledged the title "Her Royal Highness", just like a small soft cake.

She stayed glued to the bed and said nothing.

The bed is so comfortable~ I’m used to sleeping rough and sleeping on the streets, so the occasional luxury is still nice~

One thing to say, the princess bed made by the vampire family is quite comfortable! Why?

Will you feel very comfortable?! What is it like? You have to get up quickly to speak. But, but

, I just don’t want to get up, I was kidnapped by the bed.

After struggling several times to no avail, Bai Ji could only blame the earth-bound spirit on the bed for being too disrespectful and not letting herself go.

Get up.

"However, today is the time for Her Majesty the Queen to check your etiquette lessons. If you are late,

, maybe, um, Her Majesty the Queen will be a little angry. "The maid who personally serves Bai Ji is euphemistic.


Her Majesty the Queen, Cousin Lily the Vampire?!

After this change in her brain, Bai Ji immediately stood up from the bed.

By the way, I almost missed something important. Today she has to

"Let me change your clothes."

"You, get out." Bai Ji didn't even look at the maid, and pursed her lips toward the door.

"Eh? But Her Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen is personally inspecting etiquette today. She is not dressed appropriately.

Her Majesty the Queen will be unhappy. "

"What does it have to do with her being unhappy?" - Bai Ji, a certain unscrupulous vampire who deserves death, looked at her

My horns were beating and my heart was beating fast, as if I had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

"But if Her Majesty the Queen is unhappy, you may also be unlucky.

"Okay, okay, we won't even know how to wear clothes, let's go out." Bai Ji waved impatiently

After the maid withdrew, the latter saw that Bai Ji was determined to have her own way and had nothing to say, so she had to retreat.

After the room became quiet, Bai Ji's eyes gradually became colder.

I overslept and almost delayed the big event. This inexplicable body actually got up.

Wow, it's really intriguing.

The reason for not letting the maid dress her is simple. She needs to hide the knife in her skirt. If

It was the maid who changed her clothes. Does she still have this time?

Today, she was going to make a show and let that damn vampire know that she was offended.

own fate.

Huh, the rabbit bites people when it's anxious. If you keep her as a pet, Lilias has to be prepared to be "bitten"


I bit the bullet and listened to a week of vampire etiquette classes, history classes, and aristocratic cultivation.

During the class, the emperor Liwei listened to Bai Ji's head and two heads, and the efficiency was called brainwashing. It was really

I'm sorry I can endure it.

Forcing a rough guy who knows nothing but swords to thread a needle is what men do.

Alive? ?

Really, it made her feel bad to look at those dried orange peels all day long.

Why don't you change some instructors who look pleasing to the eye? I don't know if they are in a bad mood.

Do you have bad skin?

Wait, why do you think so! ?

Bai Ji frowned slightly, always feeling that there was some deviation from her previous thoughts.

"Is your Royal Highness okay? Her Majesty is already at the dinner table.

"Oh, ok, ok, it's coming soon, don't rush me." Before I could think about it, I heard the maid urging her.

Bai Ji hurriedly took out a dress from the wardrobe.

Such complicated buttons, how should I wear this kind of clothes?

Tsk, really, aren’t things like clothes just for keeping warm? The designs are so complex.

What are you doing? With so many buttons, do you want to be a centipede?

But this doesn’t bother me. It’s just putting on clothes. It’s so difficult. Blood clan can do it. How can I

Not possible?


After hiding the knife inside her clothes, Bai Ji grinned a cruel smile that she had been holding back for a long time.

Lilias, suffer death, our knife is coated with poison!

(Because readers reported that they still want to see Bai Ji, so I will follow what I said a long time ago.

Like this, write about what happened when Bai Ji was first embraced. )

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