Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after being embraced for the first time 2

This is not the first time that Bai Ji has come to the Blood Spirit Palace. The huge palace complex is almost taking over all the buildings.

Half of the imperial city is a big deal.

This palace is said to have been the residence of a vampire prince (at this time, the vampire clan had not yet

(returned to the Saplan region), has a deep historical deposit, and the renovation seems to be a deliberate attempt to bring this ancient

Pugan remained.

It should be said that it is the exclusive palace of the Blood Spirit Royal Family, full of luxury and expensiveness.

The gargoyle sculptures outside the entrance hall are so lifelike that they seem to come to life with just a touch of the eye.

Similarly, dark red agate and dark olive decorate the entrance hall, and the walls on both sides of the corridor are painted with

It is decorated with exquisite and detailed blood spirit reliefs, which seem to be some kind of mascot in the myth of the blood clan. It is soft and soft.

The carpet is embroidered with a dark giant beast. Stepping onto the carpet is like stepping on it.

The incense burner emits hot white smoke, emitting a refreshing breath.

The grass burned must be extraordinary, and the material used to make the incense burner is also Ryukyu.

The luxury of this palace is breathtaking.

However, this is only for people who are influenced by blood culture. Concepts and culture belong to human beings.

Bai Ji couldn't appreciate this kind of luxury. Instead, she felt that entering here was like entering the BOSS's headquarters.

Just like the camp, it couldn't bring her any other feelings except fear and solemnity.

"The palace is a forbidden area, and no idlers are allowed to enter." In front of the palace, two people wearing vampire-style armor

The Forbidden Army blocked the way of the two people.

These two people obviously saw Bai Ji next to her, but they still tried to stop her, which shows that Queen Li

Rias adopted a human as her heir for the first time, and many nobles and court officials had objections.

The most shocking thing is that the Queen used her precious first love opportunity with a human being

, actually succeeded. This is the most unacceptable thing for the nobles who advocate bloodline theory.

The first to come were some members of the royal family.

"Her Majesty the Queen has ordered Her Royal Highness the Princess to enter the palace." The maid looked at the two guards calmly and moved

Her Majesty the Queen issued an order.


Sorry, I really didn't recognize it before. Your Highness, please invite me. "How dare the two guards

Da didn't dare to disobey the princess's order, so he had to let Kai go and gave Bai Ji a deep look.

Bai Ji showed no sign of weakness, and the suspicion in the other party's eyes directly turned into provocation in her eyes.

, The fearless spirit is the foundation of a knight. Therefore, she stared straight back at the opponent.

After Bai Ji's back faded away, the two guards looked at each other, each seeing her gaze.

The weirdness in it.

"That, is the princess?".

Yes, it shouldn't be wrong. "

"But, why does the princess dress like that?".

How do I know, maybe this is a royal, bad taste?"

The interior decoration of the palace is also really luxurious. The jade stone taken from rare mineral veins is a natural building material.

The building materials are not only easy to cut, but also keep the indoor cool, so that it will not be stuffy in summer and not sweltering in winter.

It doesn't matter what the weather is, the vampires are not afraid of severe winter.

This kind of extremely rare and expensive building materials can be seen everywhere inside the palace.

Ji sneered at this.

Eighty percent of them were stolen. Taking other people’s things to decorate your own appearance is really shameless.


"Your Royal Highness, Her Majesty the Queen and her tutor Mr. Fran have been waiting for you in the dining room for a long time."

"Oh, we know." Bai Ji retracted her gaze and looked around, and she didn't need to know where to go.

Come on, just follow the maid.

The main entrance of the palace is a large living room, and the corridors leading inside lead to various rooms.

There are them on every floor, and what they want to go to is the restaurant on the first floor.

Bai Ji felt a chill in her heart when she thought that she would see that evil x-shaped face later.

But it doesn't matter, some things really need to be settled.

Before she even entered, Bai Ji heard the exchange between Lilias and her mentor Fran in the restaurant.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Her Royal Highness the Princess has studied very seriously under me. She always attends class every time.

Listen carefully and take notes, and she can answer all the questions you ask her after class, absolutely no problem!"

"Oh? Really? That's really hard on you, Mr. Fran.

The thick male voice is in the front, and the soft childish voice is in the back. Needless to say, the latter is

Lilias's voice.

"It is an honor to serve the Queen."

Bai Ji knew the person named Fran in the room. He was the etiquette instructor Lilias hired for her.

After embracing her as a vampire for the first time, Lilias treated her to no less than ten people in total.

There are three etiquette instructors, and they are all top-notch etiquette instructors in the palace.

The first nine were dismissed by Lilias. Why were they dismissed? Because they didn’t

Not only did Bai Ji not be taught etiquette, but Bai Ji taught her how to be a ghost again and how to check etiquette.

Hou Baiji knew nothing about it, and even put her hands on her hips and proudly announced that she was teasing the teacher in class.

glorious deeds.

Lilias usually listened with a smile, and then asked Wei

The soldier's handle is trembling on one side

The instructor dragged C down and taught him a lesson, and then he also taught the proud Bai Ji a lesson.

In this way, a total of ten instructors gave Bai Ji etiquette lessons before and after. Without exception, the previous

Nine of them have been dismissed, and this mentor Fran is the tenth.

At first, he was very panicked when he received the task of educating Bai Ji. After all, there were nine people teaching him in front of him.

The tutor with similar academic level was kicked out of the palace because of this. What do you think of the new princess?

He is definitely not an easy master to deal with.

However, what he didn't expect was that his teaching progress was surprisingly smooth. The princess

Your Highness is not as naughty as you thought. On the contrary, he was very quiet during class, listening to himself.

While he was in class, he nodded frequently, and his humility and respect for the teacher made Fran's face more honorable.

Maybe I am the special one, or maybe I am quite pleasing to Her Highness the Princess.


As he thought this way, his self-confidence expanded like never before.

It is already a huge honor to be the princess's mentor and be respected by the princess.

If you go outside and show your identity as a princess tutor, countless people will come to you.

Although the job is strenuous, it is definitely not thankless, just like now.

Her Majesty the Queen, who had never been seen before, actually took the initiative to invite him to dinner and talked to the Queen.

Your Majesty has had a meal together. This is something you can brag about for a lifetime. Maybe you will

You will become famous because of this. -

After reading this, Teacher Fran's expression became more dignified. On the surface, he was swaying the red wine, but in his heart,

Si Que has fast forwarded to the day when he successfully gained the Queen's favor.

However, what he didn't know was that today's meal would be his last meal before he died.

"Your Majesty, the princess is here.

With frivolous steps, Bai Ji walked into the restaurant under the guidance of the maid.

As a tutor, you cannot openly greet Her Royal Highness the Princess when the Queen is present.

So Fran planned to give a look to this person who got along well with him (who he thought he was).


However, when he saw Bai Ji coming in, his body froze, as if it was frozen.

Unable to move.

This, this, this, this. What's going on with this dress?

In general formal occasions, especially occasions like meeting the Queen, you should dress naturally.

A floor-length dress with a darker color can look serious and solemn. This is the tradition of the vampire family.


However, seeing what Bai Ji was wearing today, Fran felt that his heart was beating fast.

It's going to stagnate.

A color of vibrant pale yellow and pure white.

Okay, very bold.

The smooth and flat belly button was exposed between the two hanging silk strips.

Okay, very bold.

The material used is translucent, barely covering the arms and thighs, and the flesh color is faintly hidden in it.


Okay, very bold.

The snow-white little feet are exposed, and there are anklets on the ankles. Not to mention, they are very bold.

Just be bold and that's it.

If he hadn't known this to be Her Royal Highness, Fran would have thought that she was about to sleep with him.

dancing girl.

The arms, thighs and even the navel are exposed, this, this, this. What do you want to do?


At this moment, Fran wanted to kneel down and call Bai Ji her aunt.

He swallowed hard and turned to Queen Lilias as if his head was wound up.

In the direction, I saw the Queen. At this moment, her smile was even thicker than before.

It's over.

Fran was despairing. He knew that the moment Lilias saw what Bai Ji was wearing, he would

My career as an etiquette instructor is completely over.

Looking at Bai Ji's eyes again, there is no usual obedience and tranquility, but only gloating and ridicule.

"Haha, you really think you teach well without showing your hands." There was a big look in his eyes.

That's probably what it means.

She was just holding back these days.


He now finally understood why those seniors before him had failed.

This time, he only saw the second layer, and he imagined this little devil as the first layer

, In fact, they are on the fifth floor.

"Mr. Fran, may I ask what's going on?" Lilias looked at her with a smile.

Fran was so flustered that he changed his title from "Sir" to "Mr."

"I, my Fran looked at Bai Ji with difficulty, sobbing in his throat for a long time, and was stunned.

Say a complete sentence.

"Is this the result of what you boasted to me and taught?"

"No, no, I, I have never taught Your Highness the Princess to dress like this!"

Looking at Fran who was trying his best to explain, how could Lilias not see that Bai Ji did this on purpose?

What to do.

Generally speaking, the royal family has maids to help them change their clothes. If the clothes are wrong,

No matter how stupid a maid is, she won't be able to commit such a low-level act.

Wrong right?

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the Princess insists on doing this, and I have no way of following her."

The little maid told the truth.

"Bai Ji, come here.

"Yeah~" Bai Ji jumped up and walked up, pretending to be very well-behaved and came to Lilias

in front of.

"What are the instructions for the idiot vampire?~" She smiled sweetly, idiot vampire, this is what Bai Ji said to her.

Lilias's title is unshakable. Commonly used titles include poop vampire and dog poop sucking blood.

Ghosts, little vampires, expired old lolita, etc.

"Tell me, my king, what have you learned in the past few days?" Lilias has long been accustomed to this.

"Of course, I learned this!" Bai Ji showed off the dagger under her skirt.

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