Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 3

"Of course, I have learned this!" Bai Ji's face suddenly turned serious and she showed off the clothes under her skirt.

He held the dagger in his backhand and stabbed Lilias.

Lilias, who was unprepared, was not in a hurry when she saw this, nor did she take any precautions.

In this way, your elbows are supported on the armrests, and your smile does not change.

"Clang!" The dagger touched a hard object and was bounced away.

The wooden and clay figure that seemed to have been given life stood in front of Lilias like an iron tower.

In front of you, you are invulnerable.

[Alien Summoning Clay Golem]

"Wow!" The counter-impact force sent Bai Ji flying away, and she fell to the ground like a glutinous rice ball.

on the ground.

As she stood up, thorny vines burst out of the ground and entangled her feet.

"In one week, I changed ten etiquette teachers, and you learned this?" Lilia's eyes widened.

The child narrowed into a gap.

"Study, learn shit." Bai Ji spat, bared her teeth and looked at Lilias fiercely. "Turning us into disgusting vampires, and asking us to call you "Mother Mother", let us learn how to do it-

Only qualified vampires, bah! You are thinking of eating peaches! Wow!

Before she could finish her words, the vines that entangled her protruded with sharp thorns and pierced into the tender flesh of her legs.

Bai Ji groaned in pain.

"You still don't understand your position, Xiaobai Ji." Lilias stood up and picked up the

The sharp knife that Bai Ji kept secretly came closer to sniff it and grinned.

"You often use this knife to commit suicide, right?" The smell of blood stains on it is too strong to be removed. However, even so, you can't.

die. "

"You can't even kill yourself, do you think you can use it to kill me?" Lilias casually-

Throwing it, the knife was stuck on the ground next to him.

"Use your brain, former Knight King, you always fight with only your muscles and not your brain.

? No wonder it ended up like this. "Lilias poked Bai Ji's cheek provocatively.

Haha, so what. "Bai Ji reluctantly smiled, so that her smile looked a little distorted.

"As long as you don't kill us for one day, we will never stop trying to kill you, vampire."

Queen, if you really feel confident, give it a try and see who among us has the last laugh!"

Ha." After hearing this, Lilias laughed suddenly, her head turning slightly mechanically.

He turned to Fran who was sitting on pins and needles, wishing he could jump out of the window and run away right now.

"Mr. Fran, this is the education you boast about? ?"

"If I let you continue to teach me, my life might be gone that day.

"I, Fran waved his hands in a panic. Without any room to think, he suddenly stopped talking.

He knelt down on the chair made of Chinese wood.

"Your Majesty, please calm down! Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess was really obedient when I was teaching you.

I didn’t know it would turn out like this, it’s absolutely true!”

Lilias couldn't listen to any excuses at this moment, she called out numbly


"Mr. Fran, you don't need to come tomorrow." Lilias bared her fangs. "Royal family

My temple is too small to accommodate your giant Buddha. I think you should find another job. "

"Your Majesty the Queen! Because I have been loyal to the royal family for many years, I didn't wait for him to continue.

, the guards all came together and dragged him away.

"You should go out first."

"As commanded."

"My good daughter, how do you want me to say hello to you?" After asking the maid to leave the room, the whole

Only Bai Ji and Lilias were left in the restaurant.

If you don't kill us today, we will kill you in the future!" Bai Ji gritted her teeth and said fiercely.

Lilias gritted her teeth and stared, as if she would pounce on someone like a lion after untying her restraints.

From Bai Ji's point of view now, she and Lilias have a life-and-death hatred, and she just wants to sue

Tell Lilias that having her by your side will always be a threat unless she is killed.

"Very good. I thought that the passage of time would help you calm down and recognize your new identity.

With the position, it seems impossible now. "Lilias raised a smile without any smile.

"It's good to know. We have nothing to talk about with you. We can only fight to the end." Bai Ji's voice

His voice was also very cold, but he kept suppressing the panic rising like bubbles in his heart.

Bravery does not mean fearlessness, and living things are not only composed of souls, but also bodies.

No matter what the soul is like, Bai Ji's body is just a newborn vampire.

The body cannot suppress the fear of unknown and powerful things.

"Is that so? Okay, I understand."

"You'd better understand." Bai Ji swallowed and suppressed her fear. "Between the two of us

No matter what, I can only survive. Only one can survive. I don’t want to find it under the quilt one day -

If it's a venomous snake, do it!

"What are you talking about, little Bai Ji~" Lilias suddenly held Bai Ji's face, her face full of tears.

Showing gentleness.

"This king himself

I think I am not a good man and a believer in women, and I will never do anything to him no matter what.

My own daughter did it. "

"I will never use such vulgar and violent methods to educate you again." After that, Bawai Zaili

The clay figure beside Rias turned into a spiral and disappeared.

"From today on, I will no longer find a palace teacher for you. I will teach you by my own words and deeds."

Teach, use strong love to educate and influence your body and mind. "

What nonsense are you talking about? Are you out of your mind? Ouch! It hurts.

Bai Ji's ears were pulled with tears in the corners of her eyes, and she kept crying out that it hurt.

We promised to educate with love, but why did we start using violence in the blink of an eye? ?

Even Bai Ji couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"Teaching by words and deeds naturally requires the use of fists and kicks. Only physical close contact can be considered

The education of love. "Lilia said with a skinny smile.

What kind of education of love is this??" While education of love should also let you understand your own position and identity, this is what I want

Proposed deal, okay, okay~ I won’t let the soldiers and maids accompany me either, it’s just us mother and daughter here.

You two, I will take you to a good place.

"Go, where are you going? Let me go. I'm not going! Do you hear me?

The situation was completely different from what I expected. I thought that dining together once a week would be a surprise.

When she heard about her assassination, Lilias was furious no matter what she said. What she didn't expect at all was

, the other party not only did not lose his temper, but also said with a smile that he would personally educate himself with love in the future.

This doesn’t look right at all!? What conspiracy is this old woman planning?

Bai Ji didn't allow herself to think too much. She had already been pulled out of the palace room by Lilias and outside the garden.


"Hey, hey! Wait a minute, woah woah! Seeing this, Bai Ji immediately shouted, before she could wait.

He was pulled out of the palace if he said anything.

The dazzling sun shines directly down, and the pale and sickly skin seems to be spotted by the radiant sun.

It burned, Bai Ji felt as if her body was purified by the light, and burned painfully.

For newborn vampires who have not yet fully developed, the sun is a fatal weakness. The skin

When exposed to the sun, it will feel like it is being burned. If not, it may become cooked.

bat fucked

Bai Ji struggled to break away from Lilias' hand and subconsciously wanted to run towards the house, but

He was grabbed tightly by the latter and couldn't move.

"You, what are you doing?

Lilias ignored the struggling Bai Ji and walked straight to the center of the garden, throwing Bai Ji to the ground.

Bai Ji lost her restraints and fell to the ground motionless like a dried squid.

"Stand up, Bai Ji.".

Uh-huh, Bai Ji couldn't even lift her head under the scorching heat of the sun.

Come, let alone get up.

After the second attempt failed, Bai Ji fell to the ground weakly.

Is she finally going to return to the sun? I really didn’t expect her death to be like this.

"Get up, Bai Ji, overcome the sun." Even under the bright sun, Lilias's voice

It's also cold to the bone.

This guy really won't give up torturing her. Why should I listen to you?

Just won't get up.

Bai Ji lay motionless. Gradually, she felt that her consciousness began to move away from her.

, as if something grabbed him, freeing himself from this sinful body.

God is so kind. Only gods can be like this. They are willing to remove their dirty self from

It is so kind to be liberated from this body.

What a disappointment. "Seeing this, Lilias snorted coldly.

"I thought you had this qualification, but I didn't expect that you are just like those ordinary people. You are just a mortal with no perseverance, no determination, and no firm faith."

Who do you think is not firm in faith?" Bai Ji, whose life was hanging by a thread, heard this and became distracted.

His eyes instantly solidified, his fingers gradually closed, he raised his head slightly, and looked at the man in front of him with his back to the sun.

The figure of Yang.

"Isn't it?" Lilias sneered. "Just to this extent, you want to die? Really?

It's an act of cowardice. "

"If I were you, I would definitely try my best to survive, because only by surviving

Only by going there can you be qualified to take revenge and do what you want to do. Being forbearing is not called cowardice.

Cowardice means lying low and biding your time. "

"Death is an escape. A true warrior will choose to endure humiliation and bear the burden and live a strong life."

The king thought that the King of Knights was somewhat different, but he didn’t expect that you are just like most weak people, -

Such cowardice." Bai Ji moved her hands and then quickly squeezed them. "Who are you calling a coward?

"Who else could it be?" Lilias crossed her arms and looked down at Bai Ji like a god. "

You look really embarrassed and ugly now, like a dog who can only live in the shadows.

Bed bugs die with exposure. "

"What, are you not convinced?" Lilias grinned. "If you are not convinced, just prove it to

Let me see, you can stand in the sun.


Vampire, I, the only one I don’t want to be said like that by you!”

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