Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 4

"We are the only ones who suck blood. I don't want you to say that!" Bai Ji supported herself after giving up her resistance.

The body that was about to melt straightened its back under Lilias's gaze.

Although it was difficult, she still did it, as a fragile newborn vampire.

I don’t know how much time passed, but gradually, the scorching sun was no longer so dazzling, and scattered all over my body.

The sunlight above tends to be warm and soft, as if bathed in a warm breeze.

The cold sweat on my body subsided, and when the warm wind blew, all the cold feeling was driven away, as if it was falling away.

The people who entered the cold water pit returned to the burning fire.

She stood firm under the low sun and was not burned to ashes like a filthy mite.

"She kept panting, her cheeks were covered with sweat, and her long silver hair was wet.

Despite this situation, she still held on tenaciously.

"You did a good job." Lilias rubbed Bai Ji's head, but the latter didn't do anything at this moment.

I have enough time to slap the other person's hand away as usual.

Exhausted, she fell into Lilias's arms.

"Thank you for your hard work, my heir." Lilias smiled, slapping Bai Ji until she was wet with sweat.

Wet back. "You are really brave. At least you are braver than I was back then."

"Ugh!" Bai Ji emerged from the quilt and looked around after a brief moment of daze.

The unfamiliar ceiling is unfamiliar. No, it can no longer be regarded as a stranger. No matter how I

So I have been here for more than a week.

"What just happened?" Bai Ji, whose memory was fragmented, only remembered that Lilias pulled her into the court.

In the garden, I ate a blazing sun in front of me, and then there was no more, and my memory was completely blank.

Was she fainted from the sun? Yes, the sun is poison to newborn vampires

, Bai Ji, who barely listened to some knowledge in class, still remembers the teacher saying this.

Vampires are immune to sunlight only after three months. Pull Vampires who are less than one month old into the sun.

If exposed to the sun, it will melt faster than a popsicle. It will be gone in less than three minutes.

Of course, there are exceptions. If Bai Ji remembers correctly, a certain queen of the vampire clan was accidentally thrown into the garden by a servant when she was born. After spending the afternoon in the sun, nothing happened.


And this queen was the one who would open up new territory for the Vampire Clan in the future, and in its heyday she had conquered almost half of the territory.

The vampire queen of a continent, "Star Destroyer" Lisa LaSambo.

She can be said to be the most famous queen of the Vampire Clan. During the Second Era, her name

It is sung in the songs of children of all races and is called "The Pale Death".

Coincidentally, she is not the only one who has basked in the sun, and none of these Ratsambo - Exception Day

They are all vampire queens with reputations throughout the continent, and none of them are ignorant idiots.

They were all the best at the time.

Since then, the test of the scorching sun at birth has become a major tradition and legend of the vampire family.

As long as you have been exposed to the sun within one month of birth and survived the test of the scorching sun, then

The future achievements of this queen will surely be extraordinary.

Of course, there are success cases and failure cases, and there are far more failure cases than success cases.

Fortunately, Queen Lisa, the "Star Destroyer", imitated the careless maid back then and transformed herself

The daughter of the family was thrown into the sun and got a glass of bat juice.

I feel sorry for Queen Lisa's daughter. Facts have proved that if my mother can do it, my daughter may not be able to do it.

Moreover, the legend that surviving the newborn sun can lead the vampire clan to prosperity is not very accurate.

Deviations have occurred throughout history.

For example, Solanya, the last queen of the First Blood Spirit Empire, Bai Ji remembered that she seemed to be a regular

She is a being who has been baptized by the sun, but she managed to destroy such a huge empire inexplicably.


Facts have proved that being able to bask in the sun has nothing to do with future achievements, at least Bai Ji doesn’t believe it.

This kind of superstitious way of blood.

"Your Highness, you've actually woken up!" The maid who noticed the movement came in with a look of surprise on her face.

looked at Bai Ji.

Wait, does this tone sound like "I thought you must be dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive?"

"feeling"? ?

Bai Ji narrowed her eyes and cursed in her heart that Lilias was so abominable that she actually punished herself.

I threw myself under the sun and almost became a bat!

"Oh, I'm so sorry that we're still alive. What's the matter?" Bai Ji said angrily.

"Your Majesty Lilias is waiting for you outside." Before the maid finished speaking, the door was opened -

Lilias, who was wearing more informal attire, walked in.

A long-short black silk braided long hair and a suspender dress that exposed shoulders and arms.

Jean wondered if this guy had just gone to help socialize.

Dressed so affectionately, I think it's very possible.

This was the first time I saw Lilias, the vampire queen, dressed so unlike a queen.

It's like the little shameless little pool at a dance that specializes in showing off men.

Bai Ji felt that her thoughts were not unfounded.

The Queen must be very busy with many things to do,

Being busy means being stressed. Even if you are a vampire, you have

Greater pressure is also a very annoying thing, so she will definitely be looking for something in private.

Vent your stress and emotions.

Logician Bai Ji's eyes lit up and she felt like she had a blind spot.

That's right, Lilias is usually very charming, and her every move and smile has a heart-catching charm.

The provocative old loli was extremely empty and lonely inside. In order to release her pressure, she went to

She will definitely make some contrasting actions that are very unbecoming of a queen.

Although the hardware facilities are not very good (cross out this sentence), Lilias cannot attract those who like her.

Aristocrats who like big sister figures with bulging front and back, but some young obsessives with weird habits can definitely seduce them.

Come on, with your status as a queen, doing this kind of thing is easy! -

After reading this, Bai Ji looked at Lilias with an even weirder look.

She was almost sure that Lilias was secretly a piece of shit who couldn't be found with a lantern, so everything could be explained.

The underground courtesan of the Vampire King's City, I'm afraid there are several black uncles who can't keep her entertained!

Bai Ji bared her fangs, and she thought of a great idea.

Now that she has caught Lilias, why not use it as a blackmail and keep it for the New Year? ?

Thinking of this, Bai Ji's attitude gradually became arrogant.

"Are you awake? I thought you would be unconscious for a few more hours."

"Oh, who caused us to faint? Don't you have Hercules in mind?" Bai Ji said angrily.

"Well, the so-called heaven is going to confer a great responsibility on this people, and they must first work hard and work hard for their muscles and bones." This is actually a

The bureau quoted ancient sayings very philosophically, but in Lilias' mouth, they became mostly ridiculing words.

Oh, if you want to be proud, you can only take advantage of this moment!

"This is the tradition of our blood clan. If you can endure the test of the scorching sun, you are destined to be a very good person in the future.

Out of the ordinary. "

It's extraordinary, why don't you say that we will conquer the world in the future?

"Then if we can't hold on to the leash, you can just wait for the end!" Bai Ji said unhappily, and tightened her grip.

Then he frowned and immediately realized that there was something wrong in his words.

"Bah! Who is your daughter? Go away, go away, and see Lilias's smile.

It's thicker, Bai Ji retorted as if her hair was fried.

"I will be troubled if Bai Ji adapts to her identity too quickly." Lilias held her face in her hands,

Very difficult to say. k"This will take away a lot of the fun of training."

Damn bat, don’t be proud!

"Hey, Lilias, I advise you to be nicer to us now." Bai Ji crossed her arms and said

He looked at Lilias triumphantly.

"Oh? Better? My attitude towards you is always the best.

"Others will not be cared for by my words and deeds." Lilias raised her eyebrows.

Seeing Bai Ji's arrogance, just like a white swan, she started playing with interest.

Just listen to what she has to say next.

"Are you taking care of me? Is that cruelty?" Bai Ji kicked off the quilt and said angrily.

"If we don't get mad, do you really think that we are made of mud? ? If you have any sense, come here and help now.

Let’s beat our legs. "

"?You want me to help you beat your legs?" Lilia smiled softly.

"Is there someone else standing here?" He glanced at her. "I have been a queen for so long, and have been served by others for so long. I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs run away, right? ? If you don't know how to serve people, then you shouldn't do it."

"No, Lilias is still smiling. "Why on earth do you think that I will help you beat your legs?"

"This kind of thing must be explained clearly, otherwise I will wonder if your child's brain was burned out by the sun."

"Who do you think has been burned out by the sun?" Bai Ji narrowed her eyes in dissatisfaction. "Don't think that hiding something deliberately can hide it from others. We know all your secrets!"

"Secret? My secret?" Lilias remained calm, but her smile faded.

It shouldn't be.

Lilias tightened the parchment hidden in her arms.

"What secret can you tell me?"

"Humph, we know, but we just don't say it." Bai Ji turned her head away.

"Oh? Are you trying to deceive me? This trick is not easy to use."

"Do you have to tell me? Well, you forced us to do this." Bai Ji smiled coldly. "you,

You just went to meet someone, right?" Lilias suddenly fell silent, but was shocked in her heart.

"Who do I see? Who do I see?"

"Stop pretending, I know." Bai Ji showed an expression of being under control and shook her head.

finger. "You are dressed like this, you must be going to see that person!"

Yes, she must have gone to meet her lover!

Lilias clenched her fingers calmly.

The queen's clothes were inconvenient and eye-catching, so she changed to regular clothes

Does she know about the parchment scrolls! ?

"Humph, you are indeed right!" Seeing Lilias's silence, Bai Ji became even more sure of her judgment.

Sure enough, this little vampire guy must be a rare slut in private.

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