Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 5

"Humph, you are indeed right!" Bai Ji changed to a more comfortable position to lean on.

On the bedside, I crossed my legs and hummed an unknown children's song.

"Then tell me, who did I go to see?"

"Why should we say it? Don't you know it better than anyone else?" Bai Ji snorted coldly. "Why do you still ask us when you know everything?"


Oh?" Lilias narrowed her eyes and then smiled sweetly. "This is not something

What a secret, that person is not that kind of shady existence, not even."

"If you want, I can take you to see him now."

"Wait, what are you doing?" Lilias's change of attitude really made Bai Ji angry.


Normally, he shouldn't have caught Lilias's hand. This idiot vampire just

Can you be constrained by your own compromise? Why is it different from what you promised?

Going the other way, this is what Lilias often does.

After all, she didn't believe that Bai Ji could learn such an important secret. The parchment that was handed to her was

I am not the kind of careless and careless person, and it is impossible for me to make such a low-level mistake, so

So she planned to deceive Bai Ji.

Are you kidding? Who wants to see your mistress? You, you don’t want to

For something more exciting, let’s play in the mother-daughter well! ?

"Go away, it's so disgusting, I have no interest in it!" Bai Ji immediately shrank to the corner of the bed.

"Come on, three people can talk about more things than two people." Lilias smiled.

looked at Bai Ji.

"Go away, you have to go alone, don't harm us! If you come near us again, I will kill you."

The lover’s secret has been revealed!”

What did you say?" Lilias raised her eyebrows, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"What else could it be?" Bai Ji crossed her arms. "You know what we're talking about, we really have to choose

Is it clear??"

"I am wondering why you would think of going to that level." Lilias snorted.

laughed out loud.

"Tch, stop pretending, we know very well, you!" The jade-like finger pointed at Lilias, and Bai Ji's face was filled with the look of being under control.

"The private life of a powerful and lonely vampire like you must be so corrupt."

The lines are filled with filth and ethical violations. "

"The crazier you are, the more you can vent your pressure and desires. We can see vampires like you

Much more. "At least in Bai Ji's view so far, vampires mean filth and all kinds of

Unbearable is the agglomeration of all negative derogatory meanings.

"If you have power, you will inevitably use it to establish authority. Even if you don't use it to establish authority, you will abuse it in private." No.

So what do you want to do with such a thing as rights? ?

Bai Ji, who had this idea to corrupt the clergy, dealt with no less than a hundred cases, and the vampire

It is impossible to be nobler than humans, so Lilias secretly made custom-made clothes even crazier than these.


The human heart is fragile, and great pressure coupled with the corrosion of power can easily breed certain traits in people.

Weird habit. As a knight, Bai Ji dealt with a lot of related matters. What about this?

There is some experience in this aspect.

For example, sadism or even masochism, which is what people usually call S-shaking and M-shaking.

It's not even a novelty anymore.

Fetish, necrophilia, hand fetish, and some inexplicable obsession with certain parts of the body

Guys with perverted obsessions are really eye-opening.

Bai Ji once personally handled a related matter of this kind.

The kind and kind local bishop is actually an extreme pervert who likes to collect the fingers of young girls.


His "private collection" is located directly below the cathedral. At that time, Bai Ji took her subordinate knights to find

When we arrived at this private collection, the scene was quite shocking.

The mold-infested cabinet shelves were filled with transparent jars filled with unknown liquids, soaked in

The green onion fingers are clearly visible, and the storage date and the owner’s lifetime are even marked on the wall of the jar.

Age and name.

Bai Ji, who had never seen the dark side, almost vomited three big bowls at that time. This kind of thing happened to

Naturally, she dealt with it strictly.

Subsequently, Bai Ji, who had seen such things frequently, gradually became immune to such things.

So sensitive.

"To sum up, you must have a lover outside!" Bai Ji's analysis was reasonable. "

Even if you don't have that kind of thing, you must be a sadist or a fetishist or something, secretly

If you can't control your desires, you go to the dungeon and torture the foreign prisoners to vent your stress.

Bai Ji was very sure of her guess.

"Oh, really." To be honest, what Bai Ji said was so reasonable and convincing that even Lilia

Si herself began to wonder if she was normal.

"Oh, we can see things accurately for a guy like you. You can't be wrong.

"That's it." Lilias put her finger lightly on her lips and smiled evilly.

He came close to Bai Ji.

"You're right about one thing."

"As for me, I do have some sadistic tendencies."

"We knew it

"But I have never done such shameless things as abusing foreign prisoners of war, and

Besides, I don’t need to find anyone else to vent my stress. "

"Then who are you venting to?" Bai Ji didn't understand what he meant and looked at the other party inexplicably.

Lilias looked at Bai Ji without saying a word with a smile. "

You won't be. "Suddenly, Bai Ji suddenly realized something and immediately rolled out of bed.

"Oh, I'm a bit addicted." Lilias licked her red lips, her scarlet eyes

Zi stared straight at Bai Ji, lying on the bed, like a little goblin who was annoying and tempting to commit crime.

"Xiao Baiji, I have to ask you to satisfy my craving again."

"Excuse me, why am I so greedy?! What about the one who promised not to abuse foreign prisoners of war??"

"Eh? Are there any aliens here?" Lilias looked at Bai Ji in surprise and pretended to cover her mouth.

"Go away!" Bai Ji pulled the pillow and threw it at Lilias, who caught her firmly.

"Don't be shy, good boy, come here quickly." Lilias tiptoed out of bed.

"Your analysis is correct, but I don't need to find any concubine at all, let alone

Those dirty prisoners.

"Before I embraced you for the first time, I really suffered from irritability, but now I don't have this worry at all.


"Don't you want to know how I relieve boredom and stress? Come here, come here ~ I

I'll tell you personally. "

"Ni Zuokai, you are laughing so disgustingly, Lilias, the aura of a female concubine in you is getting stronger and stronger.

It's over!" Bai Ji moved back with a look of disgust.

"It's so rude. No matter how big or small you are, you must call me your mother from now on. Do you understand?"

"If you want me to call you mother, I would rather die!" Bai Ji felt a chill running from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

Are you kidding me? If I, who was born as a knight, were called the Vampire Queen, what would I do in this river?


Bai Ji can't do it, and she absolutely can't do it. Because of life and death, Yi Zhi did what she couldn't do.

What she is willing to do will make her sick for the rest of her life.

"Hey, you're not going to scream, are you sure you're not going to scream?" Lilias tilted her head.

"I would rather die than scream." Bai Ji glared at Lilias fiercely to show her determination.

Although he can't beat her now, that doesn't stop him from killing her with his eyes.

"You are tarnishing our soul, Vampire Queen, please respect your opponent.

I'm afraid we'll lose the battle.

"Ah? Opponent?" Lilias looked at Bai Ji funny. "No, you wouldn't really think

Are you qualified to be my opponent? No, no, no?"

"You,!" Bai Ji was so angry that she was trembling with anger at being looked down upon in such a way.

My limbs were cold, and tears came out of my eyes unsatisfactorily.

"Lilias! Don't think you'll win like this!" she shouted, "I'd rather be in pieces than in ruins."

Bai Ji picked up the small pillow on the ground and went up to fight Lilias. As expected, she was beaten

Fang pressed down on the bed.

"It seems that it is really necessary for you to recognize your current identity." Use Knuckles on Bai Ji

Lilias, who had the fixation technique, narrowed her eyes.

"Quickly, get off of us! Bastard Lilias, it hurts so much." It seemed like

Because her body has become smaller, Bai Ji's tear glands have become surprisingly developed, and it doesn't take a few tries to

started crying.

"Ah, what happened to the brave and mighty knight? You are crying, this can't be completely

Have you taken on the role?"

"I'll put you in my place. Don't step on our faces with those stinky hooves I gave you!" Bai Ji's face was extremely fierce.

It looks like it will bite people.”

"Pfft." Lilias looked at Bai Ji with a smile, as if the more she struggled, the more she felt.

to pleasure

Seeing that she couldn't break away from Lilias, Bai Ji pouted and simply stopped struggling.

"Oh? Why don't you make a fuss? Keep going. You're still a little short, maybe you can ask me.

"It's up to you. I don't know how many years I've lived, but I'm still pretending to be young and beautiful. The old lady...


Lilias was still smiling, but there was a hint of sinisterness in her smile. "Ideological education seems to be necessary."

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Bai Ji faintly noticed something was wrong and frowned slightly.

"Xiao Baiji~ What was your favorite thing to eat when you were a human?" Lilias smiled.

It was very brilliant, but the more brilliant it was like a big red flower, the worse Bai Ji felt.

"Why do you ask this question?" The vigilant Bai Ji did not answer.

"It's nothing. I heard that you are not used to the vampire dishes, so I was wondering if I should change it for you.

Improve the food and let you try the dishes you liked before. "

"?" Baiji-face's "Is this really the case?" expression, clearly showing her sudden affection towards Lilias.

I feel a little confused.

"Come on, tell us your favorite dishes." Li

Rias released her entanglement with Bai Ji,

After clapping her hands, the maid waiting at the door came in.

You're not trying to trick us, are you?" Bai Ji couldn't believe it.

"To tease you, do I need to beat around the bush like this?"

Too. "The innocent Bai Ji thought about it for a moment and felt that this was what happened.

Listening to Bai Ji who kept naming the dishes, Lilias smiled even more.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to add it."

"I have to finish the food I ordered even if I cried and vomited it all out."

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