Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 6

How could this vampire be so kind? ?

Before serving the meal, the clever Bai Ji frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

After the meal was served, Seko couldn't help but salivate as he looked at the dazzling array of delicacies on the jade plate.

, the vigilance and alertness were completely gone.

Maybe, maybe even a vampire has a conscience to discover it! Look at yourself these two days

Losing her appetite, she probably couldn't stand it anymore.

It makes sense. After all, it was her heir who starved to death. She had no choice but to provide food for herself.

Isn't it?

Bai Ji, who lowered her guard, had no time to wipe away the water that kept spilling from the corners of her mouth, and opened her hands.

After sprinting for 100 meters, I happily threw myself on the dining table, climbed onto the bench, swayed my legs, cutlery and bowls

The chopsticks kept beating like musical instruments.

"It's time to eat~ It's time to eat~ It's time to eat~"

Lilias, who was sitting on the main seat, also seemed very happy, resting her head on her folded hands.

She looked at Bai Ji with a smile on her face, swinging like a happy pendulum.

"Hey, don't you want to eat?" After swallowing, Bai Ji became more modest.

"I don't eat these things." Lilias smiled even more. "Just watch you eat.

"The more you eat, the happier I will be."

Bai Ji was stunned when she heard this.

This sentence reminded her of her mother when she was human.

Speaking of which, I haven't gone back to see her for a long time. After all, that happened.

It would be awkward if we meet again, right?

I'm afraid I can never go back.

Turning his eyes to Lilias, Bai Ji's feelings were inexplicably more complicated.

Maybe, she meant maybe.

If they are of the same race, this vampire queen is surprisingly good, maybe she can be a

good mother

Thinking like this weirdly, the taste of chewing in Bai Ji's mouth also wafted weirdly.

? ? ?" As she chewed, Bai Ji's complexion gradually became uncomfortable, and then her complexion became ugly at a visible speed.

"How is it? Is it delicious~?" Lilias tilted her head and smiled like a flower.

Puff!" Bai Ji spat out the mosaic in her mouth that she hadn't had time to swallow.

I covered my throat at the dinner table, unable to suppress the nauseating feeling of vomiting.

This, this woman, we knew she was not so kind, she actually added it to our food


"You, you despicable woman, plotted against us and have no moral ethics!

"Hey, don't you want to eat human food yourself?" Lilias looked innocent. "where

I'm plotting against you.

"It's too much. My daughter vomited up the carefully prepared meal and didn't say anything about it. She also slandered me. 嘤嘤


"Don't deny it, these things must have been added with ingredients! It tastes weirder than durian. It tastes the same as durian."

It’s like horse urine mixed with foot wash!”

"It sounds like you've really drunk it." Lilias teased.

"You guys are really teasing us!" He looked dizzy at the greasy and fried pig.

Hoof, Bai Ji suddenly lost her appetite.

It’s amazing, how do vampire chefs make human food so tempting?

The taste is so intriguing? It is simply a culinary miracle.

"I admit that my chef is not very good at cooking human food, but he definitely doesn't add any supplements." Lilias stood up and clapped her hands. A maid held a cup filled with white granular crystals. The stone cup was on the table.

"You know this thing, right?"

"White sugar? Otherwise, what else could it be?" Bai Ji pinched a piece of sugar and looked at it carefully.

This kind of daily necessities is very familiar to Bai Ji.

"If you're sure, let's try it?"

Under Lilias's teasing, Bai Ji rubbed the candy in confusion and stuffed it into her mouth without thinking.

"! ? ​​Puff puff wow!" Bitter and astringent, this kind of thing is impossible to eat!

"This, this is not sugar??"

"It's candy." Lilias spread her hands. "This cup of sugar includes this table of human table

The delicacies served are all real, there is no fraud. "

"The taste of vampires is completely opposite to that of humans. Therefore, the food you taste is different from the original

The taste is also the opposite. How delicious it is, now it tastes terrible. "Lilias said cruelly

this fact.

"! We knew it." Bai Ji jumped off the bench angrily, pointing with her jade-like fingers.

Lillias. "You're teasing us again, I'm ignoring you!"

After that, Bai Ji ran away.


"Paji." Bai Ji was wrapped around the waist by a vine that came out of the shadow and was hooked back.

"Yeah! Come on, let us down quickly. What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Little Bai Ji, have you forgotten something?" Lilias held her chin in her hands, playfully

Looking at Bai Ji who was struggling.

"Forgot, what did you forget?" Bai Ji looked away.

"This king said it right? I don't like children who waste food. No matter how much you order, you have to eat it in the end.

Drop, oh.

"Wha, what!? Hey, that's too much! What can we do with these things that taste like shit?

What are you talking about?"

"You are a princess now, you can't use such vulgar words." Looking at the limbs

And using the playful Bai Ji, the corners of Lilias' mouth curled up.

"I will teach you little by little so that you can become a royal lady with proper etiquette.

"Before that, let's start with the etiquette of eating." Lilias leaned in front of Bai Ji's earlobe.


"As a royal family, you have to eat delicious food even if you are faced with something you don't like, and it's still

The kind of eating that is so pleasing to the eye. "

"What the hell? ?" Bai Ji was confused.

What kind of person does it take to eat something you don’t like but still enjoy it?

"What the hell? These three words are also very rude. You can't say them again. Let's start.

For today’s teaching, come and sit down. Before you start eating, put your hands on your thighs and keep your legs together.

Fingers parallel."

"Damn, it's so difficult. Why do we humans need to learn vampire etiquette?

?I’m so bored that I don’t want to study anymore. "Bai Ji pouted, and after imitating it several times out of helplessness, she stopped

He shook his legs impatiently and looked away with an expression like "I just don't want to learn, what can you do to me?"

Lilias was not annoyed by this, she took out a piece of paper and wrote something, as if recording something.

"Damn, it's so boring. Well, two sentences that are not up to standard and not polite."

"??What the hell are you remembering?"

"Ghost, okay, three sentences." Lilias put the note in her hand aside.

Picking up the knife and fork, he casually picked up some sweet and sour pork and handed it to Bai Ji's mouth.

"Take three bites."

"?!" Bai Ji immediately wanted to run when she saw this, but before she could take two steps, she was summoned by Lilias.

After being tied back, he was fixed on the chair from head to toe, unable to even move a finger.

"Come on, open your mouth.

"!? No, sing puff puff, cough

"Good boy." Looking at Bai Ji who rolled her eyes in discomfort, Lilias' face turned red.

He held his face in his hands, full of excitement and enthusiasm.

"! ?" Torturing others actually made her even more excited.

This guy is a sadist.

Unable to move, Bai Ji's eyes widened. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was starting to get scared.

The more you eat, the happier I will be.

Is this what this sentence means?! Give me back your feelings!

"Come on, now is the second bite."

"Uh, poof!"

"Hey, why did you spit it out? This is only the second piece, but it doesn't matter."

"You don't think you can survive if you vomit it out, do you?"

"Eat as much as you vomit, no less."

"Woooooo! ?"

"Come on, come on, eat these three pieces and don't forget about the irregular swear words you said before.

Just one sentence, I have written it all down. "

"! ?" After this day, Lilias's smile became Bai Ji's nightmare, so that every night

When she woke up from the dream, it lingered in her mind, lingering and lingering.

An hour later, the maids who came to clean up the mess looked at the messy scene of cups and plates, silently

Pray for the princess who is about to be spoiled.

"Ah, it's great, great, come on, Bai Ji, we're still just finishing the dishes."

"Take another bite, yes, that's it, you're so good, you have a stick in your mouth~"

"It doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore.

Bai Jisheng, with his head drooped, lay helplessly on the bench, his mouth covered with various oils.

stains, eyes that were already filled with tears could no longer shed tears, leaving only despair.

My tongue, my tongue can no longer feel the taste, and my stomach is too full to feel anything.

Who are we, where are we, and what are we doing? She often asks such questions.

"Xiao Bai Ji~" Her vision flickered, and Bai Ji felt her cheek being pinched and forced to face her.

Lilias's eyes.

"How is it? How do you feel?"

Bai Ji nodded without thinking, then shook her head.

She forgot what she should say, and she didn't know what she was feeling at this moment.

Well, I don’t even know how to express it.

Unable to rely on, she was like a broken doll, letting Lilias's hands play with it.

"Now, would you like to call me mother?" Lilias smiled. "If you wish,

Maybe the punishment phase will end early. "

Do you want to do it yourself?

Ah, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you want it or not.

The will has been tortured out, as if the soul has been dispersed, leaving only a ruined body inside.


"Mother, Bai Ji shouted this with a trembling voice. She would rather die than shout it out.

two words.

"Eh? What did you say? The voice was too low. I didn't hear it." Who knows, Lilias completely

He has no intention of stopping torturing Bai Ji's will.

Bai Ji felt like a snail that was about to reach the end, but found that there was still -

A long distance covered with salt.

"Mushi Baiji's shoulders trembled and she sobbed, her little mouth curved like a bow, feeling extremely wronged.

"Mother, we were wrong, we were really wrong, I don't dare to moan anymore."

"From now on, woo woo, I won't be willful anymore. I will definitely learn from my mother seriously."


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