Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 7

At the Duke of Melville's banquet three months later.

The palace musicians played elegant and indifferent melodies, and the exquisitely crafted incense burners burned brightly.

Wisps of green smoke and the elegant and pleasant smell of burning incense filled the huge dance party.

A social dance held by aristocratic young ladies, usually held on the birthday of the queen or a certain grand duke.

Chen is also a day of celebration.

As the only five grand dukes of the Blood Clan, the birthday banquet of the head of the Melvey family is naturally a must.

Needless to say, the count and baron who are subordinate to him give him some face. Needless to say, the boss celebrates his birthday and becomes the younger brother.

No matter what you say, you have to prepare gifts and go over to support them. Some little nobles who have no position will also take advantage of this.

Take the opportunity to take your children to the dance to try your luck, maybe you can make friends with some young talents.

The younger generation and so on.

Most nobles have this idea. After all, the relationship network between nobles is very important.

If you want, all the nobles come over to dance and chat, and then make friends, and then give their heirs

The successor cultivated connections and saw a well-matched aristocrat along the way, picking up a baby and kissing her.

What? Your son has just turned five? Oh, what a coincidence, my second daughter also happens to be five years old.

Well, how about this, our two families become in-laws and support each other in the future?

It won't be so straightforward, but it's roughly the same.

Moreover, it is not just the small nobles who build relationships. The big nobles also have to win over their subordinates.

At the same time, we also need to establish good relations with other nobles as much as possible, so this time, with Meier

Large nobles with good relations with Duke Wei, such as Leforno and Walter, two nobles with two duke titles.

He also came with his subordinate nobles, and if nothing else happened, the other two nobles would also come.

Such a big scene is naturally indispensable for the royal family. After all, the royal family because of Mr. Delan's

Because of this, the relationship with the Melvey family is very good. Mr. Derain’s birthday, Lilias

Will definitely go.

But this year’s birthday is different, Lilias can’t attend the banquet as usual

Only at the last moment did he ascend to the throne of honor alone with his personal maid.

There are two advantages to being the last one. One is that you don’t have to deal with the nobles rushing to be the first.

Secondly, it can also show one's identity and gain dignity.

Only Her Majesty the Queen dares to step in at such a banquet in full view of the public.

However, it was different today. Like other nobles, she had to come in advance, and she had to come very early.

The carriage marked with the royal family crest slowly stopped in front of the Duke of Melville's Palace, wearing elegant clothes.

The girl in the noble dress held an umbrella and walked out of the carriage under the careful service of the maids.

Black and white is the color of the vampire queen.

Her Majesty Queen Lilias, the most noble of the Scarlet Blood Realm, is mainly dressed in black with white as the main color.

The complicated Lolita-style dress is trimmed with silk and embellished, and the gorgeous silver-white long hair is tied into a formal

Her side ponytail hair, black silk that symbolizes solemnity, and high-heeled leather boots make up for her appearance.


The maturity and stability in her bones made people ignore the queen's youthful figure.

Body and appearance.

"Your Majesty the Queen." Duke Melville's butler, who was in charge of receiving guests, knelt down towards Lilias.

Kneel down and caress your chest to show your respect and humility.

"I'm not too late, am I?" Lilias smiled.

"The banquet hasn't started yet, you came early." The butler said respectfully.

"Surprise isn't it?"

"That's not the case." To be honest, the butler was a little surprised. As Melvi's butler, he had many

For many years, he has always been responsible for receiving guests at banquets. This was the first time I saw a banquet.

Your Majesty the Queen is so active.

"Today, I am not here alone. Naturally, I have to come earlier." Holding an umbrella

Lilias smiled mysteriously and stepped aside.

Another person was dressed solemnly and carefully, equally elegant, but with a somewhat shy and helpless look on his face.

The resigned girl got off the carriage

See Her Royal Highness the Princess. "After a brief moment of sluggishness, the housekeeper immediately reacted and headed towards

Bai Ji saluted.

Bai Ji nodded and said nothing. She maintained a good sense of distance without being disrespectful. She couldn't help but

It has to make the housekeeper sigh.

If he remembered correctly, this princess turned out to be a human being and a knight.

Differences in values ​​and racial concepts will lead to prejudice. Humans regard vampires as suckers.

Monsters of blood. In the eyes of the vampires, humans are not just barbarians with low intelligence and incomparable weakness.

Also a lower species?

In their view, this group of weak and fragile creatures are just like insects. They will be shattered to pieces if they are lightly pinched. Not to mention fragile, they are still a group of barbarians who do not understand etiquette.

At first, Lilias planned to give her only chance of first love to such a human being, a vampire.

Opposition raged from top to bottom.

First of all, it is impossible to succeed in embracing human beings for the first time. Even if they can succeed for the first time, they don't want to

Become a descendant of the original human race.

The vampires attach great importance to bloodline, and it is impossible to treat them like this

The precious royal blood is handed over to

For a human being, doing this is not equivalent to handing over the entire scarlet blood domain to the despicable and shameless barbarians.

Are you a barbarian?

Most people oppose it, and more people follow the trend, especially after hearing the news about their first success.

After the news, most of the blood nobles said they could not accept it. Naturally, they expressed their disapproval of this prince who was not from our race.

His Highness's attitude cannot be any better.

Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen would actually bring her to the banquet today. The butler could already imagine

You can see how lively the banquet will be.

What surprised him was that the princess was not as naughty as he imagined.

Unbearable, there is no trace of human bad qualities in her body, - her smile is full of the flavor of an aristocratic lady

, -Every move is of elegant royal temperament.

It seems that the princess is not as unbearable as the rumors say, the housekeeper thought.

"Bai Ji, this is the Prime Minister of this dynasty, Lord Delan." Entering the auditorium, when seeing the white beard,

When she saw the old man Hua, Lilias looked unusually solemn and introduced to Bai Ji cautiously.


This is the first time I have met Bai Ji, a person that Lilias respects so much, so the etiquette is naturally not enough.

Dare to neglect.

"My lord, the head of the Melvi family, the junior Baijila Sambo, the daughter of Scarlet Queen Lilias,

I often hear my mother mention your name and say that you are her best personal friend. "short introduction

But there was a hint of respect, the etiquette and tone were textbook standards, and there was also a hint of courtesy in the corners of his mouth.

A graceful and modest smile.

"Your Highness the Princess, thank you very much. I was just helping Her Majesty the Queen to manage the affairs of the court." Delan

After returning the gift, he smiled gently, looking like a kind and kind grandfather.

"On the contrary, Her Royal Highness the Princess is really a well-behaved and dignified lady. There are many young people in the contemporary aristocracy.

They are all too impetuous, and their etiquette cannot be compared with that of Her Royal Highness.

"Lord Delan is so complimentary." Bai Ji said modestly without being arrogant or impetuous.

Although she looks elegant and calm on the surface, she is far from calm in her heart.

Ahhh! I’m so panicked. There are so many vampires. We have never seen so many vampires.

very scary

Is Lilias looking at us? Why do you keep looking at me and laughing? ?We said the wrong thing again

Did you say it? ? You didn’t say the wrong thing, right? You should have said the right thing! ?

"If you say a wrong word, you will be rewarded with a piece of sweet and sour pork. If you do something wrong, you will be rewarded with a piece of milk.

Oil cake. "Recalling the plans Lilias had set for her test before setting off with a smile on her face.

According to the rules, Bai Ji panicked.

You can’t say the wrong thing, you mustn’t say the wrong thing, and you can’t do the wrong thing, otherwise you will

The scene will be very miserable!

"Your Royal Highness, this is my daughter, Maya Melvi. Please get to know her."

"Nice to meet you, Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ji." Mr. Delan's daughter is a well-dressed girl.

She is a relatively quiet and intellectual girl. She looks at Bai Ji and speaks in a polite and polite voice.

Respectfully, but without much emotion.

Bai Ji was a little confused. It took a moment to come back to her senses and remind herself that these are vampires.

No matter how beautiful she is, she is still a vampire who drinks human blood, and she cannot be deceived by her appearance.

The reason why I was stunned for a moment was not only that this girl was beautiful, but also because the other party

This intellectuality reminded her of someone.

her sister.

She is also such a peaceful beauty.

Missing her suddenly, Bai Ji couldn't help but be distracted for a moment.

How long have you been here? Almost four months. People in the Human Federation probably think they are done.

Many people died in the battle, including his own sister.

Long time no see, how are you doing now?

"Baiji, little Baiji?~"

Mother, did you call us?" Bai Ji, who immediately woke up from the flash of memories, realized that Li

Rias was calling her, and she immediately came over obediently.

No matter what happened in the past, life has to go on helplessly

"What happened just now? Are you worried?" Lilias looked very concerned.

"No, I'm sorry, mother, we didn't sleep well last night, so

"Hey, you didn't sleep, okay?" Lilias tilted her head strangely. "Is it because I hold you too tightly and can't sleep?

"No, no, it's just that I'm a little uncomfortable with it.

"Oh, that's it." Lilias smiled and motioned to Mr. Delan. "I am older than the Duke.

I have something to talk about, so why don't you just wait for your seat here. "

"My lord, please go ahead." Bai Ji put her hands on her abdomen and bowed slightly.

"Lord Delan, let's go." After seeing that Bai Ji was fine, Lilias and Delan

And left, and Maiya seemed to have something to do and left first.

Bai Ji was the only one left standing there, waiting blankly among the people coming and going.

As time went by, the number of people at the banquet gradually increased, and the servants in the entire mansion

Everyone and the maid were busy, but Bai Ji seemed to be the only one standing there, at a loss.

Nobles talking, young people talking and laughing

, making her have a kind of vampire that seems to be like ordinary people

similar feeling

Is this the world of vampires? Bai Ji, who set foot here for the first time, felt unfamiliar but happy.


And no matter what, this place does not belong to her.

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