Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 8

Looking at it this way, the vampires are no different from humans. Bai Ji, who is standing there,

I don't know why I came up with this idea.

The etiquette is elegant and the style is noble. She is not pretending to be elegant like a famous lady, but she is actually golden and beautiful.

Lost in it.

The details of the etiquette and the elegance revealed in the bones show this historical accumulation and

Out of dignity.

Speaking of which, Bai Ji realized that she knew very little about the vampire race.

They invaded from the endless abyss, brought disaster and disaster to the world, and slaughtered all races wantonly,

The crazy plunder and conquest has never ended since the Vampires appeared in this world.

Bai Ji has the same concept as most human beings. She believes that vampires are extremely evil and a group of people.

An incomprehensible madman.

In fact, this is not the case. After a deeper understanding, Bai Ji feels more and more that this race does not have human beings.

As bad as the Federation claims, they are even smarter and more powerful than human beings.

A deeper race.

It is impossible for such a race to invade humans for no reason. Maybe they really have something.

Reason? ?-

After thinking about it, she couldn't go any further because Bai Ji realized that she was shallow about the history of the vampire clan.

Bo understands, but still stops at aggression.

However, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that so many of her compatriots were massacred.

No matter what the reason is, it is not an excuse to go on a killing spree.

As time went by, the flow of people increased, and nobles from all over the world arrived in Duke Melville.

In the Jue Mansion, Bai Ji soon faced the second problem.

As the nobles arrived, she soon could no longer stand still and act as a sculpture. She had to follow the rhythm.

Start playing.

Not to mention the little nobles, the big nobles arrived with their subordinates and greeted the head of the Melvey family.

After that, I must say hello and salute to Her Majesty the Queen first to be in line with etiquette.

The hierarchy within the blood family system is very particular. The lineage of Ratsambo has been passed down for thousands of years.

The majesty of the royal family that has accumulated for thousands of years is spread throughout the government and the public, and is a symbol of the blood clan.

Being ruled by the Queen has long been a deep-rooted part of the thinking of every Vampire people. As long as Ratsambo is still there, the orthodoxy of the Vampire Clan will never be other clans.

Of course, members of the Rasambo bloodline are the most noble people in the bloodline system, even if they are members of the royal family

Collateral members can also follow suit and enjoy the admiration and respect brought by their bloodline.

Unfortunately, Lilias was not present, but there was another being who looked very similar to her.

Standing next to the main seat as a statue.

Everyone knows who to worship, especially those who came with their children, and they all want to hurry up

Let your daughter and son look familiar in front of Her Majesty the Queen.

"See Her Majesty the Queen.

"Her Majesty the Queen is really fast today. As soon as I entered the door, I saw your carriage parked at the

That was really shocking.

"Your Majesty, this is my dog, named Edward. I want to see Her Majesty no matter what.

He has a distinguished appearance, so I brought him here today."

Bai Ji was overwhelmed by the endless chatter. In the chaos, she also figured out one thing.


These vampire nobles confused themselves with Lilias.

Can this all be confused? Do you look so much like that guy? ?

Bai Ji dealt with it calmly and calmly on the surface, but inside she was a ball of yarn.

What are they talking about? How should I reply appropriately? ?Ah, I need my brain.

It's burning

"Um, everyone." Bai Ji waved her hand apologetically. "Sorry, we are not women

Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Queen just went out with Mr. Derain. "


As soon as these words came out, they really calmed down the situation. The nobles all showed hesitant eyes and faces.

Looking at each other.

Not Her Majesty the Queen??

Some nobles who are familiar with the queen did find some clues. Although she looks very good,

Very similar, but there are still some subtle differences.

Everyone in the palace has the answer to who can be so similar to Her Majesty the Queen.

"Oh, it turns out it's Her Royal Highness the Princess." The enthusiasm of the nobles was instantly reduced by half, and they looked at Bai Ji

His eyes were somewhat strange, but he still didn't dare to overstep his bounds, and he still had basic etiquette.

This is the first time Bai Ji has appeared in a public place like a banquet and was trained by Lilias the devil.

It took three months for him to be released, and his skills in dealing with this kind of incident were already perfect.

Feeling the strange looks from the nobles, Bai Ji was not too surprised.

Just like she didn't regard the vampire as one of her own, the vampire probably didn't regard her as one either.

It's normal to live on your own. It's better to say that the nobles of the vampire clan have accepted their identity.

That's really abnormal.

Bai Ji's expression did not change, she still looked polite, but her words were distant and reserved.

The meaning of distance.

The nobles who noticed the queen's absence bowed politely and then retreated angrily.

But not everything is gone, there is still some

Stay where you are.

"Haha, I have admired the name of Her Royal Highness for a long time, but I didn't know that Her Royal Highness has been living in the Scarlet Blood Territory for the past three months.

Are you still used to it?" A harsh voice sounded.

Looking sideways at the young man in formal attire walking toward her, Bai Ji knew that he was probably looking for trouble.


"Thank you for taking care of me." Bai Ji had the professional smile of a shopping mall salesperson on her lips, without saying anything.

Not the slightest hint of displeasure showed.

"Really? That means you are very happy here." The young man bypassed the nobles and came to Bai Ji

In front of him, he curled his lips.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm disrespectful, my noble highness." The young man exaggerated.

He performed the courtesy of a monarch and a minister. Maybe he was just mocking Bai Ji's status so far, but

Bai Ji didn't care.

She is not a pure-blooded person in the first place, and her thoughts and ideas are all human.

Malicious slander with guns and sticks has no effect on her. She will only mock this young vampire in her heart.

A hopeless hermaphrodite.

"My name is Rodson Walter, the eldest son of the Walter family. Please give me some advice, my princess.

Your Highness. "


Bai Ji raised her eyebrows.

Because Lilias often mentioned it, she remembered this surname. It seemed to be the name of the five vampires.

One of the great duke families.

"So it's the eldest young master of the Walter family. When we meet for the first time, our name is Baijila Sambo.

Daughter of Scarlet Queen Lilias. "Bai Ji put her hands on her lower abdomen. In terms of status, the royal family saw the big

Nobles do not need too much etiquette. Out of politeness, they can nod slightly or bow to show themselves.


"Rasambo? So that's it." The young man laughed.

"What's the problem Mr. Walter?"

"Nothing, I'm just sighing. Your Highness the Princess has adapted so quickly. How long has it been?

So she rebelled against her original ethnic group, and Her Royal Highness Princess Rasambo felt that she was worthy of it.

Do you deserve this surname?"

The nobles on the side couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard this sentence, and some chose to be wise and protect themselves.

, stayed out of the matter and ran away quickly.

The eldest son of a prominent noble family wants to confront Her Royal Highness.

Although the opportunity for the birth of this princess makes most vampires uncomfortable, that kind of

Her Majesty's decision, questioning the identity of the princess is questioning Her Majesty's decision, even though

No matter how much dissatisfaction you have in your heart, at least it shouldn't be shown in such a public place.

It's good for this young master, he started the group before everyone was here. Is this really good?

Due to the fact that the other party belongs to a duke family, the power and prestige are definitely not what a three-month-old princess can achieve.

Then, some of the little nobles who wanted to smooth things over walked away knowingly.

The venue was booked by Roderson and his subordinates.

"Sir Walter, what do you mean?" Bai Ji's voice was not as polite as before.

Whether it is the human world or the vampire world, having a dog-legger surrounding people at a banquet is not a problem.

Not a friendly gesture.

Having suppressed her temper for three months, Bai Ji's hands were itchy and she wanted to hit someone.

"Her Royal Highness, you have completely adapted to your identity and thought of yourself as Rasambo. ,

Make a wise decision. How can the royal family of the blood clan be easy to do among the extremely weak, savage and vulgar barbarians? You

You think so too, right?" Rhodesson Walter said jokingly." Bai Ji remained silent.

"Hahaha, Your Highness the Princess used to be a knight, right? I see, there are also knights like this

There is such a thing as seeing the wind and steering the ship. Don’t get me wrong, I am praising you. It’s time to abandon darkness and turn to light.

It's not too late, rather than die a humble death as a member of the army of disorderly barbarians, it is better to become the leader of thousands of people.

The vampire princess, who is above human beings, at least looks more respectable. "The handsome young man smiled teasingly, and then looked at Bai Ji's face with an intoxicated expression.

"Sure enough, Ratsambo's bloodline is the most beautiful, even if you know what's inside this skin,

It's a lowly and despicable human soul that still makes me intoxicated. "

"Don't be afraid, Princess. I'm not here to embarrass you. I'm just here to teach you. In the Scarlet Blood

Domain, what should you do to live well? Go. Don't worry, as long as you don't do anything extraordinary.

Everyone will respect you for your actions, even if it is only on the surface. "

"You will eventually ascend the throne and become king one day. We don't expect you to achieve anything.

I just hope that you can sort out your emotions towards the old tribe, don’t do any little tricks, and behave honestly-

It is enough to use a symbol, get married and have children, and produce offspring for the Ratsambo lineage.

"This is good for everyone, understand?"

Thank you very much for your teaching. "Bai Ji raised her head again, her face filled with flowers.

His smile was soft and his voice was soft and numb.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is indeed a sensible person." Rhodessen laughed twice without warmth.

"Well, let's keep Mr. Walter's teachings in mind. In order to express our gratitude to Mr. Walter,

Teach me earnestly, we will teach you too

Mr. Walter, one thing is fine. "

"Oh? What is it?"


Rhodeson instantly felt a heavy blow on his chin, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the stunned person flew out and crashed into the banquet seats in a parabola.

"Master Rodson?!"

"In the Human Federation, if you dare to talk to us like this, you will be beaten severely by us.

fly. "The voice that was pretending to be soft suddenly became full of viciousness and gloom.

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