Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 9

"If this were in the Human Federation, you would be beaten out by us like this!" Qian

The polite tone of voice completely faded away, and his voice was full of ruthlessness and determination.

"Master Rodson!" When the thugs saw their master being beaten, they naturally couldn't just sit idly by and act like this.

It was more painful than the other, standing on the moral high ground and pointing fingers at Bai Ji.


"It's simply, simply too much!"

"Yes, it's too much! How could this be possible? Master Rhodes is the Duke of Walter.

Son, how can you be so disrespectful? ?"

"Yes, yes, this is a public place, and today is Lord Melvi's birthday, so use

Isn’t violence appropriate? ?”

"Master Rodson, are you okay? Are you okay? How many is this? How many is this? Do you recognize it clearly?


This is what is meant by the saying that the thunder is louder and the raindrops are smaller. The small nobles who are the lackeys of the big nobles are not

They are fools. They support the boss because he can bring them benefits. The things in front of them are obviously costly.


The eldest brother can't take care of himself, so how can he stand up for them? No matter what the other party does,

It is said that she is also the princess of the current empire, the only daughter of Queen Lilias, and the future queen.

Your Majesty, let's forget about the Duke's family. We can't afford to offend these little nobles. Even if they dare to offend, the Duke estimates

There is no plan to protect them.

So I could only pretend to be filled with grief and indignation, howling non-stop for the boss’s unworthy expression, but

They can only use indignant and indifferent words to criticize, and they don't dare to go any further.

These losers are even more cowardly than Bai Ji imagined. They don't even dare to name them directly.

Accusing the princess, and for the thick-skinned Bai Ji, these words even made her eyelids tremble.

Won't blink.

Brother, I'm sorry. It's not the younger brother who I don't have loyalty to. It's really you who provoked the younger brother.

You can't afford to offend the master, and you can't help me, so of course my brothers can't help you.

"That's right, you are a bunch of gutless people." Bai Ji, who was no longer pretending to be a noble lady, lost her image.

Elephant, showing his true colors, rubbing his sore fists, complaining in his heart that the vampire's body is just brittle.


Sure enough, intersex people are intersex people. They don’t have a bad butt yet, but they are very good at talking.

I can't hold two taels of cotton in my hand.

As for what it is that makes someone willing to be a hermaphrodite's younger brother, she doesn't need to say more.

They will only be worse than intersex people.

"You, you guys, get out of my way!" The stunned Rhodesun opened his younger brother's hand.

"This young master was not beaten stupid! Tsk, I get annoyed just looking at you!"

The younger brothers immediately stopped talking. They obviously had good intentions, but they were treated like idiots by the big brother.

Who can I talk to to reason with this?

Okay, you are the eldest brother, you have the final say.

"Woman, you, you really dare to hit me." Rhodeson stood up with the help of his younger brother, his fingers trembling.

Pointing at Bai Ji, she covered her face with disbelief written all over her face.

"You are the woman, your whole family is women." Bai Ji spat.

"Also, you are the ones who are looking for trouble at the banquet. Don't confuse right and wrong. This can be used back against you.

Take a bite, do you have no logic or no brains? ? Single-celled amoeba is really

It is difficult to communicate. "

"You, you, you" Mr. Rodson, who received an orthodox aristocratic education, discusses the skill comparison of swearing at others.

As far as Bai Ji is concerned, the difference is more than a little bit worse. The most outrageous thing he has ever said since he was a child is probably "

"You are really stupid." "Then what should you do?" How had I ever heard such words from Zu Anlian who was so innocent?


"Although I don't want to say it, if a few grown men bully a little girl, they really don't know the harm.

Are you ashamed?" Bai Ji, who possesses the virtues of a knight, despises the most when men hit women and adults bully them.

Bear children, now this group of people have taken both. Although I am not a little girl, since

The fact that they can do this kind of thing is enough to prove that they do this kind of thing frequently.

"Could it be that your parents, apart from these seemingly very noble etiquette and rituals, are actually of no use?

Didn’t I teach you anything besides the skills of filling cups?”

"Teaching only knowledge without teaching morality can only teach a group of beasts in clothes. You even

You don’t even understand the principles of being a human being. Oh, I almost forgot, you are not human in the first place. "

"You, you, you" was scolded so hard that Roderson didn't know how to reply. He could only point.

Use Bai Ji as a cassette repeater.

"What are you? If you want to find trouble, then find it more thoroughly. You will give up halfway. Are you really a man? Oh no, are you really a male creature?"

"Don't look down on me! I was slandered and insulted by Bai Ji using fluent blood language.

Rhodessen couldn't help it anymore. He pointed at Bai Ji and shouted in anger. "To protect my family

For your dignity, I want to duel with you!"

"Don't drag yourself into the family for no reason. We are only insulting you personally." Bai Ji took the pick.

Eyebrow, that’s why he hates these nobles. They always make a fuss about everything and feel that

You're insulting him, as if you're paranoid about persecution.

I will prove to Her Majesty that a woman as vulgar as you is not worthy.

As the princess of our country!"

"There is such a good thing! ?" Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, and then she was overjoyed.

"Huh? ?" Rhodesson was confused. He didn't expect the other party to be so excited and happy.

Yes, even though he just said this to scare Bai Ji, it proves that Lilias chose the wrong heir? Haha

, do you have to intervene when the queen chooses an heir?

No, are you afraid? - Why are you not afraid at all but still eager to try?


But even so, the nobles must keep their word. If it is a duel, then it is a duel. There is no discussion.

Young Master Rodson is bound to regain his reputation in front of his subordinates.

"Come on! Duel, right here! Right in front of all the nobles!"

"Well, Master Rodson, how about we accept it as soon as we see fit? This has caused a lot of expensive problems."

Clan's attention. "The aristocratic boys who have become the center of attention feel a little embarrassed about their face.


Just as Bai Ji said, so many big men bully a girl and put aside her identity

Let’s not talk about identity, what kind of words does this sound like??

What's more, she is still a princess, how can she be looked at and bullied by so many fellow nobles?

Will Your Highness, Princess, be able to survive after this kind of thing spreads out?

The younger brothers have already decided to quit, but they don’t know that the older brother is riding a tiger and is unable to get off.

In order to protect the reputation of the nobles, this battle must be fought if not fought!

"Father." Miss Melvey, who was watching all this on the second floor, looked at Delan and hesitated.

Down. "Don't you need to worry about it?"

"No need, didn't you realize that it took so long for the guards to come over?" Delan smiled. "Let young people solve their own problems."

At this point, Miss Melvey looked at Bai Ji thoughtfully.

"Come, Your Highness, do it right here at this banquet, in front of everyone." Throw the sword to

Bai Ji and Master Rodson drew out their swords, looking bitter and resentful, and they were bound to be insulted.

Your own people pay the price.

"This is not good. If things continue like this, there will be a big fuss. The younger brothers are hiding behind the elder brother.

He muttered.

"Where is Her Majesty the Queen? If the princess is here, Her Majesty the Queen should be nearby too."

"Who knows, there has been no such big movement until now. If Her Majesty the Queen is here,

It's impossible not to notice.

"If you notice this..."

After taking the sword and looking at Rhodesson with a determined face, Bai Ji raised her eyebrows.

Okay, at first glance, this kid is the type who can't hide things in his heart.

To be honest, Bai Ji prefers this type of person, who always smiles better than some sanctimonious ones.

The hypocrite who makes things difficult for you behind your back is much better. At least this type has no evil intentions.

Not very likely to do that kind of dirty laundry

"Sword competition? Are you sure you want to compete with me in swordsmanship?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Don't underestimate people. My swordsmanship is highly praised by my teacher. Among my peers, no one is so praised.

my opponent. "

"Your teacher is also half-assed." Bai Ji said with a sad face.

What he said was so absolute, he was either half-informed or ignorant, or he was just flattering and bragging.

"Your Highness, please don't be arrogant. Of course, you can also refuse my challenge. After all,

As you said, you are still a girl no matter what, and I really shouldn’t bully you like this.

"Ha, you're a guy who cares about eating but not fighting." Bai Ji grinned with a cold arc and drew out her long sword.

"We are afraid that you will cry and call your mother after being beaten."

"You!. The duel between the two is inevitable and irreconcilable. There is only one battle.

Rhodesson drew out his sword, intent on giving some color to this ignorant princess.

Look, teach her that only by being more honest can she survive in the Scarlet Blood Realm.

"What's the swordsmanship of the vampires? Let me have a good look at it." Although Bai Ji's combat effectiveness was reduced due to her body's inability to adapt, it didn't do any harm.

A mature knight is willing to admit defeat and will not make any excuses for victory or defeat. This is because she is

The pride of the King of Knights.

The movement attracted more people, and the nobles watching the excitement formed a circle, including many

Some nobles frowned and tried to stop them. In their opinion, it was extremely impolite to wield swords and guns on birthdays.


However, when they wanted to step forward, they were grabbed by something. They frowned slightly and then moved forward.

After taking a look, he immediately stopped moving.

"Come on, use whatever skills you have, but don't say I bully women."

"It doesn't matter, you go ahead and I'll give you three moves.'

"Arrogant! Let's see what's going on!" Suddenly, the aura surrounding Rhodeson surged.

The menacing Rhodeson made Bai Ji alert, with the long sword on her elbow. This was her seriousness.

Get up in the sword parrying stance.

Young Master Rhodesson didn’t have any temptation, it was his killer move from the beginning! ——He decided to use

out of him

The most proficient, proud and proficient sword skill, the Five Lightning Swords!

"Ha, ah!" Young Master Rhodeson was seen jumping up and down, and waving in the air quickly.

Five swords.

"? ? ?" Bai Ji, who was standing on the spot, looked at Wu Wu without knowing why, but did not attack.

When Rodson arrived, several question marks popped up on his head.

What's this guy doing while doing business?

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