Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 10

"Hey!" Master Rhodesun's long sword was unsheathed, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he was fighting wits, courage and nothingness with the air.

Regardless of who is the best, he raised his hand and swung five consecutive swords in the air. Those who didn't understand thought he was stabbing the air.

Flying flies.

"? ? ?" - Bai Ji, who came down to watch the sword skills, was stunned for a while.

Is this a warm-up exercise before the competition? Bai Ji did not want to take advantage of others' danger and did not act rashly

, although in her opinion, the man in front of her was full of flaws.

"Riding on the Wind, give in!" Finally, Master Rodson had enough of the youth dance, standing tall and tall

The long sword that came out was stylish, and under the increasingly weird look on Bai Ji's face, it pierced her face.

With this sword, Master Rodson aimed at the bridge of the opponent's nose. If he didn't stop it, he would

With his hand, Bai Ji's nose can be broken in one stroke. However, as dukes and nobles,

His elegance and magnanimity did not allow him to hurt the bridge of a beautiful girl's nose at a banquet.

It is the margin he has as a noble person, no matter how arrogant and unreasonable the other party is.

Well, this was what Master Rhodeson thought after he was beaten to the ground by Bai Ji with just a mask on his face.

Bai Ji had to admit that the opponent's sword just now was very beautiful and had high ornamental value. Let's dance

There is no guarantee that a Taiwanese drama will amaze everyone with its skills.

But this is not a stage play, but a one-on-one, unpretentious and joyful one-on-one with real swords and guns.

The ultimate killing move is to be ruthless. This is a fancy fight where you have to use your sword to kill, and you have to call out the enemy's name first.

You can't hit anyone on the field.

Bai Ji didn't even use her sword. She stepped aside and tripped Young Master Rodson's kick, which made him unable to move.

He fell down firmly and was chewed up in the mud.

"Master Rodson, who taught you this swordsmanship?" Bai Ji was speechless, thinking that the other party could master it.

They put out something, but it turned out to be just a troupe of opera singers, with more than enough performance and not enough actual performance.

"How ignorant do you think you would hire such a person as a teacher? If you give us double the price, I promise

He teaches better than him. "Bai Ji spread her hands.

"You, you, how come you are so ungrateful in martial arts!"

"Martial virtues? What kind of martial virtues can there be in a duel? Just don't use hidden weapons and don't kill or injure people."

What other rules are there?"

"Of course there are rules! The competition between vampires is not that of barbarians. It is the elegance between nobles.

So far, you have to pay attention to modesty. According to the traditional fighting method of the blood clan, you have lost!" Rhodes stood up in embarrassment.

"Master Rodson, don't be so harsh. I haven't noticed that the audience looking at you is looking at you more and more."

Isn't it weird? If you're not embarrassed, we'll have to fight a duel for you. It's not a life-or-death duel.

Dou, is it so difficult for you to admit defeat? "

"I didn't lose!" Rhodeson stood up from the ground and held the sword again.

"Well, Master Rodson, forget it, let's not fight.

"Yes, yes, you are the eldest son of Duke Walter, and you are not as knowledgeable as a girl.

Roderson, who has a strong sense of self-esteem, couldn't see the difference. How could the younger brothers surrounding him not see the difference? ?

Because the vampires do not like swords as weapons, and a large number of technical documents were lost during the great catastrophe

The art of swordsmanship has become an extreme in the Vampire Clan.

The swordsmanship secrets preserved during the Blood Spirit's First Empire were all lost, and later generations did not want to make progress.

As a result, weapons such as swords have become obsolete in the vampire race. Now they are only used for decoration.

As a status symbol.

The corresponding swordsmanship has naturally become one of the entertainment items for the nobles.

The extremely lethal Blood Spirit swordsmanship during the Blood Spirit period has evolved into one that is now without any lethality and

Practical, for entertainment purposes only.

The reason why this kind of situation did not happen in the fencing competition between the blood nobles was because they were all in good standing.

When they become opponents, they learn to perform swordsmanship and dance together, and that's it.

Of course, when this kind of swordsmanship meets the murderous swordsmanship honed between blood and iron, it is like

An egg is powerless when it hits a stone.

Although the Gulan no longer exists, humans who have inherited part of the Gulan swordsmanship

These sword dancers are more than adequate.

"I won't be able to hold back this blow, how can you parry it? ?" Roderson, who was advancing with a sword, snorted coldly.

Tao, vowing to seek justice for his family's reputation.

Bai Ji, who had already thrown away the sword, did not panic when she saw this. She turned her head to one side and her body at the same time.

Being short, he easily dodged the sword and hit him with an elbow.

"Oh! Young Master Rodson was in pain and couldn't hold the sword in his hand. Taking this opportunity, Bai Bai

Ji grabbed the sword.

The next moment, the sword blade was across the neck of Young Master Rodson, who was screaming in pain.

"Boring." Bai Ji threw away the sword and muttered, not looking at the sluggish Young Master Rodson.

I was finally able to move my muscles and bones, but I didn't expect that the vampire's swordsmanship was so realistic.

Also, she didn't seem to see a few sword-wielding vampire warriors on the battlefield. They were all demons.

Curse bombing and that's it.

"Hey, do you guys want to come too?" Bai Ji, who was not fully enjoying herself, moved her eyes to several people covering their faces.

On the body of the aristocratic boy with a mouth.

"No, no, no, your highness the princess misunderstood, we

The young master is actually here to follow you

Just kidding, hahaha, the boys laughed very awkwardly.

With so many people watching the boss playing tricks, the younger brothers felt like they were almost losing their face.

Why are you messing with the princess at a banquet like this? ? It’s just that you’re dissatisfied with the princess, privately

Isn't it bad to form cliques? You have to make it clear.

This is great. Not to mention the shame, this is not to show disgrace to the Queen and Duke Melville.

Well? !

The nobles who were watching shook their heads when they looked at the lost Rhodesson.

I'm afraid this kid was spoiled by his family members. He has no character at all and can't keep his temper. After that,

I'm afraid it's hard to guarantee the succession of the head of the family.

Everyone present has more or less opinions on this newborn princess, but who do you see on the surface?


Naturally, everyone hopes to give the princess a blow at this time and make her understand clearly.

Whiten her current identity and ask her to be more honest in the future and stop missing her old clan.

A princess who doesn't care about the vampire clan is extremely detrimental to the future of the vampire clan. Everyone hopes that there will be

Someone could teach this princess a lesson.

But the person who teaches you a lesson must not be you. Shooting the first bird with a gun is no joke.

Yes, the princess is still a princess no matter what. She belongs to the direct royal family. Even the direct royal family dares to offend the nobles.

Clan, will the royal family pamper you?

The family will not fall into ruin, but I will definitely not forget you when I have to put people's shoes on in the future.

How could these old men present not know that openly provoking the princess at the banquet would endanger everyone?

The royal families are all provoked, even if some of these royal families don't like the princess.

After all, this violated the interests of the entire royal family.

Therefore, it is okay to incite others to give the princess power, but it is not okay to do it yourself.

This young master Rhodesson is a typical stupid young man who gets raped without understanding anything.

Used it as a gun.

Bai Ji knew without even thinking that this kid must have been instigated by other nobles to pick him out.

Provoke yourself.

He probably didn't even know who incited him to come.

The knowledge of killing someone with a borrowed knife is quite profound. Pretending to chat with other people is a common practice among these ignorant people.

Just saying a few words next to the kid who is doing something can mobilize these stupid young people, how simple is it?

It's a past thing.

The people who instigated him probably didn’t expect that Young Master Rodson was such a good person, and he didn’t show his power.

Not to mention, he was killed in counter-attack. Now it was not Bai Ji who was embarrassed, but the whole Wo.

The Walter family, especially the head of the Walter family, would probably be ridiculed in private for improper education.

"Sorry, Your Highness, I'm here to pick up my useless dog." emerged from the crowd -

A bald man, oh no, he was a 'young man' who was not angry and proud. Bai Ji raised her eyebrows, she knew

The age of a Dao vampire cannot be judged by their appearance.

According to the tone of his voice, this ‘young man’ who looks to be more than ten years older than me may have some hidden meanings.

He is already an old man who has lived for who knows how many years.

It needs to be mentioned here that the fertility rate of vampires is very low, second only to elves.

The fertile race has a lower fertility rate, such as humans whose reproductive capacity is comparable to that of monkeys.

It is common for vampires who are dozens or even hundreds of years old to have only two children.

Therefore, it is common in the vampire clan that the father is old and the son is still underage.

"It's okay, Mr. Walter, please do it." Besides the head of the Walter family, who else can come?

who is it?

Bai Ji didn't say anything. She knew that it was definitely not the Walter family who instructed Rhodes to do this.

Lord, he is the one who suffers the most damage to his reputation in this matter. How could he let his son do this?

Such a stupid thing, I guess this old man took advantage of the 18th generation noble ancestor who secretly incited his son to commit stupidity.

I've scolded them all.

Losing his reputation was a good thing, but for this matter, he had to give the Melvey family secretly

To explain to Her Majesty the Queen, this is the most painful part.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Let's go." The head of the Walter family looked at his eldest son with hatred.

Said, if it weren't for the noble's words and deeds, I would have wanted to drag him back now, so as not to spend time here

The place continues to disgrace itself.

We can only blame him for his poor education and his over-indulging in old age, which led to a disaster

Bai Ji dusted off the dust on her body, glanced at Walter's younger brothers who were in a dilemma, and smiled.

typical. "Why, are you planning to continue playing with us if you don't leave?"

"Excuse me, Your Highness Princess!" Walter's brothers hurriedly bowed to the emperor and ministers and ran away.

On the way.

Are you kidding? Why don't you run and wait for the queen to come back and recognize her face? ? You need to know the people of the Ratsambo family.

But there are always those who protect their shortcomings and hold grudges!

"Everyone, the drama has come to an end. Go and do whatever you have to do." He didn't start when he saw the nobles watching.

Even after leaving, Bai Ji felt a little unhappy being paid attention to by so many vampires, and said unhappily.

The nobles looked at each other, as if they were disturbed by Her Highness the Princess's carelessness, which was not like a girl at all.

The boy was stunned by his actions.

"You're not leaving yet? Are you planning to stay and fencing with us?" Bai Ji narrowed her eyes.

"In addition, we also warn some aristocratic gentlemen who are playing tricks to do their own thing and don't do this."

You're such a shameful bastard, don't let me catch you, or I'll knock out all your teeth.

"Whose teeth did you say you were going to knock out?" A laugh that made Bai Ji shudder came from behind her.

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