After the five people left the supermarket for a certain distance, except for the glasses girl and the expressionless man, the other three people breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the supermarket where they were, a woman's scream would be heard every once in a while, and this sound would make all the humans and zombies who heard it fall into a dizzy state.

However, zombies will recover faster than humans, so every time this sound appears, it will cause casualties among the survivors in the supermarket.

Therefore, although it has been several days since the end of the world, many survivors still dare not escape from the supermarket.

Only one out of ten people can escape from the supermarket successfully.

Everyone is afraid of this screaming woman, thinking that it is some kind of powerful zombie or a monster that is hostile to humans like zombies.

The supermarket is rich in supplies, the roads are winding, and it is difficult for zombies to move. It is a good place to stay in the end of the world. Many people are reluctant to leave here.

At first, the five people with glasses also thought so. However, they did not hear the woman's scream all day yesterday, so some people inferred that the monster might have left.

The glasses girl was instantly moved.

She came from a good family, her family was rich, and she had a background.

Although it is the end of the world now, the glasses girl still holds the pre-apocalyptic thinking and thinks that she can be protected when she returns home.

"I can't stand staying in this place all the time, queuing with others to the toilet, and worrying about whether a man will do something to me while I sleep. It's great that you men don't have to worry about these things."

The glasses girl complained endlessly.

The expressions of the three men were a little ugly, but they still endured it.

However, one of the men had a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

A few minutes later.

There were four pools of blood on the ground.

The glasses girl was pushing a cart full of food.

At this time, the expression of the woman with glasses was similar to that of one of the four men before, a mechanical and inorganic expression.


"Master, the supermarket is just ahead."

In front of Lin Cheng and the others, the sign of Jialong Supermarket was right in front of them.

At this time, Lin Cheng stopped and looked through the map in the virtual vision.

"One black spot is missing."

Lin Cheng noticed that there was one less black spot in the supermarket.

"Forget it, there are still two black spots, let's go and have a look..."

Lin Cheng first walked towards the nearest black spot.

However, following the map in the virtual vision, Lin Cheng found that the location of this black spot was not in the supermarket.

When Lin Cheng was looking for this black spot, he kept the map in the virtual vision open, and An Jing and the others next to him could also see it.

An Jing's eyes stayed on the black spot and said, "Master, why do I feel that he is deliberately avoiding us?"

"Huh?" Hearing An Jing's reminder, Lin Cheng also set his eyes on this black spot, and found that as they moved forward, the black spot was retreating.

Lin Cheng asked: "An Jing, when zombies encounter a higher-level superpower, will they choose to escape?"

"Zombies below the high-level type will not do this. Their thinking is closer to that of wild beasts and they only react to human flesh and blood."

"It seems that the possibility of zombies cannot be ruled out..."

Lin Cheng originally thought that zombies would directly attack humans. Hearing this, he said thoughtfully: "We will wait here, Yingxue, go and have a look."

Dong Yingxue understood what Lin Cheng meant. Her superpowers were weak, so it was suitable for her to approach the black spot quietly at this time.

Dong Yingxue roughly noted the location of the black spot, and then quickly approached the other party when Lin Cheng and the others stopped.

The location of the black spot was in a cafe next to the supermarket.

On the first floor of the cafe, Dong Yingxue opened the door and went in, and the other party could not realize that someone was coming.

Dong Yingxue's weak existence did not mean that she disappeared, but that other creatures would ignore her directly.

Then, Dong Yingxue found the target in the front seat of the cafe.

This is a lovely girl.

Neat plaid shirt, a sports band tied on the forehead. Long hair, the hair in front of the forehead is bound by the sports band. Good figure, no fat, holding a mobile phone in hand, shooting at the location where Lin Cheng and the others are.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible to shoot the situation over there from this distance.

As a result, Dong Yingxue bent down, put his head close to the girl, looked at the phone screen, and found strangely that the girl could clearly shoot the situation over there from this distance and position.

‘Secretly filming? Investigation? ’

Dong Yingxue was not sure which group the girl belonged to

However, the girl who was secretly filming Lin Cheng and the others was mumbling something at this time: "Is one of them also transformed from that monster? If so, should I run away?"

"But these people are so good-looking, either handsome or beautiful, and they look very photogenic. I really want to continue filming them. I might be able to shoot a video with a lot of hits this time."

Although Dong Yingxue didn't know what the monster the girl was mumbling about was, she was sure that it was definitely not one of them.

"Excuse me."

Dong Yingxue removed the weakness of existence and said, "I don't know what you want to do by filming us here?"

"Ah? Ah?! Ah!!" Dong Yingxue's sudden appearance made the girl confused at first, and then shocked.

" did I ignore you and come over!?"

Xu Ruoxi opened her mouth and looked extremely surprised. Dong Yingxue's appearance next to her was not a sudden appearance, but Xu Ruoxi had been watching her all the time, but she didn't react to Dong Yingxue's approach at all.

This kind of thing shocked Xu Ruoxi. She might have thought that Dong Yingxue was a human being who could use strange abilities just like her.

Xu Ruoxi was happy at first, but then she suddenly took out a folding knife from her arms.

This was not equipment, but just an ordinary knife. Xu Ruoxi waved her knife up and down at Dong Yingxue and said, "Don't come over here. I know you are the monster before. Don't come close, or I will kill you. Ah, don't come over here."

The girl looked intimidating, but Dong Yingxue didn't feel that this look was intimidating.

Dong Yingxue took two steps back, then took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Lin Cheng saying "You are a human being, you can come over."

Then, there was a sound of glass breaking at the glass door at the door.

But Lin Cheng kicked the glass door open and entered the coffee shop.

Behind Lin Cheng, An Jing and the others followed closely.

"I didn't expect it to be a human, a bit unexpected."

Lin Cheng looked at Xu Ruoxi who was holding a mobile phone and said.

Lin Cheng's eyes also swept over Xu Ruoxi's panel.

? ?

Race: Human

Power level: Level 1

Panel strength: Strength (1) Defense (1) Speed ​​(20) Power (10)

Ability: Clairvoyance, Parallel Avatar

Synchronous Avatar: None

Equipment column space: Four

Wearable equipment: None

Overall evaluation: SS

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