The name on the panel will only appear when Lin Cheng knows the other party's name.

Lin Cheng looked at the SS-level evaluation, then looked at Xu Ruoxi's appearance, and then a strange thought emerged in his mind.

Could it be that the SS evaluation of the system refers to appearance rather than talent?

Lin Cheng thought so because the girl in front of him was also a beautiful girl with a high appearance, comparable to An Jing and others.

It must be said that every SS evaluation is of this level of appearance, which makes Lin Cheng have such an idea.

However, no matter what the judgment criteria are, Lin Cheng must want to get the SS evaluation in his heart.

Lin Cheng said, "My name is Lin Cheng. I am a sophomore at Shanlin University. They are from the same school as me."

Xu Ruoxi blinked her eyes when she heard this, as if to confirm the truth of Lin Cheng's words. However, she had no idea how to distinguish between normal humans and that monster.

Xu Ruoxi still waved the knife in her hand and said, "You, you, don't think that if you talk to me, I will think you are not a monster. I know that you just found out that I know your secret, and now you are pretending to be someone else to assassinate me. I will not be fooled by you!"

"You..." Lin Cheng was about to say something.

Suddenly, from somewhere in the supermarket, a woman's scream began to sound, which spread to the coffee shop.

Lin Cheng and his team were also affected.


"Senior Lin Cheng..."




"Master, the big liar..."

Except Lin Cheng, An Jing and the other four were affected and their consciousness was a little drowsy.

Xu Ruoxi was naturally unable to avoid it. She held her head and said, "Oh no, I was careless. It turns out that you and that monster are in the same group. It's over. I'm going to become your food. Damn it... I don't want to die..."

Xu Ruoxi's expression was full of unwillingness.

Lin Cheng rubbed his head, sorted out the situation in front of him, and then confirmed: "It seems that there is no danger to life, just a mental shock."

Lin Cheng was also mentally shocked by the voice just now, but Lin Cheng's powerful digital panel made him highly immune to the direct effects of various superpowers.

Others did not have Lin Cheng's resistance, and they all fell into a state where their brains could not think temporarily.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and waved in front of An Jing and the others one by one. In the end, he found that although they were all standing, they seemed to have lost consciousness.

Because there was no change on An Jing's panel, Lin Cheng judged that their situation should be only temporary.

However, Lin Cheng did not know how long they would be in this situation, so he was idle, so he made himself a cup of coffee in the backstage of the cafe using the remaining materials.

Lin Cheng drank the unsweetened coffee, frowned, sprinkled a bag of sugar in it, and then drank the coffee with satisfaction.

Lin Cheng didn't like the bitter taste of coffee, so he would add a full bag of sugar every time.

Lin Cheng drank the coffee, and he took out the time TV when he was free.

After a rough look at the situation of Ling Qingyou's team for ten minutes, An Jing's panting sounded.


"An Jing, it seems that you are the first one to recover."

Lin Cheng said.

Seeing this, An Jing glanced at the other five girls and said seriously, "Master, the sound just now should be the ability of a certain psychic or high-level zombie, which made me suffer an attack similar to mental shock."

Lin Cheng asked curiously, "Psychic ability? Is this thing powerful?"

An Jing looked serious and said, "Even after the establishment of the human empire, psychic ability is still a very rare ability. There are only a few hundred people in the entire human empire who have this type of ability."

"As for whether it is powerful or not, it can only be said to be very powerful. Even if there is a difference of one level and a certain gap in strength, psychic ability can still cause a certain effect. However, if the level difference is too large, then the effect of psychic ability is much worse than that of physical attack ability. Master, you should not be affected?"

An Jing asked curiously.

"Not at all."

An Jing understood and said, "That's right, the master's basic ability value is too high, so this kind of psychic ability can't have any effect on you at all."

"It's true." An Jing's judgment is the same as Lin Cheng's guess.

However, although psychic ability is lacking in this aspect, it can

The effect of surpassing 1 level is already amazing. The mental shock just now caused An Jing to fall into a ten-minute mental stagnation.

"However, mental powers will have certain hidden dangers." An Jing added: "It may be impossible to control the use of superpowers freely to a certain extent, which is easy to affect the people around."

Lin Cheng nodded slightly. Overall, the flaws do not outweigh the merits.

While Lin Cheng and An Jing were chatting, the other four girls also recovered one after another.

The first to recover was Dong Yingxue.

Then Ning Qiang and Li Xuefei, followed by Xu Feili, and finally Xu Ruoxi.

An Jing and the others not only have two superpowers, but have also reached the level of level 2 superpowers. Although Xu Feili has not yet become a level 2 superpower, she has grown to the level of the late level 1, while Xu Ruoxi is only a level 1 superpower, so she is naturally inferior in resisting mental shocks.

After everyone recovered, Lin Cheng looked at Xu Ruoxi, considering how to explain that they are not monsters.

However, at this time, Xu Ruoxi said to Lin Cheng and the others: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

Xu Ruoxi said: "If you are the monster's accomplice, you should have killed me when I lost consciousness just now. I'm very sorry, I misunderstood you."

Lin Cheng didn't care about this matter. He was more concerned about two things. One was how to trick Xu Ruoxi into becoming a maid, and the other was what the monster Xu Ruoxi was talking about was.

In fact, the first thing is much more important than the second.

Lin Cheng asked: "What exactly is the monster you are talking about?"

"It is a monster that can change its appearance. When I was shooting the video just now, I saw that the monster disguised itself as the other person after swallowing other people."

Lin Cheng was slightly stunned when he heard this: 'It sounds like a zombie with the ability to disguise. ’

Lin Cheng did not listen to Xu Ruoxi’s unilateral words and said, “Excuse me, can you stay here for a while? I suddenly have something to discuss with my companions.”

Xu Ruoxi said quickly, “It’s okay. I just need some time to sort out the current situation.”

Lin Cheng called An Jing and the others to come over. The six of them came to the other end of the cafe, and he took out the time-lapse TV.

Through the time-lapse TV, Lin Cheng saw the scene of the monster eating that Xu Ruoxi saw.

It was a team of one woman and four men.

Then one of the four men suddenly attacked from behind and killed the other three men. Finally, the woman was left. She begged for mercy and threatened, “My father is the deputy commander of the military region. If you dare to come over here, I will let my father shoot you. Don’t come over, don’t come over.”

At the end of the scene, the woman was swallowed and eaten, and then the man turned into the appearance of the woman.

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