The more time passes, the more it will be.

Maybe the woman will go into a rampage state at that time.

And if there is really no other way, Lin Cheng doesn't want to stay here for too long.

There is no food to eat, no new maids to ask for, and it is not safe to collect happiness points.

Lin Cheng took out the time TV and adjusted the time within a three-hour range.

First, pull the time of today. In the time TV, from early morning to now, the woman has been in this nervous look.

That is, the woman looked like this on this day.

Then, Lin Cheng pulled the time back one day, this time it was the third day of the end of the world.

The situation was better this time. The woman was not as distracted as she is now, but she was obviously very tired and had not rested enough. She had thick dark circles under her eyes and was not in a good mood.

Lin Cheng continued to push forward the time.

Time came to the second day of the apocalypse.

The mental condition of this woman can only be said to be much better.

She no longer squatted in the corner, but would take the initiative to run to the supermarket shelf to get food.

This time, Lin Cheng extended the time to 20 minutes to play the situation of the woman on the second day of the apocalypse.

However, Lin Cheng did not find anything special.

Lin Cheng kept adjusting the playback time of the time TV, and finally, at night, he saw a clue.

"She seems to be unable to sleep, Senior Lin Cheng." Ning Qiang suddenly said.

"I found it too. It seems that this is the reason."

In the time TV, the woman kept covering her ears and rolling on the ground, looking very painful.

"Don't bother me!"

"Stop bothering me!"

"Shut up, all of you, be quiet, let me rest for a while."

An Jing saw this scene and immediately said: "I may know the reason. Sister Feili, please confirm her ability to see if it is the same as I expected."

Xu Feili's Eye of Insight quickly confirmed and said: "One is the ability to create mental shock when screaming. The other is the ability to read other people's inner thoughts. She caused us to collectively lose consciousness before."

An Jing said: "That's right, she should not be able to turn off her ability, and then she can't sleep and fall into insomnia."

"Is this what you mean by being unable to control the ability freely?" Lin Cheng remembered the characteristics of the mental ability mentioned by An Jing before, and asked immediately.

"That's right. In fact, although there are not many psychic psychics, they are not that few. However, psychic psychics can easily fall into a state where they cannot control their psychic powers. This means that they not only need to survive in the apocalypse, but also have to bear the impact of their uncontrollable psychic powers. Therefore, many of them cannot survive in the apocalypse."

"Is there any way to let her learn to control her psychic powers?" Lin Cheng asked.

An Jing shook her head and said, "No way. Only psychic psychics can survive this kind of thing by themselves, and then learn how to control it."

"Senior Lin Cheng, it's just like I said, just drag her away?" Ning Qiang said.

"...After dragging her away, what should I do when she uses another psychic power?"

Lin Cheng asked back.

The biggest problem of this woman at the moment is not the psychic power going wild, but that she can control one of the two psychic powers, but the other one. And the uncontrollable psychic power will cause her other controllable psychic power to use indiscriminate attacks.

In this case, Lin Cheng believes that even if she becomes a maid, it is probably impossible to solve it.

"Then leave her alone?"

"Unfortunately, it seems that this is the only way."

An Jing said.

However, Li Xuefei, who rarely spoke in the team at this time, raised her hand and said, "I may have a way to deal with this."

"Didn't I collect a seed from that mutant plant before?"

Li Xuefei stretched out her right hand and rolled up her sleeves. There was a sapling-like brand on her elbow.

A vine stretched out from the brand.

The vine stretched out and wrapped around the woman's wrist.

Lin Cheng and the others quickly understood what Li Xuefei meant.

An Jing said, "The source of the seeds that Senior Xuefei got before has two superpowers, one of which is the superpower that can invalidate superpowers. If the invalidation superpower is used, it can indeed force the uncontrollable mental superpowers to stop."

The invalidation superpower is a very special superpower in Lin Cheng's view. If it is said to be strong, it depends on the user. If it is said to be weak, it is not completely useless.

This is a kind of user

If it is too weak, it will not be able to exert its effect. Because of its invalidation, it can only exert its effect on objects of the same level or below.

The plants grown from the seeds obtained by Li Xuefei grow at the same level as Li Xuefei.

Li Xuefei is now level 2, so the seeds are naturally level 2.

Under the influence of Li Xuefei's ability to invalidate plants, the woman quickly changed.

She gradually let go of her hands from her ears, with a confused and sly expression: "No... no sound came."

"What on earth is this...?"

The woman suddenly raised her head and saw Lin Cheng and the others.

"You are... who are you?"

Lin Cheng knew that this was a good opportunity to convince the other party. He said, "After the blood rain, humans will awaken superpowers, and some people's awakened superpowers may be uncontrollable. You fell into this state before."

"However, there happens to be someone in my team who can temporarily invalidate your superpowers."

Lin Cheng said, "Xue Fei, you take back the vines first."

The vines on the woman's wrist began to loosen, and the endless voices came into her mind again.

"Here it comes again..."

The woman subconsciously hugged her head, and her expression became painful again.

Lin Cheng signaled Li Xuefei to use the vines to invalidate the woman's superpowers again.

The woman finally breathed a sigh of relief after the voice that emerged in her mind disappeared again.

At this time, Lin Cheng knew that it was time to strike while the iron was hot. He said, "Although we have a way to temporarily suppress your superpowers until you can gradually control your superpowers, we don't plan to stay here. If you want us to continue to suppress your superpowers, you must join us."

"No, no problem." For the woman, as long as she can get rid of this terrible situation, she can agree to any other conditions.

"Don't rush to answer. If you want to join us, you have to become a zombie first. I..."

"No, no problem. I agree to whatever you ask." The woman interrupted Lin Cheng and agreed in a hurry. Although she didn't know what Lin Cheng wanted her to do as a zombie, she would rather become a zombie than continue to be unable to rest well because her mind was full of other people's inner thoughts.

However, after the woman agreed, Lin Cheng and the others became serious.

Because the next purification should be the most troublesome thing for Lin Cheng so far.

An Jing cut a cut on the woman's wrist with a long knife, and then smeared the zombie fluid. The woman cooperated very well in this process.

Then, when the woman's body turned into a zombie with silver-white hair.

Before Lin Cheng even had time to use purification, he saw the woman directly use the Banshee Howl.

The scream mixed with mental power instantly covered the entire supermarket.

Several maids on Lin Cheng's side immediately fell into a state of unconsciousness.

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