The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Lin Cheng didn't care that the maids had fainted, as they had predicted this from the beginning.

This time, the purification of the psychic power users could only rely on Lin Cheng himself.

However, just in case, Lin Cheng still summoned the Judge.

A giant with wings appeared from behind Lin Cheng.

There were dark crystals surrounding the giant with wings.

Under Lin Cheng's control, the Judge's wings suddenly opened, and the power of purification poured down on the zombies in front of him.

The zombies showed a painful expression.

However, the zombies did not directly attack Lin Cheng or the Judge, but rushed towards An Jing and the others who had fainted.

"Just as I expected." Lin Cheng said.

The pitch-black crystals around the Judge released some pitch-black particles, which surrounded the maids and protected them inside.

This is the Judge's shield mode, which can give the area around the pitch-black crystal the same effect as zombie affinity.

Under the coverage of the zombie affinity ability, as long as you don't actively attack the zombies, you will not become the target of the zombies.

Sure enough, after the pitch-black crystal was used, the zombies stopped moving, then changed direction and pounced towards Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng's right hand appeared a time-stopping dagger, and his figure flashed, and he came to the back of the zombie and gently swung a knife at her back. This knife only lasted to the extent of cutting the skin.

The effect of the time-stopping dagger was activated, and the zombie stopped in mid-air for three seconds.

After three seconds, Lin Cheng stabbed again without interval, and this knife was aimed at the same wound.

The zombie continued to stop in mid-air for another three seconds.

Three seconds after three seconds, Lin Cheng swung the time-stopping short knife in an orderly manner, making it impossible for the zombie to move or even fall to the ground.

After a few minutes, the hair on the zombie's surface shrank visibly, and the skin returned to human appearance.

The woman also quickly regained consciousness and raised her head and said, "Master."

Lin Cheng took back the Judge, and the next moment, the woman flew to Lin Cheng, hugged his thighs, and said, "Master, I will agree to whatever you want. Please, can you let me not hear the noisy sound!!!"

Lin Cheng was stunned, and his eyes subconsciously looked at the woman's panel, and then he was shocked.

Although the woman did not have any anxiety, her mental state might be too bad, so the anxiety value was as high as 95, and she could enter a rampage state at any time.

Lin Cheng comforted her, "Just wait for Xue Fei to recover. When you turned into a zombie just now, your supernatural power made her faint."

"Really?" The woman asked uncertainly.


Perhaps because she became a maid, her loyalty was full, so the woman still believed Lin Cheng's words.

Next, the woman quieted down and waited quietly for Li Xuefei to wake up. Lin Cheng kept an eye on her anxiety value from time to time, and found that although it was still 95 and did not move, it did not continue to rise.

After a while, starting from the quiet, the maids woke up one by one.

When Li Xuefei woke up, Lin Cheng immediately asked her to invalidate the woman's ability.

Li Xuefei manipulated the vines to wrap around the woman's wrist.

The invalidation ability was activated, and the woman's expression softened significantly.

The relaxation after fatigue made her yawn, and then she said, "I'll take a rest first."

As she said that, she closed her eyes, her body softened, and she fell to the ground.

Not long after that, she took a nap.

Although the superpowers are more energetic, this woman's situation is not just lack of sleep.

A lot of other people's voices kept filling her mind. She wanted to sleep but couldn't, and she didn't know how to block them, which made her fall into this extremely tired state.

The woman fell asleep very quickly, and she didn't even have time to introduce herself. It can be seen that she was really tired.

Lin Cheng stepped forward and held her in his arms.

However, after Lin Cheng picked up the woman, he found that several maids looked over, and their eyes were a little dazzling.

"'s a princess hug."

"Senior Lin Cheng, is she heavy?"

"Master, how about I hold her?"

"Master, I don't mind holding her master."

"It seems that you are not pretending to faint."

In a word, this hug made the other maids a little emotional.

Lin Cheng didn't care about their little emotions and said, "Let's leave here first. Although we may not be able to get to the villa today, at least we can go to see the swimming pool and the COS exhibition."

The maids heard this and put away their little emotions

, followed Lin Cheng out of the supermarket.

When Lin Cheng left the supermarket with the woman in his arms, all the supermarket survivors he met along the way fell into a coma.

When he met some survivors pushing carts, Ning Qiang would tiptoe to take something from their carts.

Chocolate, milk tea bags...

Anyway, they were all snacks and desserts suitable for young people.

Sooner or later, this junior sister will be put in a sack and kicked around at the corner.


At the entrance of Jialong Supermarket, Lin Cheng threw out the Zodiac Master Ball and released Tiger No. 1.

After Lin Cheng and the others got on the car, Ning Qiang looked up at the sky and suddenly said with emotion: "This trip, I always feel that we did nothing..."

"Before entering, I was knocked unconscious."

"After entering, I was still knocked unconscious."

"We didn't get much food or anything."

"I suddenly don't understand why we have to go in. Wouldn't it be better to let the master go in alone?"

An Jing hugged her arms and said: "A mosquito leg is also meat. Even if there is not much, it is considered a harvest. Didn't you also secretly take some snacks? If you think it's not enough, give it to me and I will store it in the space."

"I won't give it to you!"

Dong Yingxue reached out and patted Ning Qiang's shoulder, saying: "Although we really didn't get anything, do, but doesn't this give us a sense of participation?"

"..." Ning Qiang opened her mouth, and finally took out the chocolate she had just taken from someone else's cart. After eating it, she said, "In addition to the sense of participation, there is still a consolation prize."

Xu Feili raised her right hand and said with a smile, "I know what this is called. I saw others say it when I was watching live broadcasts before. In a five-person competitive game, the live broadcaster got four kills by himself, and the other teammates played a group of four against one and let the other side get four kills. Is it about this feeling?"

"Don't use such a simple and easy-to-understand example. I don't play games well. I can still escape under the cover of my teammates when I play four against one! I can only get three kills at most, not four kills." Ning Qiang said dissatisfiedly.

"Have you really tried to play four against one and still lost in the group?"

Ning Qiang immediately closed her mouth, looked at the scenery outside the car, and pretended nothing happened.

Lin Cheng listened to their chattering, a group of beautiful women were chatting, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of pleasure and enjoyment, but felt that it was as noisy as being in a vegetable market.

Women are only lovable when they are gaining pleasure points.

Lin Cheng took some time to look through the SS equipment he had obtained this time.

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