Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 136 Buy and leave

Douluo calendar year 2608, mid-September.

【Shuimu Principality】, Blue Silver Collar, Shanghe Village.

Zhang Lei led a long motorcade into this village full of familiar faces.

The villagers who had already been notified, under the arrangement of the village chief Ling Changshui, gathered at the grain drying field to the east of the village and watched Zhang Lei and the motorcade coming on horseback.

After getting off his horse and saying hello to his third uncle Ling Changshan, Zhang Lei stood on the 1.5-meter-high platform, looked at the crowded villagers below, and said loudly: "Folks, you all know me Zhang Lei. Today, I am calling everyone here. I am the lord." Your Excellency has some new arrangements to give -!"

"Although Lord Lord is no longer in the 'Blue Silver Collar' now, before he left, he specifically promised to handle this matter that is beneficial to everyone -!"

"Right now, the crops that the folks planted before have been harvested. Don't rush to plant the next winter wheat. The Lord has left a good thing. Let's plant this first--!"

As he spoke, Zhang Lei waved his hand, and his men drove carriages one by one to the foot of the high platform and moved down wooden boxes one by one.

Among the villagers standing in the front row, those with sharp eyes had already seen the emerald green seedlings with dots of blue texture in the wooden boxes.

[Tian Dou Empire], Fasnuo Province, two hundred miles southeast of "Fair City".

The army from [Shuimu Principality] is stationed on a hillside here.

Obviously, the war between [Tian Dou Empire] and [Xing Luo Empire] has begun.

There was no scolding or fighting, or killing an envoy to sacrifice the flag, because there was no confrontation between the two armies at all!

Very unexpectedly, the main armies of both sides, that is, the armies of the two empires, were still stationed within their respective borders and stood still. But the brothers on both sides, the teams from the kingdom and the principality, were scattered on a front line that was hundreds of miles long, fighting each other.

Born in the most peaceful country in his previous life, Ling Yi had never personally experienced the cruelty of war.

His previous service in the Cold Wind Camp and the Five Military Headquarters of the Principality was more like a military life experience similar to that of a conscript.

The most bloody scenes I witnessed were just surrounding and suppressing some soul beasts that broke out of the soul beast forest.

Sometimes, the scenes of Ling Yi performing surgical treatment on some seriously injured and dying people were even more impactful.

Of course, although he had never personally experienced a war, he had seen a lot of blockbusters in his previous life, and had experienced the bloody evil in the "soldier tomb" underground in Shanhaiyuan. Ling Yi asked himself that he should not be too shocked and shocked by the war. Discomfort.


Movies, TV shows, etc. are all lies!

What you think of war: diplomatic insults, expelling diplomats, freezing the other party's assets in the country, trade embargo, inciting public opinion, wartime control, men in the army, women in factories, electronic bombing, scalpel-style precision strikes, biological Attack, crushing by steel torrent, etc.

But on the Douluo Continent, on the hundreds of miles long front line, there were individual battles that were quite intense, but overall they were tepid martial arts performances.

Or rather, a performance!

Can you believe that the two armies in front were fighting fiercely. After the battle, when the remaining soldiers of both sides retreated to lick their wounds, caravans of various supplies came out from the cities dozens or hundreds of miles behind to sell them. , there are also those who bet on the battle losses of both sides, and send people to count the number of wounded and dead one by one.

The thin needle in Ling Yi's hand flew up and down, and he quickly and smoothly sutured the wound of the injured. He casually shot it with the 'First Soul Skill: Full of Vitality' and walked towards the next injured person.

But there were tiny fluctuations in his ears that only he could decipher, coming from the magnetic field fluctuations emitted by the swaying leaves of the "Blue Silver Grass" all over the ground.

"Your Excellency Jiang Yuan, do you really not think about it?"

"As long as you agree to give up a force of 3,000 men at the edge of Quyue River in three days' time, we can help you to win the entire battle!"

"Think about it. On one side, there are only three thousand worthless wastes with no potential, and on the other side, there is a long and meaningless tug-of-war. It is very likely that all of you, more than eight thousand people, will stay on this land!"

In the general's tent, Jiang Yuan looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked expressionlessly at the middle-aged man talking in front of him.

This is a member of the soul master family behind a large soul fighting arena in the [Tian Dou Empire].

That is to say, they turned the extremely intense collisions in a single battle into handicaps for the big shots behind them to place bets.

Obviously, this person, or the person behind him, wanted to use Jiang Yuan to control a bet on cutting leeks.

Jiang Yuan was miraculously not angry at this time. He just remembered the scene more than ten years ago when he followed the then general to the battlefields on the front lines of the two empires.

Did the general who has now become the Marquis of [Shuimu Principality] also face the same situation he faced now?

Think about it, as a Soul King in his thirties, as long as there are no accidents in the future, it will be easy for him to become a Soul Emperor or even a Soul Saint.

The commander-in-chief back then, now the Marquis of the Principality, seemed to have had considerable strength at a young age and had a promising future.

Look, how similar they are?

Thinking of this, a strange arc appeared at the corner of Jiang Yuan's mouth, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Mr. Jinel," Jiang Yuan said in a light tone: "This matter makes me very embarrassed. I hope you can give me some time to think about it."

"I am very tired now and my mind is not very clear. Let me have a good rest first and I will give you the answer later——"

Although this Jinel's strength is only a soul king comparable to Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan still used honorifics to save face.

Behind every large soul fighting arena, there are at least a plurality of Soul Saint level beings.

After dismissing the lobbyist, Jiang Yuan asked Li Zhishu to come over and use martial arts to make some soul food to replenish his physical strength and restore his condition.

Although the baguette has a rough and hard texture and is not very delicious, it is extremely hungry and can be stored well. Coupled with the effect of Li Zhishu's soul skills, it is quite popular among the rough guys in the army.

By the way, General Jiang Yuan also sent people to guard the sick and injured camp. After the military doctor Ling Yi finished his work, he also came to the general's camp.

In many previous battles, General Jiang Yuan felt that he had hidden wounds on his body and needed to be treated by military doctor Ling Yi.

More than two hours later, the last injured person's condition was finally stabilized, and Ling Yi walked into the camp of General Jiang Yuan.

"..., Ayi, this is the situation we are facing now."

Jiang Yuan used the most concise language to tell Ling Yi all the information he knew at this moment.

He now urgently needs Ling Yi's analysis and help!

So, what kind of difficulties are the [Shuimu Principality]’s army facing now?

There are three main points: food and grass, military strength, and masters.

Because of the [Tian Dou Empire]'s cunning operations, these foreign kingdoms and principality armies have to fight in the [Barak Kingdom] in addition to being backed by the famous grain-producing land, the "Lima Plain", so there is no shortage of food. Except for people, other parties are beginning to find it difficult to survive.

[Shuimu Principality] There are more than 10,000 people in the army. After fighting one after another, there are still more than 8,000 people left. This is still relying on Ling Yi's strong surgical ability, combined with the soul skills and the soul skills of each healing soul master. The effect of herbal medicine can reduce the battle damage to a minimum.

On another battlefield dozens of miles away, the 20,000-strong army sent by [Silves Kingdom] was now the same as [Shuimu Principality], with only 8,000 troops left.

As for the master, it is the key factor that determines who wins and who loses in the final battle that may come next.

According to what Jiang Yuan knew from his old acquaintances in the Tiandou Empire, the two empires seemed to be preparing to send their masters to the end.

Thanks to the book friends [Wanghou Zhiming, Civil Warlock, Book Friends 20201105171014356, Jiu Jiujia, Yi Xin Xiangdao, HoloSpice, Black Iron Tips, Zhaishi, Misty Purple River Blaspheming Demon Mad God, Li Zhishu, wfk, Book Friends 20190225161404037, Stars 1 Ocean] for my monthly vote, thank you book friend [Ruoxue Nianhua] for your reward, thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading, thank you all! (*^▽^*)

Next chapter will be updated in the evening~

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