Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 137 Invisibility

Three days later, Quyue River Bend.

When Jiang Yuan pulled out his right hand from the enemy general's chest and looked around, he suddenly realized that the battlefield was already one-sided.

Lowering his head, Jiang Yuan looked at the soul king from [North Vietnam] in front of him, looking at the eyes that could not be closed for a long time, and the lifeless face with solidified fear and unwillingness.

Beyond that, there was a lingering sense of outrage.

Jiang Yuan knew that this anger was not directed at his opponent.

If he were in a different place, Jiang Yuan would probably feel even more sad and angry!


There was a huge explosion of gold and iron. Li Zhishu, wearing "Thousand Scales Armor" and holding a "Coiling Dragon Stick", had just swept away an enemy soldier who was panicking and rushed towards Jiangyuan with great strides.

"General! It's time-!"

Following Li Zhishu's reminder, Jiang Yuan's arms trembled, and he lifted up the Soul King enemy general whose body was gradually losing warmth. The soul power gathered in the throat, and he used the "Beast Martial Spirit·Xingyi Fist Frame" The fourth form of Tiger Roaring Technique caused a loud shout that resounded throughout the audience:

"The enemy general is dead, the whole army is attacking——!!!"

"Roar——!" N

Jiang Yuan's words, as well as the body that was held high with its limbs hanging limply, immediately boosted the morale of the five thousand troops belonging to the "Shuimu Principality", and the weapons they waved became more powerful.

Correspondingly, the [North Vietnam] army, which had already suffered an ambush, became demoralized and fled even more panicked.

At the same time, there was another river bend seventeen miles away.

Among the dummies made of three thousand straws and branches, Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

He opened his five fingers and pressed them on several "Blue Silver Grass" plants under him until his palms were touching the ground. Feeling the vibration that was so weak that it was difficult to detect, he immediately stood up.

With his right hand, he took out a handful of torches from his arms, and after lighting the torches in front of him one by one, Ling Yi threw all the torches away like a goddess scattering flowers.


In an instant, blazing orange flames rose up, and the entire array of three thousand dummies was surrounded by flames.

The moment before the fire spread, Ling Yi himself jumped up in a few short steps, and at a perfect arc angle, he submerged into the Quyue River not far away.

After about five or six minutes, a group of cavalry led the way and rushed dozens of meters away from the raging fire. They reined in their horses and stopped. The leader looked at the raging fire and his face turned green and white.

"General...?" The guard beside him moved forward and spoke in a low voice, wanting to ask something.

Before the man could continue speaking, purple soul power surged from the leader's body, and fine purple scales appeared on the skin of his face that was not covered by the helmet and armor.

At the same time, three yellow, one purple and one black, a total of five soul rings also appeared around his body, circling and circling.

The next second, the third dark yellow soul ring with a hint of purple bloomed.

The third soul skill·Hurricane Arrow Rain——!

I saw dozens or hundreds of wind-blue short arrows appearing in the sky. As the leader suddenly waved his arm, he immediately rushed forward into the blazing flames.

The wind helped the fire, and the flames soared into the sky, but before that, there was a brief gap in the orange flames, revealing the scene inside.

It was a carbonized humanoid body.

At a quick glance, one could also see some objects that were charred black and slightly white, and seemed to be skeletons.

Although there were still a lot of doubts and speculations in his heart, the leader still pulled the reins with a cold face, turned the horse's head, and said fiercely: "Let's go——!"

As soon as the sound fell, he whipped the riding whip in his hand, and amidst the crackling sound, he galloped away without looking back.

Two days later, in a valley more than three hundred miles south of the [Star Luo Empire] border.

Ling Yi handed the maps and letters one by one to thirty or forty men wearing coarse linen and linen clothes.

After the distribution was completed, Ling Yi looked around, met a pair of confused eyes, and immediately raised his right hand. When everyone's attention was attracted by his raised right hand, he first spread his fingers, turned his wrist and drew several circles in the air, and then pinched it with his thumb and middle finger.


A crisp sound, not loud, but it seems to have a kind of magic that goes straight to the depths of people's souls, which makes people unforgettable for a long time.

"Everyone," Ling Yi's magnetic voice was equally quiet and said in a leisurely tone: "From today on, you are no longer from the [Shuimu Principality]. You are on the border of the two empires, devastated by war. Now Homeless homeless people——"

"Go, go and escape within the territory of [Xingluo Empire]——"

"There is nothing left to miss in [Shuimu Principality]. You all have no family ties. I hope you can find your destination here in [Xingluo Empire]——"

"In the metal city of Gengxin City, there is the [Blacksmith Association General Assembly]. If you want, you can try to be a blacksmith. Even if you have no soul power, as long as you are willing to learn, you may not be able to become an intermediate blacksmith, or even a mid-level blacksmith." It’s a senior blacksmith——!”


As Ling Yi's words came into his ears, the confusion in the eyes of the thirty or forty men in their prime gradually faded away and turned to firmness.

Without saying anything else, I saw that this man of different heights, but all with a hint of evil spirit, stepped into the valley, and then walked out with dozens of figures in the same coarse linen clothes.

First, he came to Ling Yi, bent down and saluted, and then walked toward the outside of the valley step by step with a look of apprehension and uneasiness.

At the end of the mountain road, which is about seven or eight miles long, there are four or five forked roads, each leading to different directions.

On top of a mountain about 100 meters high, Ling Yi quietly looked at the backs of each person going their own way below, with deep eyes that made it difficult to guess the meaning behind them.

The Quyue River is located on the border between the two empires. It originates from the Moling Mountains, one of the branches of the "Tianling Mountains". It winds for more than 800 miles from west to east, passing through three large and small cities, "Fair City", " "Soto City" and "Clo City".

Seventy miles southwest of "Fair City", after the army of the "Shuimu Principality" defeated the army of the "North Vietnam", they found peace for a while and retreated here to temporarily station.

When Ling Yi landed on an uninhabited tidal flat in Quyue River, he did not immediately identify the direction and continue on his way. Instead, he squatted down, put his palms on the ground, and used his soul power to communicate with the "Blue Silver Grass" all over the ground.

After confirming that there was no other human scent within a radius of more than ten miles, Ling Yi stood up and walked toward the northeast according to the sun setting in the sky.

Every time a certain distance passed, Ling Yi would stop and sense the surrounding situation through the "Blue Silver Grass" on the ground again.

It has to be said that in the previous tug-of-war and stalemate stage, Ling Yi followed the army and sprinkled a piece of "Blue Silver Grass" seeds wherever he went, which provided an excellent medium for 'invisibility' at this moment. .

If this were not the case, Ling Yi would have been unsure before, leading three thousand sergeants to cross numerous front line blockades and directly reach a position one to two hundred miles behind the enemy.

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