Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 18 The remaining diagram of the veins

Ling Yi, the eldest grandson of the Ling Changqing family in Shanhai Village, detected his innate soul power during the martial soul awakening ceremony!

This explosive news spread throughout the surrounding villages in just ten days.

Although he only had half a level of innate soul power and his martial soul was only the most common waste martial soul "Blue Silver Grass", he still became the envy of thousands of people in the twenty-five villages under Beikouhe Town!

Originally, Ling Yi thought that those who had seen the Ling family become richer and richer would come to visit and say goodbye to the baby. Who knew that after that, although more people would come to visit to communicate with each other, there would be no concern about Ling Yi's baby. However, he suddenly became tight-lipped about the wedding.

You know, even if Ling Yi only has half a level of innate soul power, if he works hard, he still has great hope of cultivating his soul power to level ten. If he spends some money or finds some way to get a soul ring, he can become A soul master that everyone admires!

There is a great possibility that the descendants of soul masters will also have the qualifications to become soul masters. Several small families in Beikouhe Town are the most vivid examples of this.

This is a class leap, and villagers from all over the country are looking forward to it.

But after Ling Yi thought about it, he somewhat understood what everyone was thinking.

Originally, everyone was an ordinary person. At most, there was only a gap between rich and poor. In terms of status, they were generally in the same class. But after Ling Yi awakened his innate soul power, they felt a kind of estrangement from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like Mr. Ye loves dragons, just like the ordinary people and superheroes in Ling Yi's previous movies and TV series, they long for but fear him.

No matter how good or close the relationship between humans and tigers is, they would not think of sleeping in the same room with it, especially when the shackles are not necessarily tied to anyone.

"Grandpa Third, walk slowly, Brother Bai, walk slowly -"

In the north of Shanhai Village, in front of Ling Changqing's house, Ling Yi stood together with Ling Changqing and Ling Xiaoshan, waving goodbye to the old and the young in front.

Although he is said to be old, he is actually only forty-two years old. He is Ling Changqing's third brother and Ling Yi's third grandfather, Ling Changshui.

As for the young people, they have been dead for more than twenty years. The third-generation grandson of the great grandfather Ling Changshan is named Ling Bai. He is twenty years old and is only two or three years younger than Ling Yi’s father, Ling Xiaoshan. Now he is Worked as an apprentice in the blacksmith shop in the west of Beikouhe Town.

Speaking of which, Ling Yi and Ling Xiaoshan went to Beikouhe Town a few days ago. After meeting Deacon Yan Bin at Wuhun Hall, they also met Ling Bai when they were buying a hoe and blade at the blacksmith shop.

But at that time, Ling Bai didn't know that Ling Yi's martial soul had awakened and had innate soul power to cultivate.

Two days ago, the uncle Ling Xiangbei, who lives in the next village, heard the news and brought his aunt and two cousins ​​to Shanhai Village to visit their second uncle Ling Changqing. During the chat, they confirmed the authenticity of the news. After returning home, I found someone to bring a message to Ling Bai in the town, asking him to come back and deepen the relationship with Ling Yi and his family that had gradually become estranged over the years.

After all, ever since Ling Changshan entered the depths of the old forest in the north of Shanhai Village, he never returned. Ling Xiangbei reached the age of marriage within two years. After marrying the girl from the next village, he took his mother, who was Ling Yi's eldest grandma moved there together.

Over the years, the Ling Changshan family has not been in frequent contact with the Ling Changqing and Ling Changshan families who are still in Shanhai Village, as well as the fourth aunt Ling Changxiu who married out of another village. They are all foraging for food in the land, so there is so much leisure time and exchange of feelings. If you have difficulties, you can help within your ability. If you have nothing to do, you can knit some straw sandals, baskets, etc., and you can also subsidize the household~

Seeing Ling Changshui and Ling Bai's backs disappear at the corner of the dirt road, Ling Yi followed Ling Changqing and Ling Xiaoshan back to the yard.

At this time, grandma Yan Hong and mother Zhang Xiaoyu were in the main room. They each took out their old clothes and shoes and repaired them with their heads down.

It is now the off-farming season, and the grains in the fields are still growing. It is enough to go down from time to time to deal with weeds and pay attention to insect pests. There is no need to stay in the fields all day. It's just that the Ling family raises pheasants and hares, so they need to go to the surrounding woodlands and wilderness every day to cut some grass and mix it with wheat bran, chaff and other materials as feed.

So, Ling Changqing greeted Ling Xiaoshan, his father and son, and his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, then each picked up a sickle, carried a basket on his back, and went out to the east of the village.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Ling Yi weighed the two in his mind, and finally gave up on following them. By observing the two of them swinging the sickle, he then perfected the "Farmer's Three Stances" - the idea of ​​swinging the sickle.

It's just that the Ling family and his son have too few reference objects, and the collection and comparison of useful data cannot reach the level Ling Yi wants. It is better to wait for another two or three months. During the autumn harvest, gather people from Shanhai Village and several surrounding villages. There are laborers, men, women, old and young, and that is the best time for the Scythe Style to finally take shape.

Now, it is better to think more about the newly acquired "Basic Meditation Method".

This is the most widely popular and basic soul power cultivation method in the soul master world. It has been some time since I started, but Ling Yi has not officially practiced it yet, but has carefully deduced the principles and concepts behind this cultivation method. .

Ling Changqing's house was specially set up for Ling Yi to live in.

On the bed, Ling Yi sat cross-legged, with a book and a picture scroll spread out on the left and right in front of him.

'Visualize...mobilize the soul power...from the right hand, a little bit on the nail side of the little finger, to the tip of the little finger in the fist, to the the elbow...then to the armpit of the right arm...through the the umbilicus of the lower abdomen... The lower three finger widths...'

The above is extracted by Ling Yi from the three thin pages of the "Basic Meditation Method" on the left.

Turning his gaze from the booklet to the unfolded scroll on the right, Ling Yi's expression became much more serious.

I saw that the painting on the scroll was of a naked man with his arms hanging naturally. Lines and red dots appeared on the man's body, making the painting look a bit weird and scary.

"Human Body Veins Diagram"·Disabled!

'What a pity~' Ling Yi lowered his eyes, looking at this half-remnant picture of "Human Vein Vine" which had appeared in movies and TV shows in his previous life, and felt no regrets.

There is no way, no one can imagine that they will travel through time, and then recite in advance the information that may be used after traveling~

This fragmentary map, which only has the general direction of the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, and covers about 70% to 80% of the acupuncture points, is after Ling Yi awakened his spiritual power, his past life memories became clearer, and a large part of him was wasted. It took a lot of effort to reproduce it.

Without the strength of the soul's origin and the limited ability to recall past life memories, not even 70% to 80% of the acupuncture points can be reproduced. At most, the approximate routes of a few of the meridians can be recalled.

What Ling Yi regrets is that in his previous life, he only dated that young lady majoring in nursing for just one month, and the number of times he was used to practice acupuncture and cupping by the young lady was even less. The "Human Body Vein Diagram" on the wall of my sister's dormitory was only glanced at a few times every time I served as a practice model. The memory is too vague. Even if the memory function is turned on, it still feels like seeing flowers in the fog.

Perhaps, only by raising the spiritual realm a few levels again can we clear away these fogs and clearly recall the scene at that time.

'Speaking of which, when she asked me to perform acupuncture and cupping on her body, if I had done it honestly and seriously, instead of... I guess there would have been more acupuncture points and meridians that could be traced back, right? ’

Thinking of this, Ling Yi shook his head silently. He couldn't hold it back and muttered in a low voice: "Tsk~ What a pity -"

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