Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 19 Soul Power Cultivation

‘Stop punching the acupuncture point! ’

Ling Yi opened the five fingers of his right hand and raised it in front of his eyes. His eyes focused on the radial side of the end of the little finger, a little away from the corner of the nail, and he thought to himself.

Then, he closed his five fingers to make a fist, and then opened them again. Ling Yi's eyes moved to the position where the tip of his little finger had just been pressed, and he thought again in his heart: 'This is... Shaofu point! ’

His eyes moved again, following the route on the side of the little finger, to the wrist, past the protruding pisiform bone, and stopped at a fairly obvious depression: 'Shenmen point! ’

Ling Yi is quite familiar with this position. He was a fan of martial arts in his previous life. In the novel "The Legend of Dragon Slayer" and the corresponding film and television series, "Thirteen Swords of Shenmen" by Wudang Clan specializes in attacking the Shenmen point on the opponent's wrist, making the opponent's wrist weak. Ling Yi was quite impressed by the swordsmanship with the purpose of killing.

Equally profound, there is the ‘Shaochong point’ on the front little finger, which also comes from the Tianlong Babu in the gold-based martial arts world, the “Six Meridians Divine Sword” of the Duan family in Dali [Tianlong Temple] - Shaochong Sword!

In the movie and TV series, Duan Yu, the "Meeting Master", stretched out his hand to sign "666", and his thumb and little finger started to emit laser light. This scene has a much higher level of special effects than the scene in Yin Liting gesticulating with a sword in "Yitian Slaying the Dragon".

No more gossip, let’s get down to business.

Ling Yi concentrated his mind and kept it as one, and continued to integrate the Douluo Continent's "Bing Xixi Edition" soul power operation route bit by bit into the human body venation diagram he had carved out, so that it would be easier for him to understand later. , and... changes.

Of course, it's too early to make any changes. At the moment, it is just a matter of stimulating the soul power in the body, that is, the small cool breath, to follow the route of the "Basic Meditation Method" slowly and completely.

Lowering his head, Ling Yi stared at the three inches below his belly button... No, he was only six years old now...

Feeling the cool breath entering a space that seemed both real and illusory, Ling Yi's eyes flashed: "Interesting~"

‘It stands to reason that this direction is completely contrary to the context of the previous life, but in this world, it can still be like this! ’

Ling Yi could clearly feel that the half-level soul power in his body before, with a thought, surged out from the lower abdomen... Dantian, and came to the Shaochong point on the little finger of his right hand at an extremely fast speed. ', attracted some particle-like existences from the outside world, absorbed these particles, and returned to the Dantian along the route drawn by Ling Yi just now, one acupuncture point after another.

During the process, those particles were slowly assimilated by the cool breath, that is, Ling Yi's soul power. When they entered the Dantian, they had been assimilated by nearly 30%, which also caused the amount of soul power to be lost during operation. A slight increase!

As for this meditative soul power movement route, in Ling Yi's previous life, it had a name, which is-Shou Shaoyin Heart Sutra!

The difference is that in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine in previous lives, the 'Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian' is symmetrical, that is, there is one on each arm, but here in Douluo Continent, the "Basic Meditation Method" provided by Yan Bin, the deacon of [Martial Soul Hall] "In ", there is only one strip on the right arm, and the words are unclear and vague, and it contains a lot of irrelevant narrative content, leaving many beginners with low levels of education in this world scratching their heads.

Fortunately, although Ling Yi had not specifically studied the theory of traditional Chinese medicine in his previous life, and his educational level was only an ordinary university undergraduate, his reading comprehension skills were not bad, and he could barely read the essays and practical test questions, not to mention that he was still able to read them. It’s considered the “Basic Meditation Method” in vernacular.

"Simply put, the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian starts from the heart, passes through the armpit, and along the inside of the arm to the end of the little finger. It has several branches: one leads downward to the small intestine, and one goes upward along the esophagus. to the eyes, and another one goes up to the lungs, comes out under the armpits, goes along the back edge of the upper arm to the inside of the wrist, to the Shaochong point on the inside of the little finger... Are you listening to my back -?"

The nurse's coquettish words echoed in my ears again.

In order not to let the young lady know that he had just been distracted by the bumps under his white coat, Ling Yi from the previous life quickly said:

"I'm listening~ I'm listening~ It's just, I'm thinking, these meridians are not blood vessels, and there is no blood flowing in them. What is running this circulation? True Qi? Internal force?"

The young lady rolled her eyes and pursed her red lips, which made people's throats move up and down. She spat angrily: "You're so angry~ Nei Li, why don't you talk about chakra and magic circuit?"

"Please, how can there be those things in this world!"

"What are the meridians that circulate?"

"How should I put it? You can call it vitality, or blood. It is the driving force of human life activities..."

"Oh~ So, it starts from the heart, not the Dantian?"

"Oh~ Come on, what are you doing?"

"Isn't that right? Let's check the position of the heart and Dantian——"

"The heart...the position of the heart is fine. Dan...dantian, is the it that far down—?"

"Hehe... my hand slipped... my hand slipped -"

Let us discard the inappropriate and boring content in the second half and focus on what the young lady said at the beginning.

In Ling Yi's theory of traditional Chinese medicine in his previous life, the human body is a small world, and the breath circulation veins within the small world are divided into two categories: regular meridians and extraordinary meridians. There are twelve main meridians, namely the three yin meridians of the hands and feet and the three yang meridians of the hands and feet, collectively called the ‘twelve meridians’, which are the main channels for the circulation of qi and blood. There are eight extraordinary meridians, namely Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao, Yin Wei and Yang Wei. They are collectively called the "Eight Extraordinary Meridians", which have the function of commanding, connecting and regulating the twelve meridians. In addition, there are also 'twelve meridians' and other small meridians that serve as supplements and connections.

Not to mention the 'Eight Meridians', before Ling Yi could discuss this with his young lady in his previous life, he changed his career to learn foreign languages ​​and found a young girl to learn Russian.

In addition, even in martial arts novels, movies and TV dramas, those who are involved in the 'Eight Meridians' are some masters. For Ling Yi, who is just getting started, it is still too early to study these.

Talking back to the "Twelve Meridians", their names are comprehensively determined based on their yin and yang attributes, the organs they belong to, and the parts they circulate. They belong to the twelve zang-fu organs respectively. Each meridian uses the name of the zang-fu organ to which it belongs, and is combined with different parts that run through the hands and feet, inside and outside, front, middle and back, and is given different names according to the Yin and Yang theory.

The names are: Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin, Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin, Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin, Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang, Small Intestine Meridian of Hand Taiyin, Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, and Foot Shao Meridian. Yin Kidney Meridian, Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian, Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian, and Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian.

These twelve meridians are transmitted from one meridian to another through the connection of some external and internal meridians of yin and yang in the hands and feet, forming a recurring, endless transmission system. Qi and blood can pass through the meridians to the internal organs and externally to the muscle surface to operate the whole body.

The above encyclopedia knowledge has come to an end, and Ling Yi began to pay attention to the parts that are useful to him.

That is, the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian!

‘Is it because the martial soul of most people appears in their right hand, so the meridians on the right hand are used as the entry route? ’

Ling Yi secretly wondered: 'But, why start with this Shaochong point on the little finger? Instead of the Shaoshang point on the thumb, the Zhongchong point on the middle finger, or the Guanchong point on the ring finger? ’

‘In addition, the Shaoze point is also on the side of the little finger nail, but it is close to the inside of the ring finger, while the Shaochong point is on the outside. Is there anything special about this choice? ’

Thank you to [book friend 20210301106605389310] and book friend [Qingji T Wuqing] for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your support and reading, thank you! (^_^)

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