Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 291 Spark

Douluo calendar year 2613, mid-April.

[Barak Kingdom] is located in the center of Lima Plain, more than 20 miles south of Soto City.

The scorching sun in the sky made the young and old in Suanzao Village listless, just mechanically busy with the work at hand.

Jujube Village is one of the most inconspicuous among the hundreds of ordinary villages around Soto City and even in the entire Lima Plain.

Next to the small square in the center of the village, in front of a stone house, stands a stone tablet about two meters high.

Judging from the quality of the stone, this stone monument is very new, at least much newer than the stone house behind it that looks quite a few years old.

When the sun in the sky tilted and the temperature didn't seem so hot, many restless monkeys came to this small square one by one and started playing.

Among the more than a dozen teenagers and children, there were two figures that stood out.

I saw two boys, about ten years old, standing in front of the stone tablet, each holding a hoe, sometimes raising it high, sometimes swinging it down hard, turning up a large piece of mud on the ground in front of them.

It lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and perhaps they were tired. The two of them held the hoes in their hands, panting, and looked up at the stone tablet.

It can be seen that there are three rows of patterns carved on the stone tablet. Each row has three human figures in different postures. There is also a text next to it, which can be said to be rich in pictures and text.

The top row of humanoid figures holds a slender hoe-like tool, the second row of tools looks like a sickle, and the third row has an axe.


Yu Si took a breath, raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, turned to the program next to him and said: "Brother Xu, once we practice this 'swinging hoe', it can really strengthen our bodies." ?"

The program bent down and picked up the water hyacinth at his feet, pulled out the stopper, raised his head and drank some water to moisten his smoky throat, looked up at the stone tablet in front of him, and whispered: "It should be okay, some time ago Didn't the deacon who came to the village to help Zhan Wa and Er Ni awaken their martial spirits, said that as long as they practiced the "Three Farmer's Styles" consistently, they could cultivate their bodies to a level comparable to that of a tenth-level soul warrior... …”

"Also, have you noticed that since we started practicing this 'hoe swing', our appetite seems to have increased..."


Yu Si scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Xu, you know me. Ever since I was a child, my appetite has never been small. I don't have enough to eat every day. Whether my appetite has increased recently, I I really didn’t pay attention.”

"Don't worry~" The program shook his head and comforted his friends: "The deacon has said that as long as we plant "Blue Silver Rice" at the end of the month, by the time of harvest in early September, the yield will be enough for all of us. Eat every meal until the next harvest. "

"But," Yu Si pursed his lips, with a hesitant look on his face, and said calmly: "My father and uncle are a little unsure about that "blue silver rice". If we really change the crop, the harvest will be worse. If it's not as high as it used to be, that would be terrible! "

The program opened his mouth, but ultimately said nothing. He knew that this was not just the idea of ​​Yu Si's family. At this moment, more than 80% of the families in the entire Suanzao Village actually had similar views to Yu Si's family.

On the one hand, they have great expectations for what the deacon of [Martial Soul Palace] said; but on the other hand, everyone is worried that if the deacon makes a mistake, they will have problems eating in the second half of the year and next year.

Although Suanzao Village is located in the Lima Plain, the "Soto City" next to it is known as the 'Balak Granary'. Every household has a certain amount of grain storage, but there is a saying that 'a young man will eat me to death'. They These ordinary teenagers who have not awakened their innate soul power have begun to work in the fields. The result of hard physical labor every day is that they are all very good at eating!

After excluding the taxes paid and the new grain purchased by the merchants in the city, each family has countless grain reserves left behind.

Part of it is used as food for the next season, and people are starving to death and dare not touch it. The rest is eaten less.

After pondering for a moment, the program took a deep breath, turned his gaze to the clumsy stone tablet, looked at the simple but extremely expressive figure of the figure, and said slowly: "Don't worry, can you practice this 'hoe swing'? Regarding physical fitness, after practicing the entire "Farmer's Three Styles", it is really difficult to say whether the physical fitness will reach the level of a tenth-level soul warrior."

"But!" The programmer with glaring eyes said firmly: "This 'hoe swing' can increase the efficiency of our plowing, this is certain!"

"At worst, let's open up some new land further away and plant the original food seeds!"

"According to the wonders of the 'hoe swing', the 'scythe swing' that follows will definitely not be any worse for harvesting."

“If the plowing of the ground and the final harvest can be accelerated, even if the harvest of the ‘Blue Silver Rice’ is indeed not ideal, our final harvest should not be worse than before! "

Having said this, the program nodded vigorously to increase the persuasiveness of his words.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them: "You two children, can you lend me the hoes in your hands?"


The program and Yu Si turned around subconsciously and looked at the person who suddenly made a sound and appeared suddenly.

This is a young man who looks to be in his early twenties and has a rather strong build. He has a very long face, a slightly protruding chin, wide cheekbones, a flat face, and a slightly hooked nose. On this shoehorn-like face is wearing a pair of square black-rimmed crystal glasses. The eyes behind the lenses were one part flying, one part energetic, one part curious, and one part unspeakably cunning.

Of course, the fan-shaped statistic look in his eyes, whether it was the program or Yu Si, could not be felt so clearly. The two of them just subconsciously felt that this person gave them an invisible sense of oppression, and they unconsciously wanted to Listen to the other person.

Yu Si next to him slowed down for a moment, and Program took the lead to lift the hoe he was holding and handed it to the young man with glasses: "Here."

"Thank you." The bespectacled young man took it, with a smile on his long and narrow face, and nodded.

"'s nothing..." Programmer responded with a shy smile, raised his hand and pulled Yu Si, stepped back a few steps, and let out the stone tablet behind them.

It was obvious that this young man with glasses who didn’t know where he came from was obviously interested in the ‘Hoe Swinging Style’ on the stone tablet, or the ‘Farmer’s Three Styles’.

I saw that the bespectacled young man raised his eyes to look at the stone tablet in front of him, his eyes locked on the figures with pictures and texts, sometimes frowning, sometimes squinting, and sometimes showing a strange look on his face.

Not long after, after looking at all the graphics carefully, the bespectacled young man held the hoe in his hand and finally began to practice the 'hoe swing' in the top row.

Compared with Yu Si, who had already learned the procedure for less than half a month, the young man with glasses was practicing for the first time, and his movements were slightly stiff. But just looking at the momentum generated by the hoe in his hand, as well as the hoe blade cutting into the ground and then turning up a large ball of mud, it can be seen that the opponent's power is quite strong!

Continue coding, the next chapter should be before midnight.

In addition, everyone should be able to guess the identity of this young man with glasses, right? Very simple~

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