Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 292 Ling Yi’s Name

My name is Flanders, I am twenty-two years old. My hometown is a very ordinary town in the Kingdom of Balak. When I awakened my martial soul at the age of six, I was lucky enough to have quite good innate soul power. My martial soul was a "cat eagle", which is an owl, and can fly. , eyesight is also very good.

Because I have the talent of a soul master, I did not follow my parents' original arrangements to get married and have children early, and I am still unmarried.

Because my talent is really good, I am now only twenty-two years old and already a level 39 agility attack type war soul master. My parents died of illness while I was studying in the past few years. Now I am alone, wandering on the mainland. Occasionally take on some mercenary tasks and earn some gold soul coins for spending.

Of course, in addition to the soul master subsidy received from [Martial Soul Hall] every month, every time you go to a big city, you will also go to the big soul fighting field to fight souls. While honing your practical experience, you can also win through soul fighting games. Get a certain amount of gold soul coins.

Today, on my way to the next city, I just came out of "Soto City" and passed a village. I saw a stone monument standing in front of the Wuhun Temple Awakening House in the center of the village.

This scene made Flanders curious.

You know, Flanders has traveled all over the country over the years and experienced many villages and towns, so he is well-informed, but this is the first time he has seen a stone tablet erected in front of the Wuhun Palace building.

Not to mention, there were actually two young men from the village, each holding a hoe, digging up the ground in front of the stone monument. The other young men, children, and even adults passing by looked like they were used to it.

With Flender's strength, he could still hear the conversation between the two teenagers clearly even if they were dozens of meters apart.

Therefore, when words such as 'hoe wielding style', 'farmer's three styles', 'tenth level soul warrior' and other words fell into his ears, Flender's curiosity was uncontrollable and drove him forward to take a look. after all.

Once, twice, three times...

When Flanders swung the hoe freely and his movements became smooth and natural, the two teenagers, Program and Yu Si, who had been watching, no longer knew how many times the other party had practiced the 'hoe swing'.

It's not clear whether it's clear or not, but the two young faces of the program and Yu Si at this moment were filled with a bit of joy unconsciously.

During Flanders's practice, as they went further, the two teenagers gained a deeper understanding of the 'hoe swing' because of their skillful movements and the display of strength. They could not have imagined it in the past. Movements and power conversions that I understood and couldn't do suddenly became clear to me.

Not paying attention to what the two ordinary teenagers learned during their own drill, Flanders, who stopped, opened his eyes wide and looked at the clumsy and unremarkable stone tablet with a look of disbelief on his face.

Of course, this does not mean that Flanders gained any benefit from practicing the 'hoe swing'.

In fact, as a thirty-nineth level agility attack type war soul master, let alone the mere 'hoe swing', even the complete 'Farmer's Three Moves' will have the greatest effect after practice, for Flanders They are all approximately equal to nothing.

What really surprised Flanders was that the 'hoe swing' in the 'Farmer's Three Postures' actually had the effect of mobilizing the muscles and bones of the human body for exercise and polishing!

In Flanders’ impression, if you want to exercise your body, shouldn’t it be through running, or running with stones on your back?

It is true that whether you are forging iron, working in the fields, operating a boat or fishing, you will actually develop a strong body through years of exercise.

However, the kind of body that has been tempered is, to put it bluntly, as strong as an ox or a horse. It looks strong, but in fact it is just strong.

However, through the training attempt just now, although there was no increase in his own physique, as a powerful soul master who is one step away from the soul sect, Flanders can be sure that this wielder in the "Farmer's Three Styles" The physique that can be tempered by the hoe style not only includes muscle strength, but also has a certain degree of muscle strength, muscle and bone toughness, and even agility will not become bulky due to exhaustion.

Is this actually an all-round improvement? ? ! !

"[Martial Soul Hall] is actually so generous?!" Flanders muttered to himself in disbelief.

It's really hard for him to understand. Although it can't work on him as a soul master, it may be like what the two little guys next to him said. He can temper the body of a tenth-level soul warrior at most. For any one-ring soul For a master, it is nothing, but no matter how you say it, it can make up for the shortcomings of many non-physical martial soul masters at the beginning!

Such a secret technique was actually placed in an ordinary village so openly and allowed to be learned by ordinary villagers? !

Is [Martial Soul Hall] too generous, or is Flanders unable to keep up with the times?

Which title-level elder in [Martial Soul Hall] is this the work of? Can the Pope and those high-level officials agree?

Just when Flanders was still thinking about it, he heard Flanders muttering the program in a low voice, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he said softly: "This "Farmer's Three Styles" is not from [Martial Soul Hall]."

"Not [Martial Soul Hall]?" Flanders suddenly turned back and looked at the program.

The program patted Yu Si next to him who was frightened by Flanders's sharp eyes, suppressed the tension in his heart, nodded, and said: "Yes, not from [Martial Spirit Hall], I heard the deacon of [Martial Spirit Hall] said , which was spread by a master named Ling Yi specifically to promote the cultivation of "Blue Silver Rice". "

“What is ‘Blue Silver Rice’? New rice? Also... Ling Yi? ” Flanders felt that the name sounded familiar, but for a moment he couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

"Yes." The program nodded again and said, "I heard that Master Ling Yi personally carved a total of 3,000 stone tablets inscribed with "The Farmer's Three Styles", and the [Martial Spirit Palace] distributed them in cities and towns across the mainland. .”

"This part of our village is the main hall of Wuhun in "Soto City". The stone masons carved it according to the original stone tablet. Ninety-nine out of one hundred villages and towns around "Soto City" are all like this. A kind of imitation version..."

After hearing this, Flanders didn't know what to say anymore, he just felt that his mind went blank.

Not to mention in advance what kind of handwriting the three thousand original stone tablets were carved with, does that last sentence alone mean that every village in Douluo Continent now has a stone tablet with the "Three Styles of the Farmer" engraved on it? !

Flanders felt dizzy when he thought of this.

As the sun set, watching Flanders leave in a daze, Program and Yu Si went home respectively, preparing to help the family with some housework.

The Cheng and Yu families are next-door neighbors, with the courtyard wall only seven or eight meters apart.

Standing in front of his house, Yu Si asked the program: "By the way, Brother Xu, tell me, after the spring plowing is over at the end of April, would you and I go to the blacksmith shop in Soto City to learn forging together?"

"Of course!" The program showed a hearty smile, patted Yu Si's shoulder like a big brother, and said: "I tell you, my master Tie Zhan, but in the 'Metal City' 'Gengxin City' I have studied at the [General Assembly of the Blacksmiths Association] and is a blacksmith master level existence!"

"In this case, I will go to the city to talk to Senior Brother Tiexin in two days. When the busy farming season is over, I will take you to become a disciple!"

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

In addition, compared to Flanders, who we asked everyone to guess in the previous chapter, the name Tiexin is relatively unpopular, and I guess not many book friends can guess it~

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