Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 323 It’s great to be young


The branches and leaves that were not yet rotten were trampled on, making a slight sound. Zhang Ji held the martial spirit "Wuji Stick" upside down behind his back, walked out of the tree hole step by step, and walked into the aerial root forest.

"Come all over—!"

After waving calmly, Zhang Ji called to Ling Yi and the other three who were still waiting outside the Qi Gen Forest.

A mere 17,000-year-old "Six-Armed Demonic Bear" has experienced a battle. Not only did he consume a lot of soul power, but he also suffered serious injuries. As an offensive Spirit Douluo, he Say, it’s not challenging at all!

The eldest nephew Woma was the first to react and almost jumped up. With a face full of excitement and anticipation, he quickly ran into the Qigen Forest and ran towards Zhang Ji's location.

As for Ling Yi's sudden turn and look behind him, Woma, who was concerned about the fighting situation in the tree cave, did not notice it.

In other words, although Woma was aware of it, he didn't take it to heart.

It's not like a 100,000-year-old soul beast is attacking. Since Ling Yi didn't warn him immediately, there must be no big problem. If some ordinary soul beasts peeked or passed by, Woma would feel at ease knowing that his third uncle, the Soul Douluo, was in charge.

Behind him, Ling Yi looked at the back of Woma who was jumping like a happy rabbit, and then at Zhang Ji who was slumped in front of the tree hole. He used the power of his mind to sense the three pairs of eyes that suddenly appeared behind him, and swallowed without leaving a trace. He spat and whispered to Yang Shirley:

"Shirley, stay with me for a moment. If necessary, activate the amplified soul guide array of "Aoki Armor" with maximum power..."

With that said, under Yang Shirley's surprised gaze, he took out three metal plates engraved with special patterns and three rice-sized blue gems from the storage soul guide on his wrist.

As quickly as possible, Ling Yi set the blue gem in the center of the patterns on the metal plate. While stuffing one of the metal plates into the palm of Yang Xueli's hand, Ling Yi inserted the other two metal plates into the most accessible card slot on the side of her waist.

"Keep it."

After saying the last two words briefly, Ling Yi pulled Yang Xueli and quickly followed Woma's footsteps, only three breaths slower than Woma, and the two of them came to Zhang Ji.

In less than ten breaths, Yang Xueli had already reacted. She was highly concentrated and alert to dangers that might arise at any time. Once there was any irresistible situation, she would immediately activate what Brother Yi had just given her. "Starry Sky Fireworks".

With the "Starry Sky Fireworks" causing space chaos and causing small-scale space fragmentation, Yang Xueli believed that once it hits, there should be no existence on the current Douluo Continent that can resist it.

And this is one of the biggest trump cards that allows two soul sects to dare to enter the "Star Dou Forest"!


Zhang Ji looked at the three people who were almost in front of him, hit the ground with the "Wuji Stick" in his hand, and turned sideways calmly.

Obviously, these words were said to the eldest nephew Woma.

"Thank you...thank you uncle!!"

Woma's lips trembled slightly, and she thanked him with excitement. After Zhang Ji waved his hand impatiently, he took a deep breath and walked towards the tree hole a few meters away.

At this distance, and without the obstruction of dense aerial roots, everyone could vaguely see the scene inside the tree hole.

The space inside the tree hole is not small. At a rough glance, it is almost four feet in diameter. It is not clear how high it is, but it is at least two or three feet above.

Even though he was thinking about the three unexpected visitors who suddenly appeared outside, Ling Yi still became very interested in the super giant banyan tree in front of him.

In such a huge tree hole space, this banyan tree is actually still alive, and its vitality is not weak. If it can be cultivated and regenerated, can it be possible to imitate the 'Wood Release·Three Rooms and One Hall Technique'?

This is much more convenient than building a temporary tree house or other residence every time you go out. If combined with a breath-collecting soul guide array, the concealment will definitely not be bad.

Ling Yi's thoughts were scattered here, but all Woma could see was the dark figure slumped in the middle of the tree hole.

The "Six-Armed Demon Bear" lay on his back, seemingly unconscious. If it weren't for the faint fluctuation between his breaths, Woma would have been a little worried that his third uncle had struck too hard and directly killed the "six-armed demon bear".

Not daring to delay, Woma walked into the tree hole in three steps and took out a short knife from the storage soul guide while walking.

He stepped forward, bent down, raised his arms and swung his sword, slashing his head.

Simple and unremarkable, a ten-thousand-year-old "six-armed demon bear" capable of defeating the combined teams of several soul kings died completely in a coma.

In the tree hole, dots of black soul power light emerged from the corpse of the "Six-Armed Demon Bear" and began to gather in mid-air.

Woma was lying cross-legged on the ground, not caring at all about the bloody devil bear corpse next to him. He concentrated on adjusting his soul power, hoping to be in the best condition to welcome the soul ring that was about to take shape.

Outside the tree hole, Zhang Ji was holding the martial soul "Wuji Stick", with two yellow, two purple and four black eight-circle soul rings slowly coiling under his feet. A pair of tiger eyes scanned around, alert to possible dangers.

Ling Yi consciously pulled Yang Xueli and stood a little further away, about seven or eight meters away from the entrance of Zhang Ji and the tree cave.

"Brother Yi..."

At this time, Shirley Yang found the opportunity, lowered her voice, and was about to ask Ling Yi what kind of danger caused Ling Yi to take out all the "Starry Sky Fireworks".

Ling Yi didn't make a sound, he just held Yang Xueli's soft hand tightly and shook his head at her, signaling to be silent.

Yang Xueli has not mastered the skills, and her voice is scattered when she speaks. For soul masters and soul beasts with keen senses, let alone the distance of only seven or eight meters, some with extraordinary talents, such as Ling Yi, are separated by seven meters. , 80 meters away, he can hear every word of your whisper.

When Ling Yi whispered to Yang Xueli before, he used soul power suppression and unique vocal skills to control the sound between the two of them, and only passed into Yang Xueli's ears.

It's a bit similar to the soul version of 'transmitting sound into the secret'.

In other words, taking out the "Sound-Eating Bat Statue" from the storage soul guide would appear sudden, otherwise there would be no need to go to such trouble.


Ling Yi's fingers moved quickly on Yang Xueli's palm and wrote: 'I sense a very dangerous aura lingering around. If there is an emergency, don't worry about me. Remember to protect yourself...'

"Brother Yi...!"

Yang Xueliyu clenched her hand subconsciously, holding on to the finger in her hand without letting go. She looked at Ling Yi with a pair of heroic phoenix eyes, showing a bit of stubbornness in her eyes.

Ling Yi understood that stubbornness, and she was showing that she would definitely stand by Brother Yi's side and protect him!

‘Silly girl~’

Ling Yi raised his hand and rubbed the top of Yang Xueli's head, making the smooth hair slightly messy. He lowered his head and leaned closer, placing his mouth against the girl's jade-like and gentle ear, and said softly, as thin as a mosquito: "You Forgot, I have so many life-saving things in my hand, if I really use them all, even if I am just a soul sect, even Senior Zhang Ji over there may not have better survivability than me..."

After saying that, Ling Yi also raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ji who was standing in front of the tree hole to guard him.

As if sensing Ling Yi's gaze, Zhang Ji looked back and saw Ling Yi and Yang Xueli with their heads together. He couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head: "It's good to be young~"

Continue coding, the next chapter will be before 0 o'clock~

Finally, I would like to thank the book friend "Ni Xing" for the 10,000-point reward! ! !

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