Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 324 Ling Yi is kidnapped

I was sighing, suddenly! The smile in Zhang Ji's eyes disappeared instantly, and the "Wuji Stick" in his hand was suddenly placed in front of him, and the explosive breath spurted out from his strong body.

He roared, and the deep voice reached Ling Yi and Yang Xueli, who were seven or eight meters away: "You two, come here quickly——!!!"

After shouting, regardless of whether Ling Yi or the others moved, Zhang Ji moved half a step sideways, completely blocking the tree hole behind him.

Compared to Ling Yi and Yang Xueli, Zhang Ji's first protection was Zhang Ji's eldest nephew Woma, who absorbed the soul ring in the tree hole behind him.

On the other side, Ling Yi's telepathy had already sounded an alarm before getting Zhang Ji's signal.

Therefore, almost at the same moment that Zhang Ji spoke, Ling Yi grabbed Yang Xueli's beautiful hand and ran quickly towards Zhang Ji's location.

However, at this moment, before Ling Yi and Yang Xueli took the second step, a huge black shadow fell from the sky at an unimaginable speed and pressed towards the two of them.

The terrifying pressure and air waves swept over at the same time. Zhang Jidu, who was seven or eight meters away, felt palpitated, not to mention Ling Yi and Yang Xueli who were the first to bear the brunt.

At the critical moment, Ling Yi's big hand holding Yang Xueli's beautiful hand grabbed it hard and threw the girl's delicate body towards Zhang Ji.


A cry like cuckoo's cry of blood came from Yang Xueli's mouth. In mid-air, Yang Xueli waved her arms, trying to grab Ling Yi's hand and take him out of the desperate situation that was destined to be crushed.


Amid the violent tremors of the earth, Zhang Ji used the "Wuji Stick" in his hand to guide the flying Yang Xueli to stand behind him, eyes wide open, staring at the broken banyan roots and flying smoke in the sky.

And, that huge black shadow that can’t be covered no matter what!


Before Zhang Ji could see the true appearance of the huge black shadow, a hurricane blew up around him, and a figure was like cyan lightning, leaping past him and flying towards the huge black shadow.

It’s Shirley Yang!

I saw Yang Shirley, who was wearing a blue metal battle armor. At this time, the whole body of the battle armor was exuding cyan-gold light. Two yellow, two purple and four circles of soul rings under her feet were all brightly lit. A "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" flashed like a The extremely dangerous color was like a black hole, and the indestructible sickle blade carried a tragic aura, slashing towards the target without any regard for its own safety.

At this moment, Yang Xueli's eyes had lost the bright luster of the past, and only the dead-like murderous intent and destruction remained.

Behind him, Zhang Ji was filled with fear. His hand holding the "Wuji Stick" tightened and loosened, and then tightened again.

Startled by the terrifying soul beast that suddenly fell from the sky, Zhang Ji had no confidence in defeating it with its unrivaled terrifying momentum.

Faced with such a terrifying existence, Er Jing, Yang Xueli actually dared to face the charge, and even in an instant, he burst out with energy that even he, a Contra, felt was dangerous.

If he had the intention to attack at the same time, not to mention injuring or frightening away the terrifying soul beast, he could at least protect Yang Shirley, who was not defensive at all, at the critical moment.

However, Zhang Ji hesitated when he thought of his eldest nephew Woma who had absorbed the soul ring in the tree hole behind him and had entered a critical moment.

at this time.


The crisp sound of gold and iron chiming sounded far away in the aerial root forest under the banyan tree.

Zhang Jiyi's eyes widened subconsciously. What did he see?

A ball, a metal ball, about one and a half meters in diameter, a golden metal ball! ! !

The metal ball was now held by a huge dark black hand, and Yang Shirley's terrifying blow, which was enough to tear apart the defensive soul master's martial soul, hit the metal ball right now. A clearly visible knife mark was left.


There was another roar, and Yang Xueli was shocked. She almost lost her hand with the "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" in her hand. Her delicate body was thrown upside down by the shock, and she sprayed out a mouthful of bright red blood mist in mid-air.

However, even though she was seriously injured, Yang Shirley's originally gloomy eyes became shiny again, and the frost on her cold jade face thawed: "Brother Yi——!"

Once again, Zhang Ji used the "Wuji Stick" to remove all the strength from his body, and Yang Xueli stood firmly on the ground, staring straight at the oversized metal ball.

Yang Xueli knew this metal ball. She also knew that the metal ball was one and a half meters in diameter, with a hollow space of eighty centimeters in diameter inside, and a super alloy with a thickness of thirty-five centimeters on the outside, which was made through repeated hammering.

The hardness of the alloy is not weaker than "Cold Heart Iron Essence", and the toughness is not lower than "Deep Sea Immersed Silver". In addition, the outer layer is polished to be extremely smooth and round, and is not easy to bear force. Not to mention the attack by Yang Xueli just now is comparable to the strong attack system. The Eight Soul Skills were still half a point weaker, and even if a Titled Douluo of the attack type came, they would not be able to break it even with three or five consecutive bombardments.

The most important thing is that this metal ball weighs three hundred thousand kilograms! ! !

It can be said that as long as you hide in the space inside the metal ball, even if you are being chased by a titled Douluo, you can delay it for a while.

As for such a metal ball, Ling Yi, she, and A Yin who was far away in "Tian Dou City" all had one, and they were carried around in a special storage soul guide.

Obviously, at the moment when Yang Xueli was thrown out of the dangerous area, Ling Yi, who had no time to escape, took out the metal ball from the storage soul guide and hid in it.

Seeing the metal ball now, Yang Xueli knew that Ling Yi was safe now. What she had to do now was to snatch the metal ball where Ling Yi was hiding from that terrifying soul beast!

Thinking of this, a look of determination flashed in Yang Xueli's eyes, and she held a cold metal plate around her waist.

"Do not impulse!"

Zhang Ji finally reacted from the shock, waved the "Wuji Stick" in his hand, stopped in front of Yang Xueli, and shouted, "That's the "Titan Giant Ape"! The king of the forest "Titan"——! ! ! "

Zhang Ji's voice was a little trembling. This resolute man who had always been calm and composed, now saw the true form of the terrifying soul beast, and his back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

The mountain-like huge body is seven or eight meters high even if it is on all fours. The golden sunlight from the sky penetrates the treetops and falls mottledly on the dark hair of the "Titan Ape", glowing with colorful fluorescence.

Glancing at Zhang Ji, who was waiting in full formation, and Yang Shirley, who was being blocked by the "Wuji Stick", a hint of human disdain flashed in the "Titan Giant Ape"'s lantern-like crystal yellow eyes.

The next moment, before Zhang Ji could say anything else, the "Titan Giant Ape" held the metal ball that Ling Yi was hiding in its right hand, moved its other three limbs, and walked towards the outside of the air root forest.

A faint yellow halo emerged on the body of the "Titan Giant Ape". Not only did the metal ball weighing 300,000 kilograms in his hand become as light as nothing, but even the body as huge as a mountain did not emit any sound while walking. sound.


Yang Xueli was about to rush forward, but before she even took half a step, her body froze.

Zhang Ji, who was about to reach out to stop him, saw a blue-green light in front of his eyes. He took a closer look and saw that blue-green grass blades had grown out of the blue armor Yang Xueli was wearing.

""Bluesilver Grass"? "

Yang Xueli lowered her head, looked at the blue and green grass blades emerging from the gaps in the armor on her wrists and neck, and murmured in a low voice.

Feeling the familiar aura of the "Blue Silver Grass" coiled around her body in the armor, Yang Shirley's originally agitated mood suddenly calmed down.

Yang Shirley didn't know when the "Blue Silver Grass" that suddenly grew close to her body became parasitic in the armor.

But Yang Xueli could clearly feel that as this "Blue Silver Grass" grew, an energy containing vitality flowed into her body like a clear spring. The organs, muscles, and bones that had just been injured by the shock were rapidly recovering. Healing.

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

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