Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 379 Different thoughts

At night, in the backyard of the city lord's mansion, there is a blue and silver hut.

"Tell me, do you have any thoughts about Ah Rou and Liu Erlong?"

On the couch, Yang Xueli held Ling Yi's handle, gently grinding her silver teeth in her mouth, but asked with a smile on her face.

Ling Yi was unmoved by this and looked down at the girl in surprise: "How is that possible?! Why do you think so?"

"How is that possible?" Yang Xueli said in a nasal voice, and continued quietly: "You were on the martial arts field before, and you were staring at the two of them without blinking..."


Ling Yi blinked speechlessly and said: "I was observing the combat skills they pioneered. Where were you thinking-"

"Besides, forget it about Erlong. She is seventeen years old after all, but why does it involve A Rou? That girl is only fourteen years old, okay?!"

Although in two-dimensional worlds such as Douluo Continent and the Eye Legend: Ninja Village Fighting, falling in love at this age is considered basic, even in Ling Yi's previous life, there were many such situations in elementary and junior high schools, but this Doesn't mean this situation is correct.

Anyway, judging from Ling Yi’s three views, one can have hazy and beautiful fantasies about relationships at a young age, but one must clearly distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. In reality, men and women still have to shape their own three views before they can It's better to get into contact with things that are easy to get people into trouble.

You can say that Ling Yi is old-fashioned in his thinking, but this is Ling Yi's sincere sentiment after witnessing several tragedies in his previous life.

Return to the Blue Silver Cottage.

"Okay!" Yang Xueli clenched her jade hands a little, opened her red lips slightly, and her slightly bared silver teeth showed a slight coldness: "It seems that you don't deny that you are interested in Liu Erlong, right?"

Hearing this, Ling Yi was in a daze. When was the last time he heard such words?

About twenty-six years ago?

It's been a while.

Instinctively, Ling Yi lowered his eyebrows and looked directly into the girl's eyes: "It seems that you have rested well——"

Thousands of hammers were struck out of the mountains, and the fire burned like nothing. Don't be afraid of your bones and body being shattered into pieces. You want to leave a green and white color in the world.

Yu Shaobao of the Ming Dynasty wrote a poem "Ode of Lime" that expressed the fearless righteousness and noble integrity. Ling Yi also used this poem to instill his own righteousness in Yang Shirley.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

In the restaurant of the City Lord's Mansion, the three girls A Yin, A Rou, and Liu Erlong were not surprised when they noticed Yang Xueli's absence. They finished their breakfast in silence and went back to their rooms to continue their own cultivation.

Ah Yin mainly cultivates her soul power. At the age of 20, her soul power has reached level 59, which is only one step away from level 60.

In her heart, she has always had a plan, and she will implement it as soon as she becomes the Soul Emperor.

Ah Rou has just broken through to the Fourth Ring Soul Sect, and is still far away from the Soul King. She is currently devoting some of her energy to "Immortal Golden Body 1.0" and "Twelve-Way Jumping Legs". These two sects are led by her, and Ling The combat skills developed by Yi Congbian will become the core of her combat system in the future.

After understanding the 'Fourth Soul Ring: Invincible Golden Body', he developed the 'Immortal Golden Body', and combined the 'First Soul Skill: Waist Bow' with the 'Basic Body Training Technique' - Rabbit Shape, as well as his own racial talent, and developed the 'Twelve Road Bounce Legs".

In addition, there is also the understanding of wind attributes and space attributes.

The former was Ling Yi's suggestion, so that Arou could try to incorporate the wind attribute into it for strengthening and upgrading after the development of "Twelve-Way Dancing Legs" was completed.

The latter is based on Arou's 'Third Soul Skill - Teleportation'. Although it is limited to the low age of the soul ring and the maximum teleportation distance is only five meters, it is still a space-based ability and can be used as a key to gain a glimpse. The threshold of space.

The above is the path of cultivation planned by Ling Yi for her.

As for Liu Erlong, after graduating from [Tiangong College], she had three options: staying at the school to teach, joining the [Blacksmiths Association], or following Ling Yi and contributing to the newly built "Lingyun City". Among them, I chose the third one without hesitation.

He entered Tiangong College at the age of twelve, and broke through to the realm of the Four Ring Soul Sect near the age of sixteen. For more than three years, except for participating in soul hunting with teachers and classmates, he spent most of his time in the college, and only occasionally went there in his spare time. "Gengxin City", reunited with her mother Liu Yan who lives in the city.

As he gets older, Liu Erlong is an independent individual with his own thoughts after all. He does not want to stay in the two places he is already familiar with day after day, but yearns to travel around various places in Douluo Continent. Go and take a look.

Coming to "Lingyun City" and cooperating with the "Aoki Chamber of Commerce" to recruit ordinary people, craftsmen, and even some mediocrely talented soul masters from all over the mainland for this new city is a novelty for Liu Erlong. Very interesting thing.

Time passed slowly, and towards noon, Yang Shirley slowly walked into the martial arts arena under the thoughtful gazes of A Yin Wang, A Rou and Liu Erlong.

After a while, Ah Yin turned around and left the martial arts field, heading to the back of the City Lord's Mansion and a mountain col behind Qingyun Mountain.

There is a "Blue Silver Kingdom" jointly created by Ling Yi and A Yin. It is the place where all the "Blue Silver Grass" in the Qingyun Mountain Mountains are concentrated, and it is also the place where the most senior "Blue Silver Grass" is.

It can be said that the ten-thousand-year-old "Blue Silver King", the thousand-year-old "Blue Silver Marquis", and the countless hundred-year-old "Blue Silver Grass" cultivated by Ling Yi over the years have basically been transplanted to this 'Blue Silver Grass'. 'in the kingdom'.

Here, whether it is A Yin or Ling Yi, the speed of soul power cultivation is astonishingly fast.

Of course, the premise is that Ah Yin can absorb enough human aura from Ling Yi to be able to practice as fast as Ling Yi.

In the martial arts arena, as Ah Yin left, Ah Rou and Liu Erlong breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

As if aware of each other's movements, the two women quietly looked at each other and quickly looked away.

At present, the four women have spontaneously divided into two large factions, three medium-sized teams, and four small positions.

First of all, Ah Yin and Ah Rou were both in the form of a hundred thousand year old soul beast, so they were naturally allies. As for Yang Shirley and Liu Erlong, although they don't know the true identities of A Yin and A Rou, the obvious little secret alliance between A Yin and A Rou also makes the two women spontaneously stand together.

But alliances are alliances, the relationship between Yang Shirley and Ling Yi, and A Yin's obvious thoughts about Ling Yi, all made A Rou and Liu Erlong, who joined later, form a melon-eating duo. In addition to Yang Shirley and A Yin, A school of its own.

In addition, each of the four women has their own little thoughts and will not tell any of the other three, thus forming this wonderful network of relationships.

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