Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 380 Blue Silver Overlord

When Ling Yi came to the martial arts arena, he didn't see A Yin's figure. As soon as his thoughts changed, he guessed where the other party had gone.

At the moment, he didn’t ask any questions. He first came to Arou and Liu Erlong respectively and exchanged their new understandings of their own combat skills. By the way, he chatted with Arou about the wind attribute and Liu Erlong. Let’s talk about the experience of fire attribute.

Then, he walked up to Yang Shirley and watched the girl activate the "Thunder Hand" on her right hand, enter the "Thunder Mode", and transform into a Valkyrie to practice combat skills.

"Thirteen Spears to Break the Formation", a marksmanship combat skill created by Ling Yi in his early years, has now been transformed into the "Soul-Breaking Hook and Sickle Spear" by Yang Shirley into his own martial spirit, which is already different from the original one.

However, in Ling Yi's eyes, there are still a lot of stagnation in Yang Shirley's thunderous spear light. It can be said that it is more than enough to deal with ordinary soul masters who rely on soul rings and soul skills to fight on Douluo Continent. , but if you meet the practical factions such as Chen Xin, Tang Hao, and Yang Wudi in the future, Yang Shirley in front of you will still be a little immature.

With a slight cough, Ling Yi stepped forward, raised his right hand slightly, and the martial spirit "Aoki Blue Silver King" appeared.

Seeing Ling Yi's actions, Yang Xueli paused for a moment with the "Soul-Breaking Hook and Sickle Spear" in her hand, then sheathed the gun and stood on the spot.

Not only that, the pale golden arc covering her whole body also slowly shrank, and finally gathered on her right hand and disappeared, leaving only the original silver-gray soul power light still covering her whole body.

The next second, he saw the five soul rings circling around Yang Shirley suddenly flashing, first the black fifth soul ring, then the fourth, third, second, and finally the yellow first soul ring. .

Every time the soul ring fluctuates, the silver-gray light on Yang Xueli's body becomes stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Ling Yi also moved. He held the blue-green "Aoki Blue Silver King" in his right hand, stretched his arms, and hugged Yang Shirley.

The silvery gray and azure blue light suddenly brightened up, and the staggered colorful light curtains spread outwards, wrapping Ling Yi and Yang Shirley together as they hugged each other.

Looking at this scene, there was no change on Ah Rou's face, but Liu Erlong showed an envious look.

"Martial spirit fusion skill -" the girl murmured softly.

Blue-gray light flashed, and the light curtain spread out. The two people there turned into one, a man with long hair, who looked like he couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

His hair is still black, and his figure is taller, nearly two meters tall!

At the same time, the "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe" with the crescent-moon scythe disappeared, replaced by a large blue-gold gun with an oval-thick barrel and an eight-diamond long conical head with barbs. Like a murderous weapon in the world.

"Understand carefully."

A voice that could not be distinguished as male or female, but full of magnetism, sounded. The slender jade hand clenched the spear in his hand and started to dance.

A stream of rainbow-like brilliance exploded on the martial arts field, and a series of wind howls and air explosions formed a symphony. Underneath the vitality appearance, it was full of murderous intent to destroy everything.

Martial soul fusion skill·Blue Silver Overlord Spear——! ! !

Soul King-level Yang Xueli and Soul King-level Ling Yi, the power that exploded at this moment, even the attack-type Soul Saint would have to retreat when they encountered them.

With the mind fused, Yang Xueli used Ling Yi's 'Blue Silver Domain', and her perspective was not limited to her own eyes, but she could also view the fused new body from a third perspective.

Different from the combination last night, the state at this time was a different experience, but it also made Yang Shirley addicted to it.

After rehearsing "Thirteen Spears to Break the Formation" more than ten times, Ling Yi realized that Yang Xueli's soul power had bottomed out, so Ling Yi took the initiative to disable the soul fusion skills of the two.

Leaving Yang Xueli in despair, Ling Yi gave a few words to Ah Rou and Liu Erlong who were standing aside, then turned and left, heading towards the 'Blue Silver Valley' at the rear.

The location of "Lingyun City" is less than a hundred miles away from the deep valley where A Yin transformed.

When choosing a site to build the city, Ah Yin told Ling Yi that the growth of "Bluesilver Grass" in this mountain range would be better than anywhere else on the Douluo Continent.

In this regard, Ling Yi naturally believed A Yin's words unconditionally.

No one understands "Blue Silver Grass" better than "Blue Silver Emperor", not even Ling Yi.

Therefore, when Ah Yin said that she knew where on Douluo Continent was best for "Blue Silver Grass" to grow, Ling Yi naturally expressed her trust without thinking.

"Lingyun City" is the home that Ling Yi built for himself and for the people around him to settle down and live in.

'Blue Silver Collar' won't do. After all, it is a land granted by [Shuimu Principality]. Even in [Shuimu Principality], from top to bottom, more than 99% of the people are obeying Ling Yi's orders, but behind the scenes Above, it was still Grand Duke Mufeng and several marquis who were taking the lead.

Unless Ling Yi chooses to wear a yellow coat when the weather is cold, she will not be able to go to the front desk after all.

[Shuimu Principality] No matter how small it is, it is still a country. It has changed its ruler quietly. For other forces on the Douluo Continent, it is impossible not to care.

Neither can "Gengxin City". Whether it is the [Blacksmiths Association] or [Tiangong College], in Ling Yi's plan, it is a talent transfer base for the entire continent.

In the days to come, Ling Yi will need these two places to continuously cultivate talents, and then send them to various parts of the Douluo Continent to be recruited by various forces and become the cornerstones of these forces.

Just like the outstanding soldiers who joined the [Tian Dou Empire] military, although their individual strength is not as good as those of the soul masters, because of their strong enough physical fitness, combat skills, and excellent military qualities, they are still among the best in the ranks. The existence of a long or even long level.

As for "Tian Dou City", although there are natural treasures such as "Ice and Fire Eyes" in the "Sunset Forest" next door, it is still not a good place to settle down.

After all, it is the imperial capital of the [Tian Dou Empire], and the people who come and go are either Dukes, Princes, Soul Saints, or Soul Douluo. The water is too deep, which is not conducive to Ling Yi's silent growth.

After wandering around and looking at the Douluo Continent, Ling Yi finally chose the originally dilapidated and deserted Qingshan Town. Although there was nothing here, it was like a blank piece of paper, allowing Ling Yi to write and ink at will, making it what he wanted. The way you want it.

"Lingyun City", which was newly built less than two years ago, is short of everything. All kinds of living supplies, building materials, etc. need to be purchased from the outside world, and it is still not completely self-sufficient.

But the most lacking thing is people, whether they are soldiers and soul masters as guards, various craftsmen involved in construction, or ordinary civilians who simply fill the population, they all need to be supplemented.

After all, as the population base increases, more newborns can be born. In the future, there is a chance that more soul masters with cultivation talents will appear in the awakening of martial souls. Even those without soul master talents can still practice "Basic Exercise" and " "Farmer's Three Postures", taking the road of physical exercise is always a strength.

Due to some special reasons, Ah Yin and Ah Rou have not been able to participate in the construction of "Lingyun City" in recent years. Yang Xueli and Liu Erlong can only share more external affairs.

Of course, Ah Yin and Ah Rou are not unable to do anything.

In "Lingyun City", Ling Yi opened junior and intermediate soul master academies, and put A Yin and A Rou in charge of the management respectively, specializing in teaching those students of the right age.

Now Ah Yin is only one step away from the Soul Emperor. Only when the other party breaks through can the intermediate soul master academy opened by Ling Yi be worthy of its name.

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

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