Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 553: Crossroads of Life

"Axin, do you think we are short of money now?"

Just when Qingqiu was confused in his confidence, Ling Yi's plain voice sounded in this simple and spacious office.

"Lack of money?"

Qingqiu Xin was slightly stunned. He had not come across this word for a long time.

Even when he was still in the [Shuimu Principality], the [Blacksmith Association·Shuimu Principality Branch] only operated in a corner of the Douluo Continent. As the son of Qingqiu Li, the vice president of the association, he had never done anything for it. I have been troubled by worldly things like money.

Of course, this is not to say that Qingqiu Xin does not eat fireworks in the world, it is just that in the process of his growth, there was almost no suffering caused by money.

The reason why he is keen on making money is because he regards [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] as a channel and medium to realize his own life value.

This goal was formed under the influence of Ling Yi.

If he had not met Ling Yi, maybe Qingqiu Xin would be like 99% of the soul masters in Douluo Continent, who would put cultivation first and spent his whole life either meditating to improve his soul power or going to the soul beast forest to hunt for soul rings. On the road.

Practice, fight, practice again, fight again... the cycle continues until the end of life.

In the process, you may marry one or more female soul masters and give birth to offspring due to your own wishes or under the influence of your family. And future generations will repeat his cycle of training and fighting, and the cycle will continue like this.

This kind of life that could be seen to the end at a glance, Qingqiu Xin and 99% of the soul masters in Douluo Continent didn't think there was any problem until Qingqiu Xin, Long Yin, and Zhang Mufeng met Ling Yi.

They began to fear that they and their descendants would live like mechanical puppets. From birth to death, everything was planned by a predetermined fate, like a simple painting in black, white and gray, and eventually annihilated in the flow of time. There will not be a single trace left in the long river.

"Brother Yi, these are two different things~"

Shaking his head, Qingqiu Xin shook away the complicated thoughts in his mind, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "First of all, no one will think they have too much money. This is what you told me before, capital should be greedy and limited. Greed can keep people motivated without getting lost.”

"Secondly, we people now have huge wealth that can be passed down for more than ten generations, but the people below do not have the same fate as us. Their income and wealth only allow them to be barely wealthy in the current Douluo Continent. "

"In your own words, Brother Yi, you are rich and healthy."

“If the profits of our [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] decrease, they will be the ones directly affected. Once their income drops, not to mention issues such as work enthusiasm, subsequent consumption will not be the same no matter how many stimulus measures we have. It is difficult to maintain the original level of funds flowing in the market, let alone continue to increase. This is not in line with the concept of hiding wealth among the people that you mentioned before, Brother Yi..."

Listening to Qingqiu Xin's arguments, Ling Yi was not angry. Instead, a smile from the heart gradually appeared in the corner of his eyes.


Knocking the table with his knuckles, Ling Yi said with a smile: "Axin, Brother Yi is very happy that you can say this. This shows that in your work over the years, you have applied what I taught you back then. Digest and absorb things and gain your own understanding.”

The truths are all very simple. It can be said that any netizen from Ling Yi's previous life can tell you one, two or three. Some keyboard warriors who have been hanging around Zhihu and Bilibili and other places can even tell you something. Those college professors must be comprehensive and concise.

The problem is that the place where Ling Yi is located is Douluo Continent, a deformed world where the per capita education is not comparable to the level of primary school graduates in the previous life.

Not to mention, Qingqiu Xin may not be able to say any wise words in general principles, nor can he summarize his past experiences and write a book, but in terms of the actual operation of [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] management, he is definitely qualified, even is excellent.

Qingqiu Xin did not smile because of Ling Yi's appreciation. Although he felt a sense of satisfaction in being recognized in his heart, he knew that Brother Yi would probably say 'but' later.

Brother Yi once said, everything before 'but' is meaningless.

Ling Yi's eyes swept over Qingqiu Xin's face, and it was easy to see what his little brother was thinking. He smiled and shook his head first, then instantly stopped his smile and said in a calm voice: "Axin, Brother Yi today Let me teach you another lesson about capital.”

“In the concept of capital, the greatest wealth of the rich is not money, but the poor!”

"Ah?" Qingqiu Xin was startled when he heard this, and his face was full of confusion: "Poor?"

"Yes!" Ling Yi nodded and continued: "The rich's money is only useful if there are poor people, otherwise it is just a pile of scrap metal."

The naked words brought Qingqiu Xin into a cruel world view.

"Only in transactions and sales, money has its own value, as a unit and standard for measuring value." A trace of ridicule appeared on Ling Yi's face: "Only when some people have empty pockets and need money to maintain their own survival. , their bodies and souls will be driven by the rich voluntarily, for the money called reward..."

"Axin, you have to remember that in the human society you and I live in, human beings themselves are the greatest wealth, not the soul coins themselves that cannot be eaten, drunk, worn, or lived in."

"Axin, you have to remember that the greatest value of [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] is not how much materials we hoard or how much wealth we earn, but the members of our chamber of commerce and those who interact with our chamber of commerce. , what share of the population does it occupy in Douluo Continent?”

"When we send out a message to acquire a certain kind of ore or herb, if people in the entire Douluo Continent start to look for this ore or this herb, then the 'wealth' of the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] will truly reach this level. The pinnacle of the world!”

There was confusion in Qingqiu Xin's eyes. He understood Ling Yi's words, but he couldn't understand them.

In his understanding and that of most people, if you have money, you can buy a lot of things, including enough food, clothes to cover your body, and a house to live in...

If they have more money, they can move to a bigger city, so that themselves and their descendants can receive better education, eat more nutritious food, wear more defensive armor, and live in a place with more vitality. Rich location…

But now, Ling Yi's words have somewhat subverted these perceptions.

"But this..." Qingqiu Xin couldn't figure it out for a while, so he stopped thinking about it. This was what Ling Yi once taught him, and asked: "This has nothing to do with us lowering the food supplies in the North of [Tian Dou Empire] Price, is there any connection?”

Faced with Qingqiu Xin's question, Ling Yi smiled lightly and said: "Because I want to control the entire grain trading in the world in the hands of the [Qingmu Chamber of Commerce]."

"What?!" Qingqiu Xin's eyes widened, looking at Ling Yi's handsome face with a warm smile, he couldn't believe his ears.

“Since the cold current from the ‘Ultra North’ has been raging southward, [Tian Dou Empire]’s food production in the north has dropped sharply. Now at least 60% of the food is due to us [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] transferring it from the south, so we can barely stabilize it. food prices.”

Ling Yi said: "There are many village residents who originally did not need to spend money to buy food. They only need to work hard on the land to obtain food for themselves and their families for a year."

"Although now we have switched to "Blue Silver Wheat", because the price difference with "Blue Silver Rice" can make up for the gap. What we grow ourselves plus what we buy can maintain our original living standards, but there are many nobles in many places. However, they took the opportunity to raise food prices, causing many families to return to the situation before the implementation of "Blue Silver Rice". "

The gap in the snow-capped mountains to the north of the "Frozen Forest" was opened by Ling Yi himself, and he also let in the cold current.

Although he also promoted "Blue Silver Rice", the living standards of all people in Douluo Continent have also been improved due to the promotion of "Blue Silver Rice" and "Blue Silver Grass". Now that it has gone back, the main responsibility should not be blamed. Coming to Ling Yi, those nobles who took the opportunity to raise food prices should be put on the street.

However, Ling Yi is too lazy to trouble those nobles one by one, let alone carry out any face-saving projects for targeted poverty alleviation. He only needs to exercise the power of macro-control of food prices for the [Tian Dou Empire] to redirect everything back to the right track. 'Come up, let the people in the north and south of heaven and earth can live with peace of mind, continue to work hard to create humans, and don't have to worry about the lives and growth of themselves and their descendants.

Qingqiu Xin, who was obviously aware of the significance of this, was speechless for a while. After a while, he asked in a low voice: "Brother Yi, these issues are what the [Tian Dou Empire] official, or in other words, Xue Ye should consider. Bar?"

‘I always feel that Brother Yi regards the people of [Tian Dou Empire] as his own people. ’ There was a hint of murmur in Qingqiu’s confidence.

Even if the [Martial Soul Palace] is dedicated to awakening the martial souls of all people and spreading the glory of angels, Pope Qianxunji will not interfere with the food supply of a certain place in the [Tian Dou Empire] without Emperor Xue Ye paying attention. price, just so that local people can live a better life.

"Okay~" Ling Yi waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Xue Ye is Xue Ye, I am me, I don't need to worry about what Xue Ye thinks about what I want to do."

"Uh~" Qingqiu Xin nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Yi, you have said so. Mangli and I will handle the rest."

The initial objection was due to Ling Yi's trust, which allowed him to sit as the deputy director of the 'Commercial Department' of [Lingyun City] and be in charge of most matters of the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce]. He did not want to do so because of Ling Yi's temporary whim. Good, thereby affecting the interests of [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] itself, it will not only reduce the income of the middle and lower-level members of [Aoki Chamber of Commerce], but also affect Ling Yi's image in the eyes of [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] members.

Ling Yi has been regarded as a god by many members of the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce]. In the eyes of Qingqiu Xin, a god cannot have a trace of stain.

But since Ling Yi now insists on implementing the price reduction plan, what he has to do is how to implement it better and achieve Ling Yi's desired goal faster.

"Tian Dou City" is a hundred miles southeast.

A carriage stopped in front of a fork in the road. With his face changed and the soul power in his body also changing, Shi Nian lowered the reins slightly, turned to face the carriage behind him and whispered in a low voice: "Master, let's go next Which way to go?”

The car curtain was opened, revealing Yu Xiaogang's handsome face due to his martial arts evolution. A pair of eyes with a faint red light scanned the intersection ahead.

"Master," Shi Nian raised his hand and pointed forward, and said respectfully, "The road on the right is to Tiandou City."

"The road on the left leads to the "Sunset Forest"."

"Should we go to 'Tiandou City' to repair ourselves and buy some necessary supplies, or should we go directly to 'Sunset Forest'?"

Listening to Shi Nian's words, Yu Xiaogang suddenly turned his head to look at the way he and others came, and couldn't help but think of what Ling Yi said in 'Lingyun City'.

"Xiaogang, these three roads in front of you all lead to different places, the research institute, the large parade ground, and the library."

On the streets of 'Lingyun City', Ling Yi strolled in the crowd, smiling at the pedestrians around him, and said to Yu Xiaogang who was following closely behind him: "These three roads are like our lives. Every choice will open up a different life."

"You are walking on your own life path. You need to judge right and wrong, right and wrong. Don't let the noisy crowd influence your thoughts. Persevere. Even if you fail, you will be reborn!"

Ling Yi's words were still echoing in his mind. Yu Xiaogang suddenly saw the look of 'Blood Bird' Andariel before his death on the hill outside Rogue Town a few days ago.

The old man who obviously had an evil spirit attribute but worked hard for the civilian spirit masters to study all his life, the look in his eyes before being devoured was not resentment, but worry? !

Is he worried that I would bring disaster to the world?

Yu Xiaogang thought so.

Ridiculous! Are those ordinary ants worth my slaughter? !

Thousands of ordinary people are not as valuable as a second-ring great soul master and dark force warrior!

Not to mention, for myself who is about to break through to the eighth-ring soul douluo, there is no need to hunt people below the fifth-ring soul king and the internal organs tempering martial artist!

The hostility in his eyes flashed, and Yu Xiaogang extinguished the trace of guilt that had just emerged in his heart, and re-examined the fork in the road in front of him.

Should I go to "Tiandou City" to rest first?

Or go directly to "Sunset Forest"?

Shi Nian and Flanders have been transformed. Even Zhao Wuji and others from [Lingyun City] can't recognize the latter in person, not to mention that the former was just an ordinary soul king with no name before.

As for Yu Xiaogang himself, with the evolution of his martial soul, his body shape and appearance have been optimized step by step, and he is already a world apart from the ordinary him in the past.

Yu Xiaogang was confident that even if his father Yu Yuanzhen was in person, he would probably have to look at him carefully for a while before recognizing his facial features.

So, how should he choose?

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