Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 554 Ling Style Tai Chi

At night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Under the orange bonfire, the faces of Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, and Shi Nian flickered, just like the inner reflection of the three people at the moment.

This is the "Sunset Forest", one of the famous gathering places for soul beasts on the Douluo Continent.

Ever since the cold current ravaged the northern part of the Douluo Continent, the closer to the north, the greater the change in the environment, such as the [Tian Dou Empire] capital "Tian Dou City" and the "Sunset Forest" located a hundred miles east of it. Because it is located in the north, it is now winter for eight months a year. Both humans and soul beasts have to adapt themselves to the new environment after the change.

Flanders turned the branch in his hand to heat the "white-backed porcupine" that he killed casually in the afternoon evenly. His eyes under the black-framed glasses watched the flames licking the pig skin, but his eyes were confused, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Boss F, let me do it~" Shi Nian moved closer to Flanders and whispered.

Then, seeing that Flanders looked as if he hadn't heard anything, he couldn't help but grin and stopped talking.

Although he didn't continue talking, Shi Nian's eyes couldn't help but look at the roasted whole pig on the bonfire.

In Shi Nian's eyes, Flanders's cooking skills were a bit rough, and his control of the fire was very average. He only knew to turn it blindly to prevent a certain part from being over-roasted and burnt, but that was all.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care about the interaction between Shi Nian and Flanders. He just looked up through the sparsely leafed tree canopy and looked at the dark sky that seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

The three-way intersection in the daytime appeared in front of him again, and Ling Yi's words also sounded.

For some reason, as his strength increased, Yu Xiaogang recalled the scenes of contact with Ling Yi more and more frequently.

Thinking of Ling Yi guiding himself in the way of three roads, Yu Xiaogang showed a hint of inexplicable sneer on his face.

Should I go to the research institute to continue studying martial spirits and prescriptions? Or go to the big parade ground to strengthen my body and practice combat skills? Or go to the library to read various books?

These were the three suggestions Ling Yi made based on Yu Xiaogang's own qualifications when he was confused about his future development.

Yu Xiaogang also tried to follow Ling Yi's instructions, but the final results disappointed him.

It was also from that time that no matter how unwilling Yu Xiaogang was, he had to admit that the most despairing thing in this world was the difference in personal talents.

In addition to geniuses, there are two other types of people in this world, one is called 'ordinary people with some talent', and the other is called 'Ling Yi'.

Yu Xiaogang used to be that 'ordinary person with some talent'.

Now, with the strength of his strength and the improvement of his mental power, Yu Xiaogang compared what he had seen and heard in [Lingyun City] with those real geniuses and found that he was no longer inferior to them.

Today, Yu Xiaogang is not inferior to Nixing in terms of martial arts talent; he is not inferior to Liu Hao in terms of mastery of various theoretical knowledge; he is not inferior to Qingyu Case in terms of pharmacological matching...

It can be said that from the time when Luo Sanpao advanced to "Blood Shadow Demon Dragon", to the later "Three-Headed Blood Dragon King", and now "Four-Headed Blood Dragon King", Yu Xiaogang has truly achieved a complete transformation!

However, only Ling Yi still makes him look up to him and he can't see where the peak is.

I don't know why, when Yu Xiaogang dreamed of such a scene at midnight:

When he defeated Tang Hao and stood on the highest peak of Douluo Continent and faced that man, the other party said to him indifferently: "If you are a mortal, you will see me as a fairy; if you are a fairy, you will see me as an ant looking at the stars~"

So, are my efforts and contributions all a joke?


Even if I am still not as good as you in the end, I will stand on the top of the mountain to see how high you, Ling Yi, are!


More than sixty miles away from where Yu Xiaogang and the other two stayed for the night, Wushan.

The thick fog that had covered the top of the mountain for years dissipated at this night, and the "Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire" in the belly of the mountain rarely saw the light of the stars and the moon.

Dugu Bo had no intention of looking at the moon, and was staring blankly at the direction of the red and white spring pool.

I saw a figure standing barefoot on the ice-cold milky white spring water, punching slowly, moving his feet step by step, and soon stepped on the red spring water that was as hot as magma.

Not to mention the mysterious operation of standing on the water surface, the fact that the other party ignored the terrible damage brought by the extremely cold and hot spring water, and faced it with his body, was enough to make Dugu Bo dumbfounded.

That was the "Cold Extreme Yin Spring" and the "Hot Yang Spring". A drop of the former could create a small iceberg with a radius of tens of meters in the sea, and the high temperature of the latter could melt ordinary rocks into magma in an instant!

The person practicing the boxing is naturally Ling Yi, and only Ling Yi has such an invulnerable and indestructible human immortal body.

At this moment, with the practice of "Liang Yi Quan", the mystery of "Ling Yun Jiu Tian Tu" flows in Ling Yi's heart, and the starlight above the sky pours down like a waterfall, and countless starlight surrounds Ling Yi's body like a vortex.

"Tai Chi is born from Wuji. The mechanism of movement and stillness is the mother of Yin and Yang. Yin is inseparable from Yang, Yang is inseparable from Yin, and Yin and Yang complement each other. They are all divine, with a calm mind and a straight body, beneficial Qi running, opening and closing the virtual and the real, the unity of inside and outside, the use of softness to become hardness, the use of hardness and softness, Tai Chi Yin and Yang, softness and hardness, hardness and softness, quietness and freedom!"

The plain but shocking voice echoed in the valley, and every word was imprinted in the depths of Dugu Bo's heart.

Ling Yi held a ball of silver-white starlight in his left hand and a ball of red-gold starlight in his right hand, as if a supreme god was holding the sun and the moon in his hands.

"Senior, you have the foundation of the "Ice and Fire Prison Dragon Stick" and the "Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Eyes" as a reference. You can be said to be the person in the world who has the greatest hope of mastering the "Lingyun Nine Heavens Map."

"When you forget the stick method, forget the soul skills, and forget your "Green Phosphorus Snake King" martial soul, you will learn the "Lingyun Nine Heavens Map"--"

Speaking of this, Ling Yi stood in the center of the "Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Eyes", one foot on the "Cold Extreme Yin Spring" and the other foot on the "Fiery Yang Spring". The shadows of the sun and the moon held in his left and right hands suddenly solidified, and two dragons, one red and one blue, circled in between.

Visible to the naked eye, streams of red and blue clouds escaped from the spring water below, and rushed towards the sun and moon dragons in Ling Yi's left and right hands like a young swallow.

And with the replenishment of red and blue clouds from the "Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Eye", the illusory dragon that was originally flickering in the sphere formed by the sun, moon and stars began to gradually solidify, and its wandering posture became more and more vivid.


Dugu Bo felt a palpitation from the depths of his soul, as if he was stared at by some extremely terrifying existence.

At this moment, a crisp "click" sound was heard, and the palpitation disappeared in an instant, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Blinking, Dugu Bo looked at Ling Yi who was still standing on the ice and fire springs, and found that the sun, moon and starlight ball in his hand disappeared at some point, and the starlight vortex that originally surrounded Ling Yi also quietly dissipated.

"Ayi——" Dugu Bo pursed his lips, wanting to ask something, but not knowing where to start.

Ling Yi did not speak, but frowned and glanced at the red and white spring water under his feet, shook his head, and walked towards the edge of the spring pool.

'People say that a centipede is dead but not stiff, I didn't expect these two guys to be so patient, and I don't know why there was no follow-up in the original timeline...'

Thoughts flowed in his mind, but Ling Yi's face did not show any trace, and he calmly put on the shoes and socks placed by the spring pool.

At this time, as the star and moon light that was previously drawn by Ling Yi's practice of "Liang Yi Fist" and "Ling Yun Jiu Tian Tu" spread, the entire valley where the "Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye" was located was shrouded in starlight, and the exotic flowers and plants were moisturized, either blooming beautifully or stretching their branches and leaves, and for a moment they seemed to come alive and have intelligence.

With his fingers tapping twice on the stems and leaves of the "Red Flame·Blue Silver King" crawling at his feet, Ling Yi felt a mixture of admiration and joy. He stood up with a smile on his face and looked at Dugu Bo who came to his side: "Senior, how much of the new "Liang Yi Fist" did you remember just now?"

"Uh~~" Dugu Bo blinked and smiled awkwardly: "I remembered a little bit..."

"Oh?" Ling Yi raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly: "Did you forget a lot?"

"..." Dugu Bo was silent for a few seconds, and finally under Ling Yi's gaze, he whispered: "It's not forgetting, it's not remembering."

Looking at Dugu Bo's slightly red old face, Ling Yi was speechless for a while.

Understand, Dugu Bo's meaning is very clear, he didn't even remember it, how can he forget it.

This is just like the concept of "Dugu Jiujian" that no moves are better than moves, but it doesn't mean that the so-called "no moves" of novices who don't know anything, that's just a few random slashes.

"Okay~" Ling Yi nodded and asked again: "So what moves did you remember, senior?"

"Just..." Dugu Bo turned his eyes and looked at the "Seven Wonders of Green Phosphorus Flowers" that were blooming beautifully next to him, and whispered: "The first move, I didn't remember the ones after that..."

Ling Yi: _?

"And," Dugu Bo seemed to remember something, suddenly turned his head to look at Ling Yi, and then looked at the side again with some embarrassment, "Can you write down the things you just said about yin, yang, mother, etc.?"

"I don't remember them either."

Ling Yi: (ー_ー)

He was careless. He thought that Dugu Bo would be equivalent to a correspondence "college student" under his influence over the years, but the current situation is obvious. "College students" are still unable to comprehend the ultimate truth of the harmony of yin and yang, and the fusion of water and fire.

"Okay~" Ling Yi suppressed the desire to complain that had just risen in his heart, and nodded to Dugu Bo's request.

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the cliff on one side of the valley.

Seeing Ling Yi's actions, Dugu Bo's face flashed with embarrassment.

He had no choice. He originally thought that with his attainments in the "Ice and Fire Prison Dragon Stick", learning this newly revised "Liang Yi Fist" would be easy.

As for the "Lingyun Jiutian Diagram", there are only three pictures, which can be said to be only artistic conception, without any text or moves. In the huge [Lingyun City], hundreds of thousands of warriors and soul masters have comprehended it, but no one can really enter the "First Level·Ice and Fire Origin".

Ruchen Jianjun and Dugu Bo, perhaps because of their own realm and years of cultivation, can understand the principle of "Ice and Fire Origin", but they can't show this principle on themselves!

The only two women who can barely do it at present are Liu Erlong and Shui Qingyue, and they can only evolve the image of "Ice and Fire Origin" when they work together.

The human body has its limits.

Similarly, the martial soul also has its natural shackles.

Only the spirit and the soul can break through the limitations of this world and reach infinite heights.

After following Ling Yi for so many years, Dugu Bo had already recognized and supported the viewpoint Ling Yi had once put forward.

Unfortunately, Ling Yi was advancing too fast. They could keep up with him at the beginning, but the further they went, the fewer people could keep up.

Until now, Dugu Bo and others found dejectedly that they could no longer see Ling Yi's back. If Ling Yi had not tried to communicate with them in some words they could understand, they would not even know what Ling Yi was saying.

Just as they were thinking, they saw Ling Yi, who was seven or eight meters away from the cliff, leapt up to the middle of the air, stretched his arms forward, used his fingers as a pen, and began to carve on the rough and hard rock.

The fine stone powder fell, coating the thriving "Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King" young plants with a layer of gray-brown.

If it were any other time, seeing these young plants of the "Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King" being so badly damaged, Dugu Bo would have stepped forward to protect them with heartache, but at this moment, all he could see were the words gradually appearing on the rock wall:

〔Tai Chi is born from the infinite...〕

I couldn't understand it, and I still couldn't understand it, but it didn't stop Dugu Bo from reflecting his own artistic conception through the artistic conception contained in the font.

After writing the outline of the new version of "Liang Yi Quan", or Ling's version of "Tai Chi Quan", Ling Yi's feet flashed with a faint green light, and his whole body rose up a bit, appearing about a foot above the stone carving of the outline.

His jade-like palm pressed on the cliff again, and his arm waved slowly, and he carved again stroke by stroke.

This time, there was not so much content, only one word: Tao!

Integrating all his artistic conception in the way of yin and yang into the word "Tao" in front of him, Ling Yi stepped into the air, stepped back a distance, and watched his handwriting.

"Not bad~" Ling Yi nodded slightly, reviewing the old and learning the new. By carving words on the cliff, he gained some new insights into the Yin-Yang theory.

"Senior," Ling Yi turned his head to look at Dugu Bo who jumped onto the stone beam in the air, smiled slightly, and said: "These should help you go one step further. After you reach level 90, I will give you another big gift."

Dugu Bo did not reply, but just stared at the words on the cliff with his eyes wide open, looking fascinated.

Shaking his head, Ling Yi did not disturb Dugu Bo's comprehension, and turned to fly to the top of the valley.

"Hmm?" Ling Yi stood on the top of the Mist Mountain and looked in a certain direction on a whim: "This breath... is it Yu Xiaogang?"


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