Blue Sword

Chapter 773 Flooding

A few minutes later.

"Excuse me!" Someone knocked on the door outside, and the voice seemed to be the orc boss.

Asker opened the door and saw the orc boss standing outside with a tool box in his left hand and a stack of wooden boards in his right hand, saying in a muffled voice:

"I'm here to fix the windows."

"Are there many guest rooms with broken windows?" Ask asked casually as he made way for him.

"All the rooms on the third floor and above are ruined, and you are not the only one." The orc boss said and walked into the room. Seeing that only Sidrifa was sitting on the bed, he asked strangely, "Where are your other wives?"

Asker:? ? ?

"In the bathroom." He didn't want to waste time explaining a lot to strangers.

"Ha." The orc boss showed an admiring smile that only a man could understand. Then he placed the wooden board on the damaged window frame and took a nail to knock it.

"We can't find the window worker now. Let's wait until tonight. Let's wait until tonight. I'll help you seal the windows first to prevent them from getting wet." The orc boss chewed on the nails and quickly sealed the windows with wooden boards, and then covered them again. Several layers of burlap, and nails driven into the board again.

"Okay, if you need anything, call me downstairs." He picked up the tool box, "I won't disturb you."

After seeing off the orc boss and closing the door, Asik turned around and saw Hidliefa studying the sealed window.

"Did you come up with anything?" Ask asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking about something." Hidrifa said.

"What's up?"

"If even the window can be blown open, wouldn't it be easier to blow off the wooden board?" Hidliba said, "I think this window frame seems to be stronger than the wooden board + nails. It is embedded in the wall with screws. In the body.”


"There's a wardrobe over there," Asker said. "Use the wardrobe to cover the window boards."

Hildafa nodded, then picked up the wardrobe and completely blocked the window.

"Okay!" Miss Norman clapped her hands and said with a smile, "You can go to sleep peacefully."


Ask responded, then lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

The wind outside the window was still whining, leaking in through the gaps in the wooden boards, and was distorted into a cry-like sound, echoing lowly in the room.

Hidliba lay on the bed and waited for about half an hour to confirm that Asik had fallen asleep before sneaking into his bed.

Then she got into his arms.

"There's no special feeling." She muttered, but in the man's warm embrace, she gradually couldn't hold back her sleepiness and fell asleep quietly.


Ask suddenly woke up and realized that he had been sleeping for a long time, but Sidrifa still didn't call him.

Then he opened his eyes and saw Hidrifa curled up in his arms and sleeping, with her long white hair hanging on her shoulders, like a big ragdoll cat.


Wait, did you agree to stay up until midnight?

He carefully tried to take his hands out from under her neck, but Hildeliefa turned over dissatisfied and hugged his neck.

Gurgling. Her warm lips pressed affectionately to Asik's neck, making unexplained murmurs in her sleep.

Ask silently stretched out two fingers and scratched her armpits a few times, so Hidliba giggled in her sleep, turned over and fell asleep again.

Getting up from the bed, Aske changed his clothes, got out of bed, and suddenly found that the floor was wet.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that a thin layer of water had accumulated on the floor.

The water was running down the wall behind the cabinet. When Asker moved the wardrobe, he saw that the linen covering the wooden boards had been completely soaked. A large amount of rainwater slapped on the wooden boards sealing the windows, making a slapping sound that was so dense that it was almost ignored as background noise.

This...the wooden boards can seal the windows, but they can't seal the rainwater seeping in from outside. You have to get waterproof tape.

Of course Asik only stayed here for one night and had no intention of helping the orc boss repair the house. He took a washbasin from the toilet and placed it on the floor to catch the rainwater dripping from the lower end of the board.

Then he opened the door and went out.

After locking the door, Aske hurried downstairs and saw that the hall on the first floor was almost flooded. The orc boss stood barefoot in the middle of the hall, chatting with several residents who had also gotten up.

"...I have been in Port Heroes for so many years, but I have never seen such heavy rain." The boss said, "When I was in the north, it snowed heavily one winter, but it was comparable to this heavy rain."

"It snowed heavily for three days and nights. Everyone hid in the house and did not dare to go out. The firewood in the stove could not be stopped. Once it stopped, people would freeze quickly."

"After the snow stopped, we pushed the door out, but it couldn't be pushed. It was sealed outside by the snow. Later, we broke the roof to get out... Of course, the house can keep the snow out, but the rain will seep in, which is very difficult. trouble."

"There won't be any floods this time." A certain dwarf guest said with a smile, "I can't swim."

"When the time comes, just hold on to a wooden plank." The orc boss said, "As long as you don't get washed into the sea, you will basically not drown."

"Maybe we should leave the hotel and run to the mountains." Another elf guest suggested, "before the flood comes."

"Don't mention it, it will be even worse if we encounter mudslides or landslides." The dwarf guest said, "The soil quality of the mountains here is not good, and it will collapse when it rains."

"Do the Naga guards outside have anything to say? Regarding this heavy rain, have you been notified to evacuate?" Ask asked as he walked down the stairs.

The two residents and the orc boss turned their heads when they heard the sound.

"What can you say?" the elf resident said with a smile, "Those Nagas can swim, so they probably haven't considered floods at all."

"But the port has been closed." Aske reminded calmly, "If there is a flood or mudslide, running to the ship is the safest thing to do."

These words reminded them that after all, a rising tide lifts all boats, and they will definitely not be flooded on the boat.

So the orc boss slapped his forehead and said, "I remember there was a small boat in the warehouse behind."

He hurried to the back, while the dwarf resident raised his head, looked at Ask, who was much taller than him, and asked curiously:

"Human, where did you come from?"

"Constantinople," Ask replied.

"Constantinople?" The dwarves and elves looked at each other. It was a name they had never heard of.

"At the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, a strait city is located at the intersection of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea." Ask added.

"I remember that over there is the empire territory of the high elves." The elf guest said, "It's quite far from here. Are you here for business?"

"Haha, no." Ask said, "I am a mercenary."

The expressions of the two residents immediately changed. Mercenary, isn't that a euphemism for pirate?

"Well, I'm going to see if the orc boss's ship has been found." The elf guest laughed and walked away.

"Let me go and take a look. After all, I am short and I am more likely to be flooded." The dwarf resident quickly followed and left, so he was the only one left in the hall again.

Ask walked to the open door and frowned slightly as he looked at the water outside that was up to his ankles and the pouring rain that was still pouring down.

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