Blue Sword

Chapter 774 Talking about business

Until about 6 o'clock in the morning, the heavy rain was still falling.

When Hidrifa woke up, she saw Ask sitting by the window.

The cabinet that originally blocked the window has been moved away, and rainwater keeps coming in through the gaps between the wooden boards and linen. Asker moved a chair next to him, crossed his legs on the chair, and stared outside motionlessly.

It’s already morning!

Hidrifa felt some uncontrollable regret. I originally planned to spend the night with the group leader, but I actually fell asleep early last night, which was really disappointing.

She punched the bed angrily.

Ask turned his head, and Hidrifa quickly smiled.

Then she saw the water on the floor: "This is..."

"It rained heavily all night," Asik replied.

Hidliefa:? ? ?

How could a heavy rain fall like this? Can even the third floor be flooded?

"Let's go check out." Ask said.

"Oh." Hidrifa got up from the bed and started to change clothes.

If it were Asik in the past, he would probably have asked Hidrifa to avoid it... or he would have avoided it himself. However, at this time, he was just looking outside in a daze, as if he was thinking about something.

After changing her clothes, Hidliba stood up, neatly tied her long white hair back, then put on her long over-the-knee boots, stepped into the puddles on the floor a few times, and asked: " Let’s go?”

"Let's go," Ask said.

When the two came to the corner of the stairs from the second floor to the first floor, they saw that the water in the lobby on the first floor had reached waist height.

Behind the counter, the orc boss was lying on a small boat, looking out with some boredom.

Obviously, if the heavy rain continues like this, his hotel business will really go to pieces.

Seeing Asik and the two coming down the stairs, the orc boss quickly rowed the boat closer and asked:

"Does the guest want to check out?"

"Check out." Ask replied.

After paying the rent, the orc boss looked behind them and said in surprise:

"Where are your wives? Did they leave early?"

There were eight people when we arrived, but only two were left when we checked out, which really surprised the boss. The water in the street outside is almost up to the waist, and we can’t get out without a boat!

"Haha." Asik didn't answer his question, but just smiled and said, "The water level outside is getting higher and higher. Didn't the guest yesterday say that he could run to the mountain?"

"Right?" The orc boss scratched his head.

"It's a good idea." Asik nodded and said, "You can think about it."

Orc Boss:? ? ?

Wait, didn’t you say that taking a boat is safer than climbing a mountain?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Asik added:

"This storm didn't happen naturally, do you understand?"

That's enough. No matter how much he explains, the other party may not believe it, so after he finished speaking, he turned around and said:


"Okay." Hidrifa nodded, raised her legs and stepped into the water.

The moment the bottom of her boots hit the water, ice spread from the soles of her feet to the surroundings, quickly creating a layer of ice floes.

The orc boss's eyes slowly widened, and he was soon shocked to the point of speechlessness: This white-haired human woman is actually a shaman with special abilities!

(The "extraordinary" among the orcs is called Shamman, shaman)

Then, Ask also stepped towards the water.

In an instant, together with the ship the orc boss was on, the water in the entire hall was frozen, and the ice extended beyond the gate.

"This ice can last for about twenty minutes." Asik finally said, and then left with Hidliefa.

The orc boss watched the two people go out blankly. After about half a minute, he suddenly realized what was going on. He quickly flipped out the boat and stepped on the ice, then rushed to the warehouse behind to rescue the belongings.

Even the shamans persuaded him to run away. If he didn't run away, would he be thinking that he could cope with the flood better than these two shamans?

Better leave as soon as possible!

It is now 6 o'clock in the morning, and there are not many pedestrians on the street outside... Of course, judging from the water-filled environment, even if someone does get up so early, they can only sit on a boat or soak in the water, which is absolutely unacceptable. Maybe passing by.

Walking alone on the ice road with the group leader in the heavy rain, with rippling blue water on both sides, Hidliba couldn't help but feel a subtle sweet feeling. Although I accidentally fell asleep last night, at least I got up early today! Otherwise, if it were a little later, everyone would have come out of Fire Island.

The white-haired girl who was thinking this couldn't help but quietly reached out and took Asik's left hand.

Asker:? ? ?

He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Sidley blinked and said:

"Captain, the ice is slippery and it's raining. I'm afraid of falling, so please hold me."


really! Hidliefa cheered up.

She has clearly noticed that the leader is the kind of person who is hard-faced and soft-hearted. For example, if you want to rest your head on his shoulder, such an intimate gesture will definitely make him a little embarrassed and can easily lead to rejection.

However, as long as you make a lame excuse, such as "I'm a little sad, please lend me your shoulder to lean on", then the group leader will probably not refuse.

All in all, it’s just a sideline tactic, using the excuse of “it’s not a post” to “stick to someone intimately”! The reason is that the leader will not judge his companions in a malicious way. As long as you give even a poor excuse, he will tend to believe it or not tell it!

Hilda thought so, and her fingers lightly passed through Asik's fingers and clasped his palm.

Ask:! ! !

Hey, interlocking fingers is too much!

Just when he was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded from ahead:

"You...are you the human mercenary from yesterday?"

The two lowered their gazes and saw clearly that they were meeting another Naga guard who was responsible for guarding them yesterday. The guy's lower body was soaked in the water, while his upper body was floating on the water, revealing his slender and well-proportioned body and elf-like pointed ears.

However, there are light blue scales and gills near the ears of Naga, which is completely different from that of elves.

"You are actually extraordinary people." The Naga guard touched the ice under their feet and couldn't help but marveled. He had never seen extraordinary people of the human race.

"Have your priests returned?" Ask suddenly asked.

"Uh..." The Naga guard froze there, as if he didn't know how to answer. He only heard Asik continue:

"Judging from your expression, you should be back."

"Tell your priests that the Cangqing Sword Mercenary Group hopes to talk to them...if they don't want the Hero Port to sink."

Hearing the words "The Port of Heroes sank" behind him, the Naga guard's expression changed obviously.

"How do you know..." It quickly lowered its voice, quickly scanned around to make sure there was no one around, and then immediately stared at Asike with fierce eyes.

Since the priests came back last night, all Naga guards have been explicitly prohibited from mentioning the relationship between this storm and Leviathan. When chatting with the pirates, a few Naga guards occasionally mentioned Leviathan, but they all confirmed that they had not leaked any clues that "Leviathan would cause a storm".

In fact, today's Heroes Harbor is still outside the storm. It has only been affected by the aftermath of its marginal winds and has not even officially entered the scope of the storm.

As for the scale and intensity inside the storm, it has far exceeded the effects that large-scale mutations can produce. It is a power that is almost close to "god", and is not something that ordinary Leviathan can set off... ordinary extraordinary beings , it is impossible to know this.

Is this guy a psion?

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