Moses is in a very bad condition now.

To be precise, he has never been in a good condition since he was captured.

Although the orcs and orcs provide him with enough food and water to survive every day.

It is not delicious, but it is not enough to starve him to death.

Although he was not severely abused in prison.

On the contrary, except for the dog-headed man named Wangcai who came to interrogate him at the beginning, he chose to keep silent and never received any torture or interrogation.

It was as if he was forgotten.

But even so, Moses still lives in pain and struggle every day.

Like an ant on a hot pot.

That is psychological torment.

It is the regret of not being able to complete the friend's entrustment.

There is also a point.... Missing his family.

"Rudolf... do you think I can escape alive?"

In the corner of the underground prison, Moses sat on the ground with his legs bent and his body curled up, talking to himself against the wall: "If... I fail to fulfill your request, will you resent me?"

When he said this, his eyes were already bloodshot, and the armor on his body had long disappeared.

Instead, he was wearing a dirty coarse linen shirt.

His wheat-colored skin had gradually turned pale because of the lack of sunlight for a long time.

The long-term suffering made him have the habit of talking to himself against the wall.

Moses, who had not yet completely lost his mind, naturally knew that the cold wall could not answer any of his questions.

This was just a way for him to relieve his loneliness.

Picking up a stone, Moses scratched the cold wall heavily.

Amid the "sizzling" sound and the clattering sound of handcuffs, another deep scratch appeared on the wall.

This is how Moses calculated time.

It is also the hope that keeps him alive.

He hopes that one day he can escape from the dungeon, leave this wild land, return to his hometown, and bring back the last message for his friend.

However, just as he put down the stone and waited quietly for the guys who imprisoned him to bring today's food and water.

He heard a cold and low shout:

"Hey, come out for a moment."

Moses turned his head and looked out through the gap between the iron bars of the dungeon, and saw a jackal dragonborn waving at him.

"Me?" Moses pointed to his face with a blank look.

He became alert in his heart.

He wondered if these guys were finally going to attack him?

"Yes, it's you. There's no one else here except you." The Gnoll Dragonborn emphasized his tone, and while opening the dungeon door with a key, he said, "Hurry up, hurry up, His Majesty wants to see you."


The iron door of the dungeon was opened.

The Gnoll Dragonborn walked in, took two steps at a time and walked to Moses. Under his vigilant eyes, he pulled him up and walked out of the cell door.

Moses did not resist.

He looked at the more than ten Dragonborn standing outside the cell door.

His eyes flickered, and he thought secretly in his heart.

During these days in the dungeon, he did not fall behind in his daily exercise.

Therefore, even though he was wearing handcuffs and shackles now, it was a bit troublesome to deal with these guys who were generally only at the Black Iron level, but it was not difficult.

If these guys could be dealt with quickly without alerting more people.

There would be a chance to escape!

Moses planned very well.

However, when he walked out of the cell door and saw a pitch-black tin can standing not far away, and the iconic dog head.

His heart, which was originally burning, suddenly cooled down.

It was as if a bucket of cold water was poured on his head in the middle of summer.

The original fighting spirit dissipated in an instant.

As someone who had studied power armor with Rudolph, he knew very well the power of this set of armor.

Now that it was worn by this dog-headed dragonborn whose aura had reached the silver level, he had no chance of winning even if he thought with his feet.

This inevitably made his face show a trace of frustration and disappointment.

"Why, are you not happy to see me?"

Wangcai keenly noticed the subtle changes in Moses' expression, grinned, showing his mouth full of fangs, walked forward, and put his armored big hand on Moses' shoulder.

"Don't be depressed, kid! I'll take you to see someone, it's your acquaintance!"

'Acquaintance? 'Moses was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled sadly.

How could he have any acquaintances in this wild land?

Even his best friend Rudolph had long been killed by the dragon.

'Forget it, let's see what these guys are up to. 'Moses thought to himself: 'Even if I am killed, I will just reunite with my best friend.'

However, when he was led by Wangcai, turning left and right all the way, leaving the dungeon, he tried to adapt to the dazzling sunlight outside while walking, and when he stopped and opened his eyes again.

Looking at the person in front of him.

He was stunned.

"Ru... Rudolf..."

In the dragon's nest illuminated by various gems, Moses looked at the old man in front of him with disbelief.

Those bloodshot eyes, whether because they could not adapt to the sunlight outside or for other reasons, actually overflowed with a few tears.

"You... You are not dead?!"

Immediately, Moses could no longer care about anything else, and suddenly struggled to break free from Wangcai's restraints, dragging the heavy anklets and stumbling, running towards the best friend who was older than he remembered.

Until he ran to Rudolf, Moses raised his handcuffed hands and tried to grab the other's shoulders.

But he was dodged.

Moses was stunned.

Then, he heard his former friend glance at him indifferently, and then looked at Irene who had been watching the show.

He asked in an old and hoarse voice: "Mother, who is he?"

When Rudolf said this, Moses' eyes widened.

He looked at his friend in front of him with disbelief, and then followed his gaze to look at the...human dragon.

He didn't understand why his best friend called the dragon mother.

This is simply outrageous!

Soon, Irene answered his doubts.

"Is this not okay? Tsk... It seems that he has really resurrected as a stupid lich."

"Lich?" Moses' eyes moved back to Rudolf.

This time, he finally noticed the burning soul fire in the hole in the other's chest.

"Lich..." Moses muttered this word, his legs softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

He looked up with a face full of despair and confusion, looking at his former best friend.

His best friend died after all.


Moses stared at Irene with his bloodshot eyes, and saw a trace of regret in her cold eyes.

That evil dragon actually insulted the body of his best friend.

This ignited a flame of anger in Moses' heart.

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