In Moses' view, Irene's behavior was undoubtedly an insult to the deceased, and it made Rudolf die with regret.

Under the erosion of anger, the tense nerve called reason in the mind of the silver warrior finally broke.

He forced himself to stand up, dragging the heavy shackles, and climbed up from the ground.

Amid the clanging sound of chains, Moses took a heavy step.

His muscles were tense.

His bloodshot eyes stared at Irene, who was thinking with one hand on her chin not far away.

His teeth were clattering.

He was ready to forcibly squeeze out his vitality and take revenge for his friend while the dragon was not paying attention.

Even though Moses knew that it was difficult to hurt the dragon in his current condition...


Even if he could bite off even a piece of meat from the dragon before he died!

It was not a disgrace to his duty as the chief guard.

"Ka Ka..."

The slight sound of bone cracking sounded continuously from Moses' body.

His attention was beyond the past at this moment.

His mind was highly concentrated.

Under the mobilization of spirit and fighting spirit, the muscles, bones and meridians of the whole body reached an unprecedented limit.

Moses now was like a spring compressed to the limit.

He only needed to loosen the restrictions.

He could give the enemy a face-to-face blow!

But before he could do anything, a cold voice came into his ears.

"It seems that there is really no way to restore his memory, Wangcai, take him away."

As soon as the voice fell, a big hand covered with black armor was placed on Moses' shoulder.

The sudden change made Moses startled, but then he quickly reacted and prepared to forcefully break free from the restraints and attack the evil dragon in front of him!

In his opinion, since he was able to break free just now, he should be about the same strength as the dog-headed man.

But the fact is, no matter how hard he tried, the big hand on his shoulder was like a five-finger mountain, pressing him so hard that he couldn't move at all.

No matter how he squeezed himself, it didn't work at all at this moment.

Just like a clown.

Until Wangcai's iconic voice sounded in his ears: "Dude, stop struggling, the visiting time is up, it's time to go back."

Moses turned his head and looked at the dog face.

Only then did he understand that he was able to break free just now because the other party did it on purpose.

He wanted to struggle again, but Wangcai, who had lost his patience, simply pulled his collar and dragged him out of the dragon's nest like a dead dog.

Moses, whose hands and feet were bound, was powerless to resist.

He could only watch as he got farther and farther away from his former friend.

His eyes were locked on the dragon.

At first, they could fight the dragon and fight evenly.

But it has only been a short time.

He couldn't even resist one of his subordinates.

The flame of anger in Moses' heart was finally extinguished by the cruelty of reality.

The tense muscles in his body relaxed again.

He just let Wangcai drag him, leaving a long mark on the ground.

The head that was held high drooped in frustration at this moment.

He looked up at the ceiling of the dragon's nest.

Until he was dragged out of the dragon's nest by Wangcai...

What Moses didn't notice was that Rudolph looked twice more in the direction where he and Wangcai left just now.

"Did you remember something?"

Irene, who was keenly aware of this scene, suddenly asked.

Rudolph shook his head first, then opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

Irene was a little disappointed at first, but when she noticed the other party's hesitation, she motioned him to continue.

"Mother..." Rudolph just opened his mouth, and seeing Irene's face darken, he quickly skipped the address and said directly: "I am a little curious about the alchemical creation on that dog-headed man..."

"I don't know why, I inexplicably long for this kind of creation."

As he said, Rudolph lowered his head, raised his hands, looked at his skinny palms, and slowly pondered: "I can feel that this creation is very important to me."

He raised his head and looked at Irene with scattered eyes.

"There is a strong desire and impulse to completely dismantle it and study all the structures and principles inside!"

Irene frowned slightly.

Pondering the words of this new lich.

A word popped up in her mind.


An obsession that goes deep into the soul.

Irene still remembers that this old golden-level mage was attacked and killed by her while studying the ancient orcs' spaceship.

Maybe it's rightHe was so obsessed with the ancient orc technology that even though his soul was broken and emptied and merged into a new soul, he still couldn't forget this obsession.

Thinking of this, Irene looked at the lich in front of him who looked a little stupid.

'This guy's predecessor, no matter what, was also a golden-level great wizard. He even cracked the ancient orcs' power armor technology and drew it into blueprints. Although he has lost his memory now, his foundation is there. After transforming into a lich, his talent in research should not be too bad. '

'He can barely be regarded as a technical talent. '

'If he is trained to be a knowledgeable scientific research lich to assist in research... he should not be too bad. '

After a storm of thoughts in her mind, Irene's attention was focused on Rudolph again.

Asked: "Do you want to dismantle a set of power armor for research?"

"Ah?" Rudolph was obviously a little unresponsive.

Seeing this, Irene explained: "It's the alchemical creation you just saw."

"Can... can I?" Rudolph was obviously still a little hesitant. He had a soul-long desire for this magical alchemical creation, and at the same time, he was in awe of it from the bottom of his heart.

It was as if there was a voice in his heart that kept shouting: "This is something very important! Very important! Get it! Study it! Dig out everything it hides!"


Irene smiled.

She walked slowly to Rudolph, and her golden eyes revealed an irresistible majesty.

"Of course."

Irene smiled and said, "You are the first life created by Irene Aphra Christina, and you are barely my eldest son."

"As my eldest son, you have supreme rights!"

"You don't know that when you were born, the entire Black Dragon Empire should cheer for you!"

After these words, Rudolf couldn't help but feel excited, and his rotten body trembled.

Not only was he happy that Irene was willing to let him study power armor.

He was also excited and-

'My mother finally admitted that I am her eldest son! '

At this moment, Rudolf was like a child who got candy, and his joy was beyond words.

His knees loosened, and he pretended to kneel down to thank his "mother."

But Irene moved her fingers, causing Rudolf's movements to stagnate, and he stopped in mid-air, held up by magic, unable to move.

His already hunched body looked even more hunched at this moment.

Rudolf raised his head in confusion, and saw Irene looking down at him, with no emotion in her cold eyes, and cold words passed into his ears.

"Don't be impatient, my stupid eldest son."

"Aren't you curious about what your previous life was like?"

At this point, Irene lowered her eyes and slowly raised one hand. The tender little hand quickly turned into a dragon claw covered with black scales.

"Aren't you curious...who caused you to become what you are now?"

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