"Not curious."

Although Rudolph didn't know why his mother asked this, he still followed his heart and said the answer in his heart.

Then he saw the expression on his mother's face froze.

The look of wanting to say something but stopping, as if swallowing the words that just came to her mouth.

Then, Irene opened her mouth slightly, frowned, and showed a surprised expression.

It was almost written on her face that why you don't play by the rules.

This look made Rudolph a little confused.

As a newborn, he didn't quite understand what the world is like and what it means to read people's expressions.

The two sides looked at each other awkwardly.

There was an awkward and anxious atmosphere in the air.

Half a second later, the not-so-stupid lich finally figured it out and realized that he had not answered the question properly. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he quickly changed his words and said, "Uh... Mother... Please go ahead, I'm very curious."

As the words came out, the awkward and anxious atmosphere in the air finally dissipated, and Irene immediately got into the role, as if nothing had happened just now, and put on a majestic look again.


"My humble and stupid eldest son."

"Since you asked sincerely, I will be merciful and tell you!"

Irene raised her dragon claw and pressed it heavily on the hunched Rudolph's head.

As if treating a domestic cat or dog, she gently stroked it, leaned down and put her mouth close to his ear, and whispered like a devil's bewitching whisper:


were killed by me!"

Rudolph's scattered pupils suddenly opened wide, and his mouth opened slightly.

Irene slowly straightened up, looking at the surprised expression of the lich in front of her, showing a satisfied look.

She did that, of course, not for fun.

Nor was it to see Rudolf's surprised expression.

Irene thought she was not such a boring dragon.

She did this mainly to prevent the other party from suddenly stabbing her old mother in the kidneys in revenge after knowing the cause of her death in the future.

In Irene's opinion, it is better to make the facts clear now than to worry about being stabbed in the back in the future.

If the other party refuses to surrender after knowing that she killed him, then Irene can only...

Use some tough measures!


After a silence, Rudolf finally spoke.

Turning his head and looking at Irene with a cold face, he actually pulled a bitter smile on his face.

The dry skin at the corner of his eyes, like a dry old tree, wrinkled into ripples one after another.

An old voice, mixed with a hint of lament, came out from her mouth:

"Are you testing... my loyalty?"

Irene said nothing.

Seeing this, Rudolf knew that he had guessed right, and suddenly a cold magic power surged in his body, and he forcibly broke the restraints that Irene had released casually, and fell to his knees with a "thump".

He looked up.

At some point, a black box appeared in his hand.

That was his life box.

It was the basis for the immortality of the lich.

Once you master a lich's life box, you can master everything about this lich.

Including life and death, it's only a thought away from the master of the life box!

"I don't remember who I used to be, and I'm not who I used to be." Rudolf raised the life box high and continued, "I only know that my life is given by you now, and everything in the past can no longer bind me."

Rudolf's tone gradually became heavier and lower, and the temperature in the dragon's nest seemed to drop by a few degrees.

"Now I am a brand new soul!"

"I am your eldest son!"

"From now on, I will be loyal to you forever, fight for you, and die for you!"

"Until death!"

"Hehe..." Irene smiled and retracted the dragon claws on Rudolph's head. She had been casting the magic of identifying lies on the other party's soul fire.

As a result, there was no doubt that Rudolph's words were all from the heart.

Irene's cautious heart finally relaxed a little.

Reaching out to take the phylactery, she placed it on Rudolph's shoulder in his expectant eyes, like a human noble conferring a knight, and said, "Very good, you have successfully pleased a noble dragon. From now on, I officially recognize your identity."

Then, Irene lifted Rudolph up with the hand of a wizard and continued:

"Since you have made a clear distinction between the past and the past, I will give you a new name to indicate your new life."

"From now on, your name will be..."


"Alsace?" Rudolph chewed on the name,I opened my mouth to thank Erin for the name, but I don't know what went wrong in my brain, and what I said was: "Mother, does this name have any deep meaning?"

'As expected of the life I created, it immediately matched my brain waves. 'Erin's face showed a very playful expression: "This name comes from a legendary story I heard from a bard who returned from overseas."

"As the successor of this name, I think you also need to know this story."

Under Arthas's gaze, Erin told the story:

"It is said that in the chaotic era after the fall of the Orc Empire, when humans just stepped onto the stage of history, a human kingdom called Lordaeron was invaded by the demons of the abyss."

"The demons spread a terrible plague in the kingdom. All those infected with the plague will be corrupted into monsters who have lost their minds and become the minions of the demons!"

"In order to save this kingdom on the verge of extinction, the prince of Lordaeron, Arthas, stood up and personally led his troops to fight against the invading demons everywhere."

"But his power was too weak, and he could only watch the people of a city being infected by the plague and about to become monsters that only knew how to kill."

"In order to prevent these people from becoming monsters, his subordinates had to do it themselves and kill them before they fell and corrupted!"

"Alsace couldn't bear to see this and wanted to dissuade them, but he couldn't stop it."

"He could only watch it all happen with his own eyes, watching his people kill each other."

"After his subordinates slaughtered the entire city, the devil appeared in front of Alsace and challenged him face to face."

"In order to change all this and save the kingdom, Alsace resolutely decided to find the artifact that was lost in the kingdom's legend during the war of gods."


"In the end, after going through untold hardships, he finally led his subordinates to , found the legendary Frostmourne on a snowy mountain. "

"It was a two-handed broadsword stuck in the frozen soil, a cursed sword."

"Whoever pulled out this sword would be corrupted into an ugly lich and suffer great pain."

"Although Arthas's subordinates volunteered to sacrifice themselves to pull out the sword."

"But Arthas was still determined to bear it all by himself."

"He pulled out Frostmourne and gained powerful power."

"The price was that he was gradually transformed into a lich, and every moment, he had to endure the whispers and temptations of the devil."

"Even so, Arthas still did not forget his original intention, endured great pain, led the army back to the kingdom, and successfully fought back at the most critical moment of the kingdom in the hands of the devil. He saved the king of Lordaeron, his father. "

"Then, he led the army, relying on the power of Frostmourne, fought all the way, and completely drove the demons back to the bottomless abyss. "

"And he, in the cheers of the entire kingdom, held Frostmourne in his hand, sat on the Frozen Throne that symbolizes power and eternity, and was crowned king. "

"Because he was transformed into a lich, the world gave him a very domineering title. "

"Lich King!"

After telling this "magic modification" of the story of the Lich King on the Internet in the previous life, Irene took a long breath and explained to Arthas, who was already trembling with excitement:

"Of course, this is just a legend in the mouth of the bard. There is no such a Lich King in history. At least there is no record of this person in my dragon heritage. "

"But..." Irene changed the subject: "My eldest son, I hope you can inherit the spirit of the human prince Arthas in the story, become my right-hand man, and become a real... Lich King! "

"Mother, I will not let you down!" Arthas performed a somewhat clumsy noble etiquette, which was an instinctive memory engraved deep in his soul.

"Very good." Irene yawned and waved her hand. "Then, I officially appoint you as the director of the scientific research department. Go, go and show your talent to the fullest!"

"Go find Wangcai, the dog-headed man just now, he will give you everything you need, and the orc with a long hair named Gar may help you in research. "

"I hope you have not disgraced the name of Arthas when I wake up."


Arthas turned around and prepared to leave.

But Irene stopped him again.

In the other party's puzzled eyes, he waved his hand and said, "Don't call me mother in the future, just call me master."

Hearing this, Arthas was silent for a few seconds, with a few subtle depressions in his eyes, and then nodded heavily,"I understand, Master."

Looking at the "cheap son" who was leaving, Irene glanced down at the life box in her hand, and thought of the story she had just told, and couldn't help but twitch her lips.

She thought to herself that she was really good at telling lies, and she could make the story of the Lich King Arthas, who was a loving father and a filial son, so heartwarming.

I hope this cheap son will not carry a sword called Frostmourne one day and stage a "motherly love and filial son" plot.

Putting away the life box, Irene stretched, yawned and squinted as she walked towards her big bed.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore."

"Sleep, sleep is important."

"Sleep is the most important thing!"

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