As Irene fell asleep, her consciousness gradually sank into the dragon heritage.

Countless inherited knowledge, like an ocean, enveloped her in it.

However, Irene now only wanted to sleep all day and night, and did not want to be involved in these knowledge.

So, she took the initiative to leave the inheritance dream and sank into a deeper sleep.


The long river of time slowly passed.


One day, while Irene was dreaming, she suddenly heard a series of complicated and noisy murmurs in her mind.

Forced her from deep sleep to a state of shallow sleep.

If you listen carefully, you can hear that it seems to be a series of prayers and praises.

"Great Majesty, we love you..."

"Lord! Please respond to my call!"

"Please...protect my child..."

"I'm so hungry...can I really get black bread after praying?"


'So noisy! ’

A thought subconsciously popped up in Erin’s mind while she was sleeping.

‘Turn it to mute! ’

So, the prayers and praises disappeared.

It was as if the mute mode was really turned on.

Without the noisy sound, Erin gradually returned from the state of shallow sleep to the state of deep sleep again.


Opened her eyes again.


‘Where is this? ’

Erin, who woke up from her deep sleep, was a little confused.

Now she, or he, was sitting on a... toilet.

Erin wanted to turn her head and look around, but she found that her neck seemed to be out of her control.

No, not only that.

It was completely out of her control.

This was not her body at all!

Erin could only follow the gaze of the original owner of the body and look at the small advertisements posted on the door of the toilet cubicle.

But the more she looked, the more familiar she felt this scene was.

Until a certain light flashed in her mind.

Irene remembered.

Isn't this the way she looked when she was slacking off in the company toilet before she traveled through time?

'Am I...traveling back? ' Irene thought to herself.

But she immediately dismissed the idea.

In Irene's perception, her dragon body was still sleeping, and she could wake up at any time if she wanted.

'So, is this a dream? '

Irene looked at the strange little advertisements on the door of the toilet cubicle, and she actually had an inexplicable meaning in her heart.

She sighed in her heart with some nostalgia: "Long-lost memories."

Over the years, she has dreamed of returning to Earth countless times.

Dreamed of becoming an ordinary person again, living a normal and ordinary life.

In comparison, this dream was the most real and sober dream Irene had ever had.

When Irene was reminiscing in her heart, she heard a loud rumbling sound coming from outside the window.

Then, the ground shook and cracked into spider-web-like patterns.

Under Irene's gaze, the toilet collapsed with a "boom"....

In the intense pain, the eyes quickly fell into darkness.

'It is indeed like this. ' In the endless darkness, Irene sighed helplessly in her heart: 'Next, it is to cross the Yarsk plane. '

So Irene waited quietly, waiting for the scene of herself breaking out of the dragon egg.

But unexpectedly, in the dream, when this body regained consciousness again, it was not expected to cross into the dragon egg.

Instead, it was lying in a tent.

The wailing and crying sounds that kept ringing in the ears, as well as the hurried footsteps, made the owner of this body a little irritable.

Irene, who was also in this body, also felt this irritable emotion at the same time.

He struggled to stand up.

I saw that the crowded tent was already full of people.

There were wounded people covered in blood, wailing constantly.

There were also family members kneeling on the ground and crying.

In front of them was a corpse covered with a white cloth.

Medical staff in white coats kept walking in the crowd, applying medicine to the wounded and checking their injuries.

He was stunned.

Irene was also stunned.

In Irene's memory, after the toilet collapsed, she traveled to another world.

Why did she see these in this weird dream?

But when she thought that it was just a dream, Irene was relieved again.

There was nothing strange about what appeared in the dream.

'It's just right to take this opportunity to review life on Earth. '

Irene thought so and devoted herself to the dream.

As the dream continued, she gradually figured out the situation in the dream.

The whole world seemed to have erupted in natural disasters at the same time.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoesEruption.....

Countless lives were buried in this global natural disaster.

It was just like the end of the world in the movie.

Along with the arrival of the natural disaster, there was a discovery that shocked all mankind.

The earth changed from a sphere to a plane.

And this plane is still expanding and getting bigger.

There is a tendency to form a new supercontinent by splicing with other planets that have also become planes.

The whole world is undergoing unprecedented upheavals!

Faced with such an unprecedented situation, human society fell into chaos for a while.

Riots and wars, accompanied by natural disasters, swept across this land.

This chaos lasted for several years.

From Irene's perspective, her predecessor was like a duckweed, drifting in this chaotic world.

Until this day, he came to a shelter and prepared to settle down in the shelter for a while.

But in the shelter, he saw a handsome man with pointed ears.

Different from the ignorant predecessor in the dream.

Irene recognized this guy's identity at a glance.

This guy with pointy ears is clearly... a high elf from the Yarsk plane!

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