Kailuo Luo has never felt so happy. Today, she received this month's salary!

It's not much, only ten copper coins, but they are all earned by her hard work selling newspapers every day.

Feeling the heavy weight of the copper coins saved during this period in the interlayer of her clothes, Kailuo Luo has a very solid sense of security.

You know, in the past, she never dared to think that one day she would have so many copper coins!

Realize the so-called "wealth freedom!"

After all, a year ago, Kailuo Luo was just a refugee who wandered in the eastern countries every day in a small town called Leila.

When she was born, her mother left because of her.

Her father couldn't accept the stimulation of his wife's departure, so he chose to drink all day and blamed the reason for his wife's death on Kailuo Luo, who was still ignorant.

He beat and scolded her since she was a child.

When Kailuo Luo was four years old, he drove her out of the house.

Let her beg.

The money she begged every day had to be handed over to her father to buy alcohol.

This situation continued until Kailuo was six years old.

That winter, her father was hit by an "out-of-control" carriage because of alcoholism.

When Kailuo found him the next day.

The body was completely frozen.

Kailuo lost her only relative just like that.

Soon after, her only remaining "home" that could provide her with a little warmth was also occupied by relatives who came out of nowhere.

Without a house, Kailuo could only live on the streets.

But she was too weak.

Many times, the food she had just begged was targeted by wild dogs.

Fortunately, a lame homeless man saw her pity and not only beat away the wild dogs, but also kindly took her in.

The homeless man was already very old, and she asked Kailuo to call him Old Hunter, but Kailuo preferred to call him Grandpa Hunter.

According to old Hunter, he was once a powerful adventurer when he was young.

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured in an adventure. Not only could he no longer be an adventurer, but all his belongings were also lost in the accident.

As time went by, he became a homeless man on the street.

This aroused Kailuo's curiosity.

Every night, after begging for enough food, she would share some with old Hunter, who was not convenient to beg, and then huddle in the other's not-so-warm tattered coat, eating while listening to Grandpa Hunter telling about the anecdotes and interesting things he experienced when he was an adventurer.

That period was the happiest time for Kailuo.

Although she was not full every day and often hungry.

But when she thought of hearing Grandpa Hunter's adventure stories at night, she felt that she had endless energy.

This happy time lasted until the night of Kailuo's eighth birthday.

That day, she was lucky enough to beg for some copper coins, so she took these copper coins to buy a small piece of white bread and a half-burned candle.

Prepare to have a happy birthday with her favorite Grandpa Hunter.

When Kailuo ran back to Grandpa Hunter's usual residence with bread and candles.

She saw that Grandpa Hunter seemed to have fallen asleep.

If it were usual, Kailuo would never disturb Grandpa Hunter's sleep.

But the situation was different that day. Kailuo wanted Grandpa Hunter to get up and eat some white bread together. This was a "delicacy" that the two of them might not be able to eat once a year!

So Kailuo pushed old Hunter.

But she couldn't wake him up.

Until Kailuo gradually had a bad premonition in her heart.

She stretched out her fingers tremblingly to feel Grandpa Hunter's breath.

As a result, she found out....

Grandpa Hunter was no longer breathing...

That night was the Winter Solstice.

It was the coldest and most lively night of the year.

Every household huddled in a warm house, eating delicious food and singing happy songs.

That night, it snowed heavily...very heavily...

Kailuo also cried for a long time...for a long time...

Her tears fell on Grandpa Hunter's face and froze into crystal "pearls."

In the days that followed, Kailuo became alone again.

She could only wander alone.

After all.

Not every homeless person is a good person like Grandpa Hunter.

They themselves can't eat enough, so how could they take in a little girl who can't do anything.

Until, it was the winter solstice again.

That night, Kailuo slept on the street in the wind and snow.

The "home" that Grandpa Hunter left for her had long been taken away by other homeless people.

That night, the snow was very thick.

It was more than 10 days after Grandpa Hunter left.That night, it was thicker.

That night, the wind was very strong.

It was even stronger than the night when Grandpa Hunter passed away.

That night was probably the coldest night in previous years.

It was so cold that no one wanted to go out.

They all huddled in a warm home, leaning against the fireplace, eating hot meals.

And Kailuo Luo could only be in the wind and snow.

Through the windows hung with various decorations, looking at the warm scenes...

She thought...

If Mom and Dad were still alive.

If Grandpa Hunter was still alive.

Their family of four should also be like this, sitting in a warm house, roasting by the fire, eating hot meals.

She thought...

Was she a devil who harmed countless people in her previous life?

Otherwise, how could she live so hard?

All the people she loved, and those who loved her, left her one after another.

She thought....

If she was really guilty.



redeem it?


That night, the snow and wind were very strong...

Kailuoluo leaned against the wall, imagining the beauty.

Gradually fell into a dream.

According to common sense, she would freeze to death that night.

This poor girl would be found by the city guards who got up early the next day.

Then, like the homeless people who froze to death in previous years, she was thrown out of the city.

Became the "gift from God" that those who couldn't find food in the cold winter had long been looking forward to.


When Kailuolu woke up again.

What she saw was a warm bonfire and a crowded hall.

One after another, homeless people in rags gathered around the bonfire, eating steaming black bread just out of the pot, drinking hot broth, and saying strange words.

It seemed like they were praying to someone.

It seemed like they were thanking someone.

Kailuolu was very confused at the time.

She thought she was dead.

Already arrived at Baator Hell.

Still wondering, Baator Hell is not as scary as the legend says.

Then, she was startled by a "weird man" wearing black armor who suddenly appeared in front of her.

That was really a very strange man.

The gaps in his armor exuded a terrifying cold breath all the time.

His face was completely covered by the helmet.

Even his eyes were not exposed.

Behind him, he carried a strangely shaped sword that also exuded bone-chilling coldness.

Kailuo was very scared at the time.

But those homeless people who had already drunk hot soup and roasted bonfires seemed to have no fear of this strange guy.

On the contrary, their faces were full of awe and gratitude.


Kailuo heard this strange guy say the first sentence to her; "Poor child, don't be afraid, I will bring you salvation!"

The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of scratching old and dry bark with nails.

But Kailuo felt a sense of closeness for some reason.

The last time she felt this way was...

Grandpa Hunter!

So Kailuo was no longer afraid.

She accepted the food and warm bonfire provided by the other party.

After getting along with him, she learned the name of this "weird guy" - Arthas.

But this guy prefers to call himself...

Lich King!

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