For Kailuo Luo.

If the days with Grandpa Hunter were the happiest and warmest period of time.

Then the days under the care of "Lich King Arthas" were just like a dream!

After being rescued by Arthas that night, Kailuo Luo escaped from her original hard life.

No longer had to wander the streets every day.

She was adopted by Arthas and became a little apprentice maid.

After washing herself clean and putting on the clean and beautiful maid outfit, Kailuo Luo almost didn't recognize herself.

It was just because she in the mirror was really hard to tell that she was the dirty tomboy in the past.

That was really... a little cute.

'I wonder if Lord Arthas would like me like this. '

When this thought came up, Kailuo Luo's little face blushed.

She herself didn't know why such a strange idea came up in her mind.

But unfortunately, in her eyes, Lord Arthas only looked at her twice more after telling her what the maid had to do, and then went to the study.

This inevitably disappointed Kailuo.

But she quickly adjusted her state and did her job seriously.

Every day, Kailuo had to get up early in the morning and make today's bread and broth with other children adopted by Arthas.

After it was done, she opened the gate of the yard, let the poor people who had been waiting outside the yard come in, and then distributed fresh broth and bread to them.

Sometimes, they would also follow Lord Arthas's orders to distribute clean clothes and some precious copper coins.

If someone was sick, Kailuo would call Lord Arthas who was reading in the study to come.

He would perform magical healing magic for these people.

No matter how serious the disease was, even if there was only one breath left, Arthas could save it.

It was also at that time that Kailuo knew that Lord Arthas was actually a noble magician.

What made her wonder was, why did the magician wear armor?

This puzzled Kylolo, but she didn't ask.

In her mind, this was probably a little habit of Lord Arthas, right?

What made Kylolo even more confused was that her magician master did this just to let these refugees pray to a statue when they came to collect food every day.

It was a faceless statue, enshrined in the center of the hall.

Arthas called her: "God of Redemption!"

At first, Kylolo was still very curious why the statue had no face.

But when she bravely asked the seemingly cold but actually kind-hearted Lord Arthas, the answer she got was: "God has no fixed appearance. His appearance is always the most beautiful in everyone's heart."

"If you are confused about the appearance of God, just ask your heart, it will tell you what God looks like."

Young Kailuo was confused at the time, and it took her a long time to barely understand the meaning of these words.

Then she suddenly realized.

Later, when she prayed to the statue with the refugees, she silently replaced the face of the statue with her deceased mother and grandfather Hunter, as well as the appearance of Arthas in her imagination.

For Kailuo, this is the most beautiful person in her eyes.


In these beautiful days like a dream, Kailuo has a smile on her face every day.

How she hopes that such beautiful days can continue.

Sometimes she pinches herself before going to bed at night, fearing that all this is a dream.

Sometimes, Kailuo would hide in her bed and even secretly think that when she grows up, she must repay Lord Arthas.

How to repay...

Whenever she thought of this, the girl would blush.

Then the next day, when she saw Arthas, she unconsciously looked away and dared not look him in the eye.

Although, she didn't even know what the guy named Arthas looked like under the cold armor.


But good things are always short-lived.

That day, the thing Kailuo least wanted to happen...

still happened.

In the early morning, when she and a group of children got up early to make bread together, the door was violently knocked open from the outside.

A group of guys claiming to be the Knights of the Church rushed in murderously.

They overturned the basin, smashed the statue, and drove away the refugees waiting outside the yard.

After searching the entire house but not finding the target, theyThe anger was vented on a group of children including Kailuo Luo.

The knights, who were emitting the aura of holy light, took out the ropes to punish heretics and violently arrested Kailuo Luo and others on the charge of privately establishing a cult and spreading heretical ideas.

They put ropes around their necks and led them to the streets like livestock for parading.

Kailuo Luo felt very confused when she was dragged on the street.

She didn't understand why these brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts hated her so much.

She didn't understand why these people looked at her with such disgust and disgust.

This feeling was not good.

Kailuo Luo felt that her heart was so painful.

Just like... when she was wandering.

The only thing that comforted her was probably that Lord Arthas was not caught.

Afterwards, they were caught in the church's cell and interrogated.

Those high-ranking clergy wanted to know where Arthas had gone.

But how could the children led by Kylolo know?

They would only work hard every day to repay the kindness of Lord Arthas.

They were just... a group of poor people.

But the high priests determined that they were heretics.

After the inquiry failed and the interrogation magic did not get any useful information.

These crazy guys tied these children, who were only eleven or twelve years old, to the stake.

And filled the surrounding area with firewood. !

That night, the starlight was blocked by dark clouds.

The ground was also dark.

It was a dense mass of heads.

They held torches high, and as believers of the gods, they shouted slogans to execute heretics, and they didn't seem to care at all. The people on the stake were just a group of children! !

Looking at these ignorant people, facing the impending death.

Many children tied to the stake could no longer bear the fear in their hearts and cried.

They were very unwilling. They had not had a good life for a few days, so how could...

Only one child did not cry, but tried to comfort the other children.

That was...Kailolo.

Although she was also very scared, she still tried not to cry and comforted the other children.

She said: "Don't be afraid, don't forget that Lord Arthas is a noble magician."

"He will definitely come to save us!"

When she said this, Kailuo herself didn't believe it in her heart.

She was no longer a child.

She knew everything.

No matter how strong Lord Arthas was, could he fight against the entire church?


Besides, even if he could, he probably wouldn't go against the church for these useless children.

Even if...

He called himself the "Lich King."

This was the answer in Kailuo's heart.

She only hoped that Lord Arthas would run away quickly after hearing the news.

Run farther.

Don't be caught by these "bad guys"!

As for the fact that those who were killed because of them were about to be burned to death as cultists.

Kylolo had no regrets in her heart.

In her mind, if it weren't for Lord Arthas, she would have died in that cold winter festival.

Her life was given by Arthas.

Now, it's just a return to him.

Kylolo felt...

very happy to know such a kind magician before she died.


That day, the wind was very strong.

After the bishop of the church read out the dense charges against Kylolo and other children in front of the people of the whole city.

The paladins mercilessly lit the firewood stacked under the stake with torches.

There was no expression on their faces under their helmets.

There was only supreme loyalty and faith in their own gods.

There was only a whistling sound of a strong wind.

The flames shot up high all of a sudden!

It was as if the heavens wanted to burn these hateful pagans to death quickly.

The children could only cry in the flames.

Their tears slid down their cheeks.

But they could not slow down the fire even a little bit.

The scorching temperature, mixed with the choking smoke, made them cough constantly.

At that time, I don’t know if it was the smoke, or if they finally couldn’t resist the fear of death in their hearts.

The eyes of Kailuo became blurred because of the accumulation of tears.

She finally cried.

But before her tears slid down her cheeks, she heard a sharp roar that resounded throughout the entire execution ground.

Then, there was a piercing cold.

It was a strange black gust of wind.

The blazing flames were instantly extinguished by the breath of the dead mixed in the gust of wind.extinguished.

When Kylolo raised his head in disbelief and looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw that the dark clouds that originally covered the sky were forcibly broken.

A huge full moon was revealed.

Under the moonlight, a two-legged flying dragon made of white bones, carrying a blue flame, fell from the sky like a meteor!

On its back, Arthas held up the chainsaw sword named Frostmourne in his hand, and in the buzzing roar of magic, he whispered as if from the abyss:

"Hypocritical Holy Light, wail as much as you can in the last time, because you will be completely destroyed by me!!"

That day, Kylolo finally knew why Arthas, as a noble mage, chose to wear an airtight armor instead of a gorgeous mage robe.

That day, the church power in the city of Leila was completely destroyed by the "Lich King" alone!

That day, Kailuo felt...

that he had been redeemed...

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