In fact, when Caesar received Irene's order and came to the eastern countries of mankind through the cross-river tunnel dug by the dwarves to prepare to implement the business plan, it was not smooth sailing.

It can even be said that it was difficult.

Although the two sides signed a peace treaty, the human civilians, under the influence of traditional concepts, were still generally afraid of these ferocious-looking orcs and half-orcs. Many rulers used this as an excuse to refuse these "guests" from afar.

Even the wine and water they transported thousands of miles could not be delivered to the city, and they could only trade with the merchants at the door.

This caused Irene's business development plan before falling asleep to fall into a state of anxiety.

Later, under the circumstances of being forced to do so, in order to live up to the expectations of his own crown, Caesar selected a group of elite black knights, found some books on camouflage, stealth and transfiguration, and after a hard training according to the methods of training thieves, rangers and assassins...

He forced himself to form a team called "paparazzi", which was actually a "Dragon Killer Organization" composed of professional thieves, assassins and rangers.

With the powerful stealth ability of the members of the organization, he successfully infiltrated the Eastern countries.

After successfully entering the enemy, Caesar began to try the first step of the business plan according to the information left by Irene, selling newspapers.

He first established a newspaper and named it World Daily, implying that one day, World Daily will go to the world, and then arranged professionally trained paparazzi to collect all kinds of gossip and anecdotes and publish them in newspapers.

Then they sold them at the price of one copper thumb per piece.

But it turned out that these gossips were not easy to sell.

It was nothing, the paparazzi collected some very common gossip, that is, some trivial things like whose cow gave birth, whose husband had a mistress.

For those common people who were already living in poverty, it was too extravagant to spend money to buy such common news.

As for the nobles, they looked down on this kind of entertainment.

Therefore, the development of the World Daily was stagnant for a time, which made Caesar doubt whether there was something wrong with the information given by his majesty.

Originally, he was going to skip the plan of selling newspapers and implement the next business plan.

As a result, that day, the paparazzi of the World Daily accidentally found out a strictly sealed news.

That is: "Her Royal Highness the Saint of the Holy Kingdom betrayed her faith and threw herself into the arms of the abyss."

Such explosive news, because it damaged the glorious image of the Holy Kingdom, the Church State, was naturally strictly sealed, and the lower-class people could not know it.

After a little thought, Caesar decisively and risked publishing this explosive news in the World Daily.

As a result, the newspaper was sold out that day.

It turns out that there is no national boundary or world for gossip.

For this kind of news about the nobility and the church, the top leaders of human countries have always kept it internally blocked and would not leak any of it.

In this way, they create a class gap between them and the common people and their own nobility.

Therefore, the lower-class people rarely know the scandals of the nobility. After suddenly eating such a big gossip, their ignorant hearts were greatly shocked, and the entire Eastern countries had a wave of public opinion.

Although in their hearts, people still only look at this matter with a skeptical attitude, thinking that this new thing called World Daily may be a rumor.

But unexpectedly, Her Highness the Saint of the Holy Kingdom actually jumped out in person not long after, openly carrying out various blasphemous acts in a branch of the Church of Light.

After learning the news, the well-informed paparazzi rushed to the scene as soon as possible, recorded the scenes of Saint Vina's blasphemy with memory crystals, and imprinted them on the newspaper.

The next day, this follow-up news with pictures and truth ignited the heat again, directly making the World Journal, which was neither hot nor cold, explode.

The Holy Kingdom lost face among the countries because of this, and for a while, it did not care about other things and mobilized a large number of troops to capture the former saint who was running around everywhere.

After this incident, Caesar finally found his direction.

He found the selling point of this market.

Those gossip news, such as whose cow gave birth, whose child ran away with whom, are not hot spots, and people don’t want to see them.

They want to see something new, exciting, and unseen.

And nothing makes them feel fresh and exciting more than the scandals of the nobles.

So Caesar began to keep up with the heat, and let his paparazzi dig up the scandals of various nobles and big businessmen. By learning the information left by his own crown, he fabricated very advanced and attractive scandals.Eye-catching news headlines.

It shocked the lower-class people in the Eastern countries who had never received such intensive information shock.

For a time, buying a freshly baked World Daily every morning to see what new gossip there was became almost a daily routine in the Eastern countries.

During this period, many nobles and businessmen who were exposed to scandals and black materials hired adventurers at high prices to try to kill the so-called paparazzi.

But none of them escaped and never returned.

In this way, the World Daily began to grow bigger and stronger, and opened branches in various Eastern countries on a large scale.

During the most popular period, some unexpected situations that should not have occurred broke out because of the World Daily.

For example, a wise earl in the Rose Empire loved the new publication World Daily very much. He usually liked to read the World Daily that was just released that morning while eating breakfast and eating the gossip of other nobles.

One day, he was invited by a friend to leave the territory and go to a manor in a neighboring country for vacation.

He planned to return to his territory in a month.

In order to relax, he went out with his friends for a night after arriving at the manor and returned to the manor the next morning.

As a result, while having breakfast, he saw a series of painted pictures of his wife and his housekeeper having a private meeting in the garden on the World Journal.

If that was all, the Earl would probably just be very disappointed with his wife.

But the damn thing was that the housekeeper was wearing a dress that the Earl would only wear when attending important occasions, which symbolized his status!

More importantly, the paparazzi member who was responsible for collecting this information was particularly careful and wrote down all the conversations between the housekeeper and the Countess, made them into dialog boxes, and marked them next to each picture.

It formed an effect similar to a comic strip.

That is:

The countess frowned and looked at the butler, asking, "Why are you wearing the master's clothes?"

The butler adjusted his collar, put on an aristocratic posture, hugged the countess's "thin waist", touched her head, which was so smooth that a mosquito would slip when standing on it, and licked the corner of her mouth with his tongue, revealing an extremely evil smile.

"My little sweetheart, you don't understand this, right? Since we are pursuing excitement, we must carry it through to the end!"

The countess smiled shyly, revealing eight teeth that were so white that they reflected in the moonlight. She glanced at the butler who pretended to be a count, shyly stretched out her finger and touched the butler's forehead, and spat softly, "Aren't you afraid that the master will come back and find that you stole his clothes and drive you out of the territory?"

"Why should I be afraid?" The butler looked at the countess who weighed more than 500 pounds with affection. "To be honest, I've been fed up with that old man for a long time. I've arranged for someone to kill him when he comes back!

"When that happens, won't this set of clothes still be mine? "

The countess was surprised when she heard this, then her expression changed to an obsessed smile, she opened her mouth and uttered a few words: "You are so coquettish..."

Then the two of them hugged each other and did a series of indescribable things.


After reading the report about his wife and the housekeeper cheating and wanting to kill him to seize the family property, the earl whose head suddenly grew green grass...

He was furious and raged all morning!

He almost died of cerebral congestion.

At that time, the noble friend who had invited the earl to visit was almost crazy when he saw the old earl lying on the ground foaming at the mouth, fearing that the body would be cold when the priest arrived.

Fortunately, his wife seemed to have foresight and hid a high-level male priest in the cloakroom.

Just don't know why, this noble priest was not wearing clothes, and his iconic eight-pack abs were Then exposed to the air.

According to the pastor, he was feeling God's will.

The situation was urgent at the time, and no one cared about this anymore, so they quickly asked him to save people.

Only then did the earl's soul, which had drifted away halfway, forcibly pull back.

After waking up, the earl took out the ancestral sword of his friend's family without saying a word, and took a team of elite soldiers sponsored by his friend.

And a... green hat.

He rushed back to his own territory at night.

At dawn, he arrived at his earl's castle...

According to the paparazzi members who were hiding under the bed to catch the first-hand news, the earl kicked open the door of his bedroom angrily, as if he had turned on a rage, and when he saw the adulterous couple playing on the bed, his whole face was distorted into a purple Muggle...The next day, the countess and the housekeeper who had a secret meeting with her were stripped naked and hung at the city gate with a hemp rope around their necks.

At noon, because the countess was a little overweight, the rope broke and a 500-jin weight fell from the city gate, injuring an innocent passerby...

This incident was naturally recorded in the World Journal, and the innocent passerby received compensation afterwards.

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