"Haha, this is really interesting."

After listening to Kailuo's story about the development of the World Journal and some of the rather dramatic scandals that broke out in it, Irene was amused and laughed cheerfully.

This pleasant laughter naturally attracted the attention of the other drinkers in the tavern.

But before they had the idea of ​​chatting up, they were shocked by the dragon power that Irene inadvertently exuded, and they couldn't help but have a strong premonition that if they went up to chat up, they would die miserably.

Of course, there are also those who don't believe in evil.

For example, now, a human merchant who looks quite rich, after making a bet with his two companions at the same table, stood up, shook the red wine in his hand, and walked drunkenly towards the two figures, one big and one small, by the window.

As the distance got closer, he only felt his heartbeat speeding up.

Every step became heavier.

This made him secretly think: "Is this the feeling of love? God of love, did you hear my call?"

Under the dual buff of this mysterious self-confidence and alcohol, the human merchant carried the faint dragon power and walked behind Irene. His throat rolled and he felt his heart pounding as if it was about to jump out.

This move was naturally seen by Kailuo Luo who was sitting opposite. This simple child wanted to remind Irene, but before she could speak, the merchant had already stretched out his broad palm with five gold-plated space rings to Irene's shoulder.

He said: "Hey, baby..."

But just when his hand was halfway extended, Irene put down the wine glass in her hand. With a light "click", the wine glass fell on the table. The wine in it did not even ripple, and it was abnormally calm.

At the same time, the merchant felt that his body suddenly became extremely heavy, as if there was a mountain on his back. Before he could react, he fell heavily to the ground with a muffled "bang".

The wine glass in his hand also broke into pieces with a "click".

The bright red wine flowed all over the floor.

The hard stone floor was carved with a spider web-like crack by his face.

The tavern suddenly fell into silence.

Kailuo's eyes widened.

About two or three seconds later.


Someone's wine glass fell to the ground because he didn't hold it firmly, and the sound of breaking broke the silence.

The tavern became lively again, as if nothing had happened, but people's eyes glanced away on their own.

Kailuo's eyes were still firmly locked on the unlucky guy on the ground.

The two companions of this guy just came over, and while they were apologizing in a low voice, they hurriedly dragged the unconscious person on the ground out of the door of the tavern like a dead dog.

Until the three of them completely disappeared outside the wooden door of the tavern, Kailuo couldn't help shrinking her neck.

After the conversation just now, she was not so scared at all, and she thought that the big sister in front of her was a good person.

As a result, such a thing happened now.

Kailuo felt like a little white rabbit trembling in front of a big bad wolf, and there was a risk of being eaten at any time.

At this time, a crisp knock on the table drew her attention back.

Kailuo Luo turned back and saw Irene knocking on the table with her knuckles, as if she didn't care about this episode at all, and asked gently: "Then, what happened later?"

"It's impossible for development to be so smooth all the time? Didn't humans find out that the founder of World Journal was an orc?"

The curious look on her face really looked like a listener who was concentrating on listening to the story, as if the action just now was not hers.


Kailuo Luo stretched out her moist little tongue and licked her dry lips, and had to continue reluctantly: "No... The development of World Journal has experienced many ups and downs along the way."

But this time, her tone was a few points lower than before.

Irene didn't care. Through this, she learned about the subsequent events...

It turned out that not long after the World Journal became popular, the nobles and businessmen who were exposed for indecent black materials and evil scandals united together to form an anti-newspaper faction and began to openly smash and destroy the branches of the World Journal in the Eastern countries.

Demanding that they disband the newspaper.

But where there are opponents, there are supporters.

Some guys who support the continued operation of the newspaper also gathered together and formed a newspaper protection faction to fight against those who opposed the newspaper.

And the leader of the newspaper protection faction was the one who was killed by her husband.The old earl who was cuckolded by his butler.

And his aristocratic friend who was also cuckolded at some point.

They believed that the World Journal must continue to operate, otherwise they would not know if they were cuckolded one day.

Because of their different ideas, the two sides soon started to have conflicts, which gradually developed from verbal battles to armed fights.

Later, it even triggered the long-accumulated conflicts between some nobles, and they began to send assassins to assassinate each other's people.

In contrast, the biggest beneficiaries of the World Journal - the civilians.

became the spectators in this newspaper war.

The World Journal sold more than usual during that period.

Every day, people would always buy a copy of the World Journal of the day to see how the anti-newspaper faction and the pro-newspaper faction were fighting.

Then they secretly cheered for the side they supported in their hearts.

In the underground black market, betting even began on the open and covert struggles between the pro-newspaper faction and the anti-newspaper faction.

For a while, the entire aristocratic circle of the Eastern countries was in chaos because of a small newspaper.

"This is so funny." Hearing this, Irene couldn't help but smile and narrowed her eyes, holding her chin with one hand, thinking, 'This little guy Caesar is really capable of making trouble. I should have appointed him as the director of the Strategic Research Bureau earlier.'

Then her eyes turned back to Kailuo Luo, and her eyes flashed. A golden coin suddenly appeared in the air, and "clicked" and fell on the table.

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