"Then you are really lucky." Irene smacked her lips, resealed the barrel and put it on the ground. "If you had taken these wines to trade earlier, it would be a question whether the Iron Fang Tribe still exists now."

"How...how could it be?" Wangcai was stunned, obviously not knowing the value of these wines.

Maybe this is the ignorance of fearlessness.

Irene couldn't help thinking in her heart.

After briefly telling Wangcai the value of these wines, the old dog-headed man was shocked and speechless for a long time.

If these wines are really as precious as the black dragon in front of him said, then their tribe may have been dancing on the edge of a knife all these years.

He had wanted to sell these wines to those human merchants more than once in exchange for something more useful to the tribe, but every time he thought of this was left by the ancestors, he gave up the idea.

Wangcai knew the greedy faces of those human merchants better than anyone else. The dried fruits that the tribesmen had worked hard to accumulate for half a year could only be exchanged for a small bag of salt in the hands of those treacherous merchants at most.

If they saw these wines, I'm afraid those greedy merchants would just rob them.

Their tribe didn't even have a professional, so they couldn't resist at all.

What's more, those greedy guys might even threaten them to hand over the remaining wine, and after squeezing out all their value...

Thinking about this clearly, Wangcai felt a chill on his back and a blackness in front of his eyes.

If the Iron Tooth Tribe was destroyed because of his stupid behavior, how could he face the ancestors after his death.

Trying to stabilize his shaky body, Wangcai straightened his old waist as much as possible, looking at the black dragon in front of him with a sincere face.

"Your Majesty... There is still some wine in the cellar, I will send it all to you."

He murmured, turned around and walked towards the cave entrance tremblingly.

These wines are so precious, with the strength of their tribe, trading with those merchants is like sending themselves to death, it is better to give them all to the two black dragons to please them.

Under their protection, at least the safety of the tribe is guaranteed.

"No need." Irene stretched out her claws and knocked on the wooden barrels filled with wine, making a dull sound. "Take these and trade with the merchants."

"Trade?" The old dog-headed man leaned on the ground with his cane, turned around and looked up at the giant beast in front of him, a little puzzled.

If such precious things were sold to those merchants, they would definitely be greedy for money, and conflicts would definitely break out at that time.

Could it be...

He thought of a possibility.

"Your Majesty, do you want to take action against those merchants?"

Should it be said that he is worthy of being an evil dragon? When he said this idea, David's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked eager to try.

"No." Irene rejected Wangcai's dangerous idea without hesitation. As a young dragon, she didn't want to expose herself too early. The wretched development is the hard truth. If you dare to make trouble and wander around when you are weak, you are either a son of luck or a fool.

Before Wangcai asked again, Irene pushed the wooden barrel forward. "With so much quantity and such high purity, wine will definitely be coveted, but what if the purity is not so high and the quantity is not so large?"

"What do you mean?" The fur on Wangcai's face wrinkled together. Although the dog-headed man is a humanoid race, his IQ is not high. Even though he is the oldest and wisest in the tribe, he could not guess what the black dragon in front of him wanted to express.

"Add water to these wines, one barrel of wine with ten barrels of water, so that its quality is not so high, and then sell it in small quantities and multiple times. In this way, those merchants should not be blinded by money." Irene said.

"But..." Wangcai was still a little hesitant, "Then if those merchants ask where these wines come from, how should I explain it?"

"Where else can it come from?"

Irene lowered her head, staring at the hunched old dog-headed man with golden eyes, and said in a low voice in Wangcai's puzzled eyes: "I made it."

"Ah?" David and Wangcai almost made puzzled sounds at the same time.

Ignoring their reactions, Irene continued:

"Remember, from now on, I am a human bartender who happened to come to the Forsaken Land of God. These wines are all made by me, and you are just selling them for me."

The old dog-headed man was silent for a moment, and finally had to lower his head.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Although he didn't understand why the black dragon insisted on selling those wines, since Your Majesty had spoken, there must be her deep meaning, and as a follower, he just had to be responsible for the execution.

"Sister, why do you want to sell it?" David saw that the dog-headed people began to move the wooden barrels back to the car in an orderly manner, and looked at Irene eagerly: "I haven't drunk it yet."

"For gold coins." Irene said.

As a dragon who changed jobs to become a mage, she knew how expensive it was to be a mage. If she wanted to release higher-level magic and become a higher-level mage, she needed a lot of magic knowledge as a foundation.

Those precious magic knowledge are not free, and they all need to be purchased with gold coins.

This is a considerable investment.

Not to mention drawing magic scrolls and refining potions, which all require a lot of gold coins to buy the required magic materials.

If she wants to go faster and further on this road, spending money is the best way.

If she can sell these wines, the gold coins she gets will be enough for her to move up a level in the mage's career.

This is much more efficient than the dragon itself slowly gaining strength through time.

"Is that so." David didn't know what he thought of, nodded as if he understood, and then his eyes were on the barrels of wine again.

"Sister... can you leave one barrel? I haven't drunk it yet..."

Erin glanced at her silly brother, shook her head helplessly, and said to Wangcai and others who had just loaded the car: "Leave two barrels."

"Okay, Your Majesty." Wangcai moved quickly after receiving the order. After directing others to move two barrels of wine, he pushed the wooden cart and disappeared into the dark tunnel.

David grabbed the barrel he had been thinking about, opened the cork and sniffed it, tried to take a sip, and then he poured it into his mouth with excitement.

The wine overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care until half of the barrel was in his mouth. David suddenly grinned and showed a painful mask.

"How is it, is it delicious?" After taking a sip of the wine, Erin shook the wooden barrel in her claws, and her tone was full of contempt without any disguise. It was just a four-year-old little dragon cub, who actually learned to drink from her.

"Ahem..." David was choked, and reluctantly put away the mask of pain, wiped the wine that had flowed all over his body, and said stubbornly: "It's... delicious!"

After saying that, he felt that this was a bit lacking in confidence, and quickly added: "It's just a little less, I can't bear to drink it all at once, so I'll save it for next time."


Erin looked at David with disdain as he hurriedly put the cork back into the barrel, turned his back, and used his claws to fan his mouth.

After a long pause, the little black dragon seemed to be better. He turned around as if nothing had happened and changed the subject with a serious face: "Sister, what if those merchants want to see you, the 'bartender'?"

Hearing this, Irene swallowed the wine in her mouth, put the barrel away with the hand of a wizard, and said: "Then let them see it?"

"But you are a..."

David's eyes suddenly widened halfway through his words.


In his sight, Irene was gone, replaced by a little loli wearing an ill-fitting wizard robe.


"Tsk, this little wizard's clothes are a bit big, I have to change them later." Irene rolled up her sleeves and raised her little head to look at the ferocious beast in front of her.

"How is it?"

"This is a spell I created myself. I named it Transfiguration."

David was stunned for two seconds, then leaned down, staring at the little Lolita in front of him with his big eyes.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy before?" Irene rolled up her sleeves and looked directly at David, and saw her reflection in his huge pupils.

She now looked only about 1.5 meters tall, with black hair that reached her waist and was a little messy and scattered behind her. On her chubby face were two golden eyes like stars.

The wide black wizard robe was casually draped over her body, and her smooth little feet revealed the wizard robe. Stepping on the cold ground, she felt like she was stealing adult clothes.

"Sister, you are so small." David stretched out his paw and looked at the little Lolita in front of him, and the white air exhaled from his nose sprayed Xiaolongniang's face. "I feel like I can swallow you in one bite."

Erin fanned the white mist in front of her eyes. Hearing this, she exerted force on her feet and jumped two meters high in front of David's surprised eyes. She hit him hard on the head with her little fist, making a dull sound.

"I'm going to swallow your head!"

David's face wrinkled into a ball, and he stood up and stretched out his claws to cover the scales on his head.

"Hiss... I thought I could bully you, how come you are still so strong even though you have become smaller."

"Hehe..." Erin landed lightly on the ground, kicked David's toes with contempt, raised her head and pinched her waist and said, "I'm not really a human, what are you daydreaming about!"


The back of the wizard's robe suddenly rose up, and a big tail covered with black scalesBa crawled out from under the robe, and the little dragon turned her head to look behind her, shaking her dragon tail helplessly.

"Tsk, it seems that using more than 50% of the power will be exposed, and it needs to be improved."

Ignoring David, Irene waved her hand, and several space gems flew out of thin air and were caught steadily in her hands.

She took out the magic book from it, sat cross-legged on the ground and turned the pages, and her not very honest tail swung behind her from time to time.

As early as when she left the Ghana Forest, she had been studying these magics. Now these bronze and black iron magics recorded in the book have been thoroughly studied.

In the final analysis, the release of magic by a mage is just a process of using magic to build a spell model and then releasing it.

The higher the level of magic, the more complex the spell model needs to be constructed, and the higher the requirements for mental strength and magic quality.

But after all, no matter how things change, they still remain the same. As long as some of the connection routes are changed, it will be a brand new magic without collapse.

This Transfiguration was obtained by reversing the Sheep Transfiguration, but it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Seeing the little dragon girl immersed in magic research, David lay aside in a daze with some boredom.

In the silent dragon nest, there was only the rustling sound of turning pages, and the little loli sitting cross-legged on the ground swayed her tail rhythmically from side to side.

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