Being a merchant in the God-forsaken Land is not a good job, although the money earned from a round trip is at least equivalent to half a year's income for an average civilian family.

But compared with the harsh climate and possible dangers along the way, this income does not seem so attractive.

A large part of the bones buried in the desert are those merchants who were unlucky and left in this wild land.

Even so, there are always newcomers who dream of getting rich overnight and set foot on this road made of yellow sand and corpses.


A skull exposed on the surface of the yellow sand was crushed by the horse's hoof.

As he went deeper and deeper into the God-forsaken Land, Magrisius felt that the air was about to burn.

As a new merchant, this was his third time to come to this legendary land cursed by the gods. The gains from the first two times successfully made him a poor boy with nothing, and a small businessman with a little fame.

Gently stroking the packhorse that was constantly panting under his crotch, Magrisius wiped the sweat from his forehead, shielded his head from the dazzling sunlight with his hands, and looked out at this wild land.

Under the high temperature, the air in the distance was slightly distorted, and the rare green was so conspicuous in the endless earthy yellow hills and boulders.

"Guys, it seems that we have arrived. Be smart later, don't be weak in momentum to those barbaric guys, otherwise you will lose a lot of copper coins."

Magrisius turned around and shouted to the three mercenaries who were also riding horses behind him.

"Don't worry, boss." A shirtless scarred man rode forward. "We are all professionals. Those barbaric and backward guys dare not even fart when they see us."

"I feel relieved with your words." Magrisius licked his dry lips, looked towards the oasis, took out the water bottle and drank a sip before continuing: "Guys, let's blast those barbaric guys' gold coins!"

He said it loudly, and then he squeezed the horse's belly hard, galloped forward, and raised a cloud of flying dust.


"Chief! Chief!"

A young dog-headed man rushed in from outside the oasis, shouting, attracting the attention of many dog-headed men in the tribe. Before they could come forward to ask what happened, the dog-headed man had already rushed to the largest stone house in the tribe.

"What happened?" Wangcai walked out of the stone house, saw the dog-headed man rushing over, and walked forward two steps with his crutches to meet him. "Hart, didn't you go out with the hunting team? Why are you back so early?"

"Tribe... Chief..." Hart, the young dog-headed man, leaned on his knees with both hands, bent over and panted while saying: "Traveling merchants... those traveling merchants are coming!"

"Are they finally here?" The wrinkles on Wangcai's head were high. After asking the tribesmen to inform the two His Majesties, he walked into the stone house alone, lifted the stone pier he usually sat on, took out a few gold coins covered with mud from the bottom and carefully stuffed them into the animal skin pocket on his body.


The square was now surrounded by dog-headed men. They were whispering to each other, and their eyes occasionally swept over the humans on horses surrounded in the middle, and the things on their horses, just like looking at a few rare animals.

However, compared with the primitive and barbaric God-forsaken Land, these humans from civilized society are indeed rare animals.

Magrisius was annoyed by these prying eyes, and he winked at the mercenaries beside him.

The mercenaries immediately understood, and showed fierce expressions one by one, showing the power of professionals without hiding. The dog-headed people were frightened and shrank their necks and stepped back.

"What a group of uncivilized guys." A mercenary said loudly, not caring whether the dog-headed people would hear it.

"Isn't it?" Another mercenary who looked like a clergyman also said: "They are barbaric enough to dare to swing swords at the gods. The great gods did not exterminate these guys, but gave them this place to live. The gods are so kind."

"Ahem..." A sudden cough interrupted their discussion. Hearing this sound, the dog-headed people spontaneously made way, and Wangcai walked out of the crowd step by step with a cane.

The mercenaries shut up when they saw the real boss coming. However, Magrisius smiled brightly, jumped off the packhorse, and greeted the old dog-headed man who was walking slowly with open arms.

"Oh! Dear Chief Labdoderick, I'm so glad to see you again. I wonder what you want to trade this time? I brought a lot of good things!"

"Salt."Wangcai uttered two words dryly, staring at the human in front of him with a vigilant look, and had no intention of hugging this treacherous merchant.

He still remembered that when they first met, this treacherous merchant used such a seemingly enthusiastic hug to steal the crystal he had worn for many years.

Being treated coldly, Magrisius cursed this old dog-headed man in his heart, but he still had a playful expression on the surface. "I knew it~"

"But what do you want to exchange, dear Chief Labdoderick?"

"Dried fruit and gold coins." Wangcai reached into the animal skin pocket and rubbed it.

"Oh! Dried fruit again!" Magrisius raised his head, squinted his eyes and showed a face of a treacherous merchant, "Dried fruit is not selling well recently. Those nobles and dignitaries are now tired of these dry things..."

Halfway through, he suddenly closed his mouth, his eyes suddenly widened, and his face was incredible. "What did you say? Gold coins?!"

Then he saw the old dog-headed man in front of him use his skinny fingers to take out a gold coin with some dirt on it from his pocket.

Margrisius grabbed the gold coin in a somewhat inappropriate manner, put it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully for a while, and then put it in his mouth and bit it hard with his teeth, regardless of the dirt on the gold coin.

"Oh! My Lord of Light! This is actually a real gold coin!"

Facing the sun, the rose national emblem engraved on the gold coin flashed with dazzling golden light, which made Margrisius' eyes hurt.

He carefully held the gold coin in his hand, and his eyes moved back to Wangcai's old face. His eyes changed from the previous disdain and showed a flattering smile.

"Oh! My dear patriarch, where did you get this gold coin?"

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